8 research outputs found

    Exploring sequences of challenges and regulation in collaborative learning with process mining methodology

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    Abstract. The present study investigated the sequential interplay between cognitive and emotional/motivational challenges and regulation in collaborative learning groups of two profiles, high and low performing groups. The 77 participants were students of higher education institution, who collaboratively worked on a computer-based simulation in groups of three. The video data of approximately 34 hours was coded on a fine-grained level. Sequential analysis was applied by means of process mining methodology. The results show that in both groups cognitive regulation (i.e., planning, monitoring, and controlling) has a strong sequential relationship with emotional/motivational regulation than cognitive challenges. Unlike low performing groups (LPGs), high performing groups (HPGs) triggered a strong sequential relationship between cognitive regulation and emotional/motivational regulation to tackle cognitive challenges. Moreover, the results reveal that both groups initiated a regulatory process of monitoring. However, for LPGs monitoring manifested more sequences of emotional/motivational challenges which deterred them to run a regulatory process of controlling. Whereas HPGs were active enough to not only monitor but also control their learning by applying different strategies to progress in the task. Regarding statistical analysis, no difference was observed between HPGs and LPGs in terms of duration and frequency of each coding category. In addition, the process models of both groups also demonstrate that one regulatory process (i.e., cognitive) could have more and stronger sequential relationship with other regulatory processes (i.e., emotion/motivation) than cognitive and emotional/motivational challenges. The current study establishes theoretical grounding to advance understanding about the sequential relationship between challenges and regulation in low and high performing collaborative groups. On the practical implication’s front, it also provides empirical insights to develop pedagogical methodologies and designed tailored support to help collaborative groups deal with challenges by initiating regulatory processes to proceed in learning task

    Regulação interpessoal na aprendizagem colaborativa: efeitos na compreensão da leitura e na auto-regulação dos alunos com diferentes estilos cognitivos

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    In this investigation article it’s reported the results of a quasi-experimental study that aimed to evaluate the impact of a computerbased learning environment that supported social regulation on the learning achievement and self-regulation, implemented in 166 high school students in a public institution in Bogotá. Using a 2x2 factorial design, possible differences between two models of social regulation and two methods of group formation were explored, taking into account the field dependence-independence cognitive styles. Non-parametric tests indicated that the computer support significantly impacted reading comprehension, controlbeliefs about learning, and metacognitive self-regulation in the students. A “mancova” reported no significant differences between the experimental groups, after controlling the effect of covariates; however, trends in data indicated that (a) task regulation benefited achievement and self-regulation more than communication regulation; (b) homogeneous groups achieved better resultsthan heterogeneous groups; and (c) although independent subjects achieved better results than field-dependent subjects, the environment removed the significant differences that existed between both cognitive styles before the intervention, in terms of the initial level of reading comprehension. These results suggest that computer-based support for task and collaboration regulationcan benefit achievement and self-regulation during collaborative learning in distance education.En este artículo de investigación se reportan los resultados de un estudio cuasiexperimental que tenía por objeto evaluar el impacto de un ambiente de aprendizaje computacional. Este proyecto apoyaba la regulación social en el aprendizaje y la autorregulación de 166 estudiantes de Educación Media en una institución pública de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Mediante un diseño factorial 2x2, se exploraron las posibles diferencias entre dos modelos de regulación social y dos métodos de conformación grupal, teniendo en cuenta el estilo cognitivo de los sujetos en la dimensión dependencia-independencia de campo. Las pruebas no paramétricas implementadas, señalaron que el ambiente impactó significativamente la comprensión lectora, las creencias de control sobre el aprendizaje y la autorregulación metacognitiva de los participantes. Un Mancova no señaló diferencias significativas entre los grupos experimentales, luego de controlar el efecto de las covariables; no obstante, las tendencias en los datos indicaron que (a) regular la tarea benefició en mayor medida el logro y la autorregulación, en comparación con la regulación de la comunicación; (b) los grupos homogéneos alcanzaron mejores resultados que los grupos heterogéneos; y (c) aunque los sujetos independientes alcanzaron mejores resultados que los sujetos dependientes de campo, el ambiente logró difuminar las diferencias significativas que existían entre ambos estilos cognitivos antes de la intervención, en términos del nivel inicial de comprensión lectora. Estos resultados sugieren que implementar soportes computacionales para apoyar la regulación de la tarea y la colaboración, puede beneficiar el logro y la autorregulación durante el trabajo colaborativo en la educación a distancia.Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados de um estudo quase experimental que visou avaliar o impacto de um ambiente deaprendizagem baseado em computador que apoiou a regulamentação social sobre o desempenho de aprendizagem e autoregulação de 166 alunos do Ensino Médio em uma instituição pública em Bogotá. Utilizando um desenho fatorial 2x2, foram exploradas possíveis diferenças entre dois modelos de regulação social e dois métodos de formação de grupos, levandoem conta o estilo cognitivo dos sujeitos na dimensão da dependência de campo-independência. Testes não-paramétricos indicaram que o ambiente impactou significativamente a compreensão da leitura, crenças de controle sobre a aprendizagem e auto-regulação metacognitiva. Um “mancova” não relatou diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais, após o controle para o efeito de covariáveis; entretanto, tendências em dados indicou que 1) a regulação de tarefas beneficiou mais a realização e a autoregulação do que a regulação da comunicação; 2) grupos homogêneos obtiveram melhores resultados que grupos heterogêneos; e 3) emborasujeitos independentes tenham obtido melhores resultados que sujeitos dependentes do campo, o ambiente conseguiu desfocar as diferenças significativas que existiam entre os dois estilos cognitivos antes da intervenção, em termos do nível inicial de compreensão de leitura. Estes resultados sugerem que os apoios informáticos à regulação das tarefas e da colaboração podem beneficiar a realização e a auto-regulação durante a aprendizagem em colaboração no ensino à distância

    Estrategias pedagógicas y trabajo colaborativo en los estudiantes de sexto y séptimo grado de una institución educativa de Guayaquil, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar que existe relación entre estrategias pedagógicas y el trabajo colaborativo en los estudiantes de sexto y séptimo grado de una institución educativa de Guayaquil, 2022, la metodología utilizada fue una investigación de tipo básica, con enfoque cuantitativo y con diseño no experimental de tipo correlacional asociativa, la muestra de estudio fue de 105 estudiantes de sexto y séptimo grado, la técnica que se empleó para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento aplicado fue el cuestionario, un escala para medir estrategias pedagógicas y una escala para medir el trabajo colaborativo, ambos cuestionarios sometidos a la validez de criterio de tres expertos y se calculó su confiabilidad mediante el alfa de Crombach, para obtener los datos se empleó el análisis estadístico inferencial, los resultados según la Tabla 4 se aprecia que entre estrategias pedagógicas y trabajo colaborativo hay un valor rho de 0,439 que es una correlación positiva moderada y el Sig. (bilateral) es 0,003 que es inferior a 0,05, se llegó a la conclusión que, existe relación entre estrategias pedagógicas y el trabajo colaborativo en los estudiantes de sexto y séptimo grado de una institución educativa de Guayaquil, 2022

    Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Blogging Groups, and Interpretation in the Literature Classroom

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    Community college world literature students are often ill prepared to analyze and interpret passages of creative fiction because traditional, teacher-centric pedagogical approaches do not promote students’ literary interpretive authority. However, a method to fill the interpretation gap remains unclear. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the efficacy of using computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) blogging groups to promote students’ interpretive authority and critical thinking skills. Blending transactional reading theory, social constructivist theory, and transformative learning theory provided the conceptual framework for the study. Participants were 8 students and their instructor from a purposefully selected community college literature class in the Northeast United States that included group blogging as part of its approach to interpreting literature. Data sources were student journals, blog posts, student questionnaires, and an instructor questionnaire. Data analysis was an inductive coding process to discover emerging categories and themes. Results indicated that students felt more comfortable and capable of interpreting literary texts after engaging in a CSCL literary interpretation process, and the course instructor affirmed the perception that students gained authority in interpreting literary texts. Findings may be used by community college literature instructors to promote CSCL blogging activities as a student-centered pedagogical approach for literary interpretation

    A wiki-based process writing approach to academic writing in an ODL institution

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    Writing, an important academic skill for university students to acquire, becomes more important in a distance education institution where assessment is primarily on written work. Successful teaching and learning practices for Open Distance Learning (ODL) incorporate multiple forms of interaction when using technology within a constructivist approach. The study seeks to understand students’ perceptions of wikis within a process writing approach, and the suitability of Web 2.0 technology for tasks designed to teach academic writing. A participatory action research design was selected as it merges social action and research to solve educational problems while increasing human understanding of the phenomena. The findings show that students may be open to using wikis within their actual learning environment. Of significance was the issue of the early integration and engagement of students into online learning communities. The challenges experienced in the study can be addressed adapting Chickering and Ehrmann’s (1996) principles to frame the development of online learning.Teaching Practice UnitM.A. (TESOL

    Learning English as a Foreign Language in an Online Interactive Environment: A Case Study in China

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    This case study is designed to examine Chinese university students’ English as a foreign language (EFL) learning in an online interactive context. Investigation focused on the students’ perceptions of and engagement in EFL learning that occurred in a technology-supported context. Informed by the sociocultural theory, four theoretical constructs: learner autonomy, interactive learning, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and scaffolding, form the theoretical framework to investigate Chinese university students’ EFL learning in a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) context. This theoretical model informs the adoption of a qualitative case study approach with statistical descriptions. A total of 154 Chinese university EFL students participated in the research. Data were collected via a questionnaire, focus groups, individual face-to-face interviews and online documents. Through data analysis, it revealed that Chinese university EFL students had positive perceptions of interactive online language learning, which promoted learner autonomy. Participants were confident about their abilities to find out appropriate learning materials and associated well-scaffolded instructional resources that were within their ZPDs. In the learning process, they enjoyed an increasing level of autonomy in language learning. They autonomously selected, organized and engaged digital resources, including learning materials and tasks as well as learning strategies, in their learning which were appropriate to language levels and catered for their learning needs. They showed the sign of good language learners with high degree of learner autonomy, who indicated a desire to continue their language learning in the future. The participants also regarded online space as a low-stress context for more interactive learning in an English as a foreign language context. Although the participants had developed some degree of learner autonomy via learning in the online mode, their autonomy in language learning, particularly for after-class online EFL learning, was still in development. There was a need for them to expand their language knowledge and skills development, particularly in the area of intercultural learning. Their selection and adoption of learning resources were also expected to improve to suit their current language abilities and their learning needs. Their understanding of and engagement in interactive learning were yet to be enhanced as well as they became more familiar with learning in this emerging context. Built on these findings, a tentative model of online EFL learning for facilitating learner autonomy is proposed to fulfil Chinese EFL students’ language learning needs in an online context, and help them to achieve better learning outcomes. It is envisaged that such a model is replicable to teaching and learning EFL in similar contexts

    Deep language learning at a distance : Investigating the efficacy of a low-cost blended intervention in the small rural primary schools of Greece

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    PhD ThesisThe present research evaluates the impact of a blended remote learning intervention on the English as a Foreign Language attainment of 8-12-year-old children living in rural parts of Greece who, contrary to their urban counterparts, have no access to English language instruction in their schools. Most of the research on blended learning to date has been carried out in the context of higher and secondary education, and thus little is currently known about the practical feasibility and the parameters that might facilitate or impede academic success in a blended learning environment involving primary school children. Furthermore, there has been little systematic attention to the effectiveness of such educational interventions in low-income and resource-scarce settings. Importantly, this thesis moves beyond treating technology as a means by which to simply provide access to automated versions of conventional models of teaching, thus conceptualising ‘quality language learning’ as personalised, participatory, collaborative, guided learning, and deep content. An embedded mixed methods design was used in this study. The primary aims of the research were addressed through a quasi-experimental design. Across eight small rural primary schools, forty-seven children accessed the intervention for forty-five minutes per week over 12 weeks. Additional data were collected, including qualitative semi-structured headteacher and parent interviews, children focus groups and informal observations, to further illuminate factors affecting outcomes. The intervention was established as a significant predictor of gains in three out of five language areas assessed (vocabulary, grammar, and aural comprehension). Evidence from the qualitative strand regarding factors at the intervention level, teacher attributes, and individual child factors that appear to have influenced outcomes are discussed. On the basis of the findings of the present research, a model is proposed of the potential mechanisms underpinning the efficacy of the intervention within the intended contexts, accounting for individual differences and implementation factors.The A.G. Leventis Foundatio