11,171 research outputs found

    Tools for Assessing Climate Impacts on Fish and Wildlife

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    Climate change is already affecting many fish and wildlife populations. Managing these populations requires an understanding of the nature, magnitude, and distribution of current and future climate impacts. Scientists and managers have at their disposal a wide array of models for projecting climate impacts that can be used to build such an understanding. Here, we provide a broad overview of the types of models available for forecasting the effects of climate change on key processes that affect fish and wildlife habitat (hydrology, fire, and vegetation), as well as on individual species distributions and populations. We present a framework for how climate-impacts modeling can be used to address management concerns, providing examples of model-based assessments of climate impacts on salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest, fire regimes in the boreal region of Canada, prairies and savannas in the Willamette Valley-Puget Sound Trough-Georgia Basin ecoregion, and marten Martes americana populations in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. We also highlight some key limitations of these models and discuss how such limitations should be managed. We conclude with a general discussion of how these models can be integrated into fish and wildlife management

    Coastal Tropical Convection in a Stochastic Modeling Framework

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    Recent research has suggested that the overall dependence of convection near coasts on large-scale atmospheric conditions is weaker than over the open ocean or inland areas. This is due to the fact that in coastal regions convection is often supported by meso-scale land-sea interactions and the topography of coastal areas. As these effects are not resolved and not included in standard cumulus parametrization schemes, coastal convection is among the most poorly simulated phenomena in global models. To outline a possible parametrization framework for coastal convection we develop an idealized modeling approach and test its ability to capture the main characteristics of coastal convection. The new approach first develops a decision algorithm, or trigger function, for the existence of coastal convection. The function is then applied in a stochastic cloud model to increase the occurrence probability of deep convection when land-sea interactions are diagnosed to be important. The results suggest that the combination of the trigger function with a stochastic model is able to capture the occurrence of deep convection in atmospheric conditions often found for coastal convection. When coastal effects are deemed to be present the spatial and temporal organization of clouds that has been documented form observations is well captured by the model. The presented modeling approach has therefore potential to improve the representation of clouds and convection in global numerical weather forecasting and climate models.Comment: Manuscript submitted for publication in Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System

    CLIVAR Exchanges - Special Issue: WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 - CMIP5

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    Climate modeling: From global climate models to regional climate applications

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    - Establish a sustainable Global/Regional Climate Modeling team that is capable of simulating regional climate and predicting future hydrological resources - Develop a necessary computer facility for regional climate modeling and links to model and measurements data bases - Educate future scientists in this area of climate researc