21 research outputs found

    Exploring Temporal Patterns in Classifying Frustrated and Delighted Smiles

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    We create two experimental situations to elicit two affective states: frustration, and delight. In the first experiment, participants were asked to recall situations while expressing either delight or frustration, while the second experiment tried to elicit these states naturally through a frustrating experience and through a delightful video. There were two significant differences in the nature of the acted versus natural occurrences of expressions. First, the acted instances were much easier for the computer to classify. Second, in 90 percent of the acted cases, participants did not smile when frustrated, whereas in 90 percent of the natural cases, participants smiled during the frustrating interaction, despite self-reporting significant frustration with the experience. As a follow up study, we develop an automated system to distinguish between naturally occurring spontaneous smiles under frustrating and delightful stimuli by exploring their temporal patterns given video of both. We extracted local and global features related to human smile dynamics. Next, we evaluated and compared two variants of Support Vector Machine (SVM), Hidden Markov Models (HMM), and Hidden-state Conditional Random Fields (HCRF) for binary classification. While human classification of the smile videos under frustrating stimuli was below chance, an accuracy of 92 percent distinguishing smiles under frustrating and delighted stimuli was obtained using a dynamic SVM classifier.MIT Media Lab ConsortiumProcter & Gamble Compan

    A time series feature of variability to detect two types of boredom from motion capture of the head and shoulders

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    Boredom and disengagement metrics are crucial to the correctly timed implementation of adaptive interventions in interactive systems. psychological research suggests that boredom (which other HCI teams have been able to partially quantify with pressure-sensing chair mats) is actually a composite: lethargy and restlessness. Here we present an innovative approach to the measurement and recognition of these two kinds of boredom, based on motion capture and video analysis of changes in head and shoulder positions. Discrete, three-minute, computer-presented stimuli (games, quizzes, films and music) covering a spectrum from engaging to boring/disengaging were used to elicit changes in cognitive/emotional states in seated, healthy volunteers. Interaction with the stimuli occurred with a handheld trackball instead of a mouse, so movements were assumed to be non-instrumental. Our results include a feature (standard deviation of windowed ranges) that may be more specific to boredom than mean speed of head movement, and that could be implemented in computer vision algorithms for disengagement detection

    Distinguishing Posed and Spontaneous Smiles by Facial Dynamics

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    Smile is one of the key elements in identifying emotions and present state of mind of an individual. In this work, we propose a cluster of approaches to classify posed and spontaneous smiles using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) face features, local phase quantization (LPQ), dense optical flow and histogram of gradient (HOG). Eulerian Video Magnification (EVM) is used for micro-expression smile amplification along with three normalization procedures for distinguishing posed and spontaneous smiles. Although the deep CNN face model is trained with large number of face images, HOG features outperforms this model for overall face smile classification task. Using EVM to amplify micro-expressions did not have a significant impact on classification accuracy, while the normalizing facial features improved classification accuracy. Unlike many manual or semi-automatic methodologies, our approach aims to automatically classify all smiles into either `spontaneous' or `posed' categories, by using support vector machines (SVM). Experimental results on large UvA-NEMO smile database show promising results as compared to other relevant methods.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, ACCV 2016, Second Workshop on Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysi

    Affect state recognition for adaptive human robot interaction in learning environments

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    Previous studies of robots used in learning environments suggest that the interaction between learner and robot is able to enhance the learning procedure towards a better engagement of the learner. Moreover, intelligent robots can also adapt their behavior during a learning process according to certain criteria resulting in increasing cognitive learning gains. Motivated by these results, we propose a novel Human Robot Interaction framework where the robot adjusts its behavior to the affect state of the learner. Our framework uses the theory of flow to label different affect states (i.e., engagement, boredom and frustration) and adapt the robot's actions. Based on the automatic recognition of these states, through visual cues, our method adapt the learning actions taking place at this moment and performed by the robot. This results in keeping the learner at most times engaged in the learning process. In order to recognizing the affect state of the user a two step approach is followed. Initially we recognize the facial expressions of the learner and therefore we map these to an affect state. Our algorithm perform well even in situations where the environment is noisy due to the presence of more than one person and/or situations where the face is partially occluded

    Mood meter: counting smiles in the wild

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    In this study, we created and evaluated a computer vision based system that automatically encouraged, recognized and counted smiles on a college campus. During a ten-week installation, passersby were able to interact with the system at four public locations. The aggregated data was displayed in real time in various intuitive and interactive formats on a public website. We found privacy to be one of the main design constraints, and transparency to be the best strategy to gain participants' acceptance. In a survey (with 300 responses), participants reported that the system made them smile more than they expected, and it made them and others around them feel momentarily better. Quantitative analysis of the interactions revealed periodic patterns (e.g., more smiles during the weekends) and strong correlation with campus events (e.g., fewer smiles during exams, most smiles the day after graduation), reflecting the emotional responses of a large community.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Council for the ArtsCaja Madrid (Fellowship)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Festival of Art, Science, and Technology (FAST)

    Using Bayesian Nonparametric Hidden Semi-Markov Models to Disentangle Affect Processes during Marital Interaction

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    abstract: Sequential affect dynamics generated during the interaction of intimate dyads, such as married couples, are associated with a cascade of effects—some good and some bad—on each partner, close family members, and other social contacts. Although the effects are well documented, the probabilistic structures associated with micro-social processes connected to the varied outcomes remain enigmatic. Using extant data we developed a method of classifying and subsequently generating couple dynamics using a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden semi-Markov Model (HDP-HSMM). Our findings indicate that several key aspects of existing models of marital interaction are inadequate: affect state emissions and their durations, along with the expected variability differences between distressed and nondistressed couples are present but highly nuanced; and most surprisingly, heterogeneity among highly satisfied couples necessitate that they be divided into subgroups. We review how this unsupervised learning technique generates plausible dyadic sequences that are sensitive to relationship quality and provide a natural mechanism for computational models of behavioral and affective micro-social processes.The article is published at http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.015570