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    Abstrak: Pertambahan kunjungan wisatawan pariwisata samosir adalah tolak ukur usaha tim promosi Dinas Pariwisata Samosir yaitu melalui media website visitsamosir. Permasalahan (1) mitra kapasitas website semakin hari semakin besar sehingga tidak lagi dapat menampung data yang nantinya dimasukan kedalam website; dan (2) website visitsamosir.com mengalami serangan malware sehingga ketika pengunjung mengakses website mendapatkan pesan-pesan dari malware. Metode yang dilakukan tim PKM (1) melakukan upgrade server visitsamosir dengan penerapan server yang lebih besar dalam penyimpanan data; (2) pembersihan website dari malware dan redesign ulang tampilan website; dan (3) melakukan pelatihan dalam management dan keamanan website visitsamosir.com. Tujuan PKM adalah peningkatan keterampilan sdm devisi promosi dinas pariwisata samosir dalam memanajemen konten website dengan memperhatikan aspek keamamannya, publikasi website dan publikasi kegiatan di media sosial, media elektronik dan jurnal. Hasil PKM staf SDM Promosi dinas pariwisata dapat mempraktikkan pengelolaan website. Proses transfer knowledge tim pkm dapat berjalan baik, peningkatan keterampilan 90% dan adanya keberlanjutan dari kegiatan PKM dengan diskusi melalui group whatsapp jika terdapat kendala dalam mengelola website dinas Pariwisata.Abstract: The increase in tourist visits to Samosir tourism is a benchmark for the efforts of the promotion team of the Samosir Tourism Office, namely through the visitsamosir website media. Problems (1) the partner's website capacity is getting bigger day by day so that it can no longer accommodate data that will later be entered into the website; dan (2) the visitsamosir.com website experiences malware attacks so that when visitors access the website they get messages from malware. The method used by the PKM team (1) is to upgrade the visitsamosir server by implementing a larger server in data storage; (2) cleaning the website from malware and redesigning the website appearance; dan (3) conducting training in the management and security of the visitsamosir.com website. The purpose of PKM is to improve the skills of the promotion division of the Samosir tourism department in managing website content by paying attention to security aspects, website publications and publication of activities on social media, electronic media and journals. The results of PKM HR staff Promotion of the tourism office can practice website management. The PKM team's knowledge transfer process can run well, 90 percent skill improvement and the continuity of PKM activities with discussions via WhatsApp groups if there are obstacles in managing the Tourism Office website

    Analisis Titik Konvergensi Teknologi di Bidang Pertanian Presisi Menggunakan Social Network Analysis

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    Sektor pertanian berkembang dan berinovasi seiring zaman dimulai dari usaha tani tradisional hingga penggunaan teknologi modern. Perkembangan sektor pertanian menghasilkan berbagai jenis teknologi yang dapat diterapkan pada kehidupan nyata yang mana penerapan tersebut secara global seringkali tampak tidak terstruktur tetapi memiliki pola tersembunyi apabila dihubungkan. Pola tersebut direpresentasikan ke dalam graf yang menunjukkan interaksi penerapan teknologi pertanian presisi. Penelitian ini menelusuri teknologi yang banyak digunakan pada pertanian presisi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber informasi dalam peningkatan teknologi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari hingga Mei 2023 di pusat kegiatan mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Soedirman menggunakan metode social network analysis. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah paten terkait pertanian presisi yang ditelusuri menggunakan International Patent Classification (IPC) dan kata kunci tertentu, kemudian paten yang telah terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan software Gephi 0.9.7. Penelitian ini menganalisis karakteristik jaringan sosial serta hubungan antarklasifikasi paten. Jaringan sosial diketahui melalui perhitungan density, average path length, dan modularity, sedangkan hubungan antarklasifikasi diketahui melalui perhitungan degree centrality, eigenvector centrality, dan betweenness centrality. Berdasarkan analisis pada 1000 paten pertanian presisi, jaringan sosial klasifikasi paten tergolong memiliki hubungan yang lemah. Satu sama lain tidak terikat kuat dan cenderung membentuk komunitas yang berbeda. Hal ini dibuktikan dari nilai density yang rendah, yaitu 0,001 dan nilai average path length relatif tinggi, yakni sebesar 5,999. Nilai modularity jaringan sosial mencapai 0,720 yang cenderung tinggi, menandakan terdapat komunitas yang terpisah dengan jelas di dalam jaringan. Sementara itu, berdasarkan centrality tertinggi, hubungan antarklasifikasi banyak dipengaruhi oleh metode pengerjaan tanah, adaptasi, dan visualisasi. Ketiganya memberikan pengaruh dalam kemajuan teknologi pertanian presisi selama 2020 – 2023

    Reference System Element Identification Atlas – methods and tools to identify references system elements in product engineering

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    Companies target innovations, successful new products. One major challenge is to increase efficiency and decrease the risk of developing new successful products. We want to reach these goals by improving the reusability of already existing knowledge elements extracted from e.g., already existing (sub-)systems or their documentation. These elements are called reference system elements and are meant to be the starting point for product development projects. Based on a systematic literature review complemented by an expert workshop and analysis of established methods and tools in product engineering, we developed the Reference System Elements Identification Atlas to support the identification of suiting reference system elements. Within the Reference System Elements Identification Atlas, we collected 30 methods and tools to identify reference system elements and allocated them to the various knowledge spaces they search. All 30 methods and tools were grouped in five clusters – creativity methods, data analysis methods, market/competition analysis methods, similarity methods, and trend analysis methods. We observed that methods and tools are hardly related to the identification of reference system elements in literature explicitly. We believe the Reference System Elements Identification Atlas provides valuable support to collect valuable reference system elements as the starting point in product engineering

    Exploring Technology Influencers from Patent Data Using Association Rule Mining and Social Network Analysis

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    A patent is an important document issued by the government to protect inventions or product design. Inventions consist of mechanical structures, production processes, quality improvements of products, and so on. Generally, goods or appliances in everyday life are a result of an invention or product design that has been published in patent documents. A new invention contributes to the standard of living, improves productivity and quality, reduces production costs for industry, or delivers products with higher added value. Patent documents are considered to be excellent sources of knowledge in a particular field of technology, leading to inventions. Technology trend forecasting from patent documents depends on the subjective experience of experts. However, accumulated patent documents consist of a huge amount of text data, making it more difficult for those experts to gain knowledge precisely and promptly. Therefore, technology trend forecasting using objective methods is more feasible. There are many statistical methods applied to patent analysis, for example, technology overview, investment volume, and the technology life cycle. There are also data mining methods by which patent documents can be classified, such as by technical characteristics, to support business decision-making. The main contribution of this study is to apply data mining methods and social network analysis to gain knowledge in emerging technologies and find informative technology trends from patent data. We experimented with our techniques on data retrieved from the European Patent Office (EPO) website. The technique includes K-means clustering, text mining, and association rule mining methods. The patent data analyzed include the International Patent Classification (IPC) code and patent titles. Association rule mining was applied to find associative relationships among patent data, then combined with social network analysis (SNA) to further analyze technology trends. SNA provided metric measurements to explore the most influential technology as well as visualize data in various network layouts. The results showed emerging technology clusters, their meaningful patterns, and a network structure, and suggested information for the development of technologies and inventions