11 research outputs found

    User satisfaction of chatbot system

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study was to identify how the research trend of user satisfaction of chatbots in customer services is presented. As the recent raise of attention in chatbots system, especially in commercial use, the user satisfaction should be considered. The main research question was how is the topic of user satisfaction of chatbot system in customer service presented in the prior academic research? Therefore, it was distributed into 3 sub-questions; how did the amount of research change according to time? How and why did the researchers conduct the research? How did the existing literature evaluate the user satisfaction? Systematic mapping study research methodology was applied in the study. This research methodology considered the prior literature as primary studies then categorized them in order to get answer to research question. The results were how frequency the research had been published based on different scheme. 26 articles were involved as primary studies. The schemes included year of publication, research approach and user satisfaction evaluation approach. The main contribution of this study was to discover trend regarding user satisfaction of chatbot in customer service context. This would help structure academic research area and motivate future research as well as being a guidance for conducting new research. The studied proved that the topic was still received a lot of interest from researchers as number of literatures regarding topic were growing. However, the results also stated that there was still lacking of research in some area or in specific scheme. As this study’s goal is to discover the research trend in order to identify the research gap, the future research is encouraged regarding the gap identified as well as the improvement of this study

    Design of Cognitive Rehabilitation Training System using Artificial Intelligence

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    This study is a study to design a cognitive(dementia) rehabilitation training system using the MMSE-DS protocol and the GDS protocol using artificial intelligence to analyze the user's cognitive ability and infer cognitive domain content correlation inference algorithms. For research on cognitive judgment technology using artificial intelligence, We provide an integrated cognitive rehabilitation service platform, provide customized training content by building a cognitive rehabilitation evaluation and training user data storage and analysis database, and design an algorithm to help improve users' learning ability by building an artificial intelligence system. The user's cognitive ability analysis and cognitive domain content inference algorithm using artificial intelligence is the purpose is to design a cognitive judgment platform and implement a system to apply cognitive evaluation to people with mild cognitive impairment and utilize cognitive rehabilitation content based on cognitive judgment technology system design technology. Through this study, we aim to provide direction for the future field of cognitive rehabilitation combined with artificial intelligenc

    Factors Influencing Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents Usage in the E-commerce Field: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Artificial intelligence conversational agents have become an important strategy for business, both as an online shopping application and as a customer support solution, where they provide interactive communication for online customers. To ensure the effective usage and successful implementation of the conversational agents, the factors influencing customers\u27 attitudes and acceptance towards conversational agents need to be explored. This paper presents a systematic literature review of conversational agents in the field of e-commerce to identify the variables that influence conversational agents\u27 usage and to present the state-of-the-art in this research area. Twenty-four relevant papers are reviewed, and many significant factors are identified that positively influence customers\u27 acceptance, satisfaction, and trust towards conversational agents’ technology


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    Lots of organizations use subscription business models. However, with increasing competition and technological progress switching costs for customers are decreasing. This development can translate to serious issues for subscription-based businesses, requiring action. Traditionally, businesses used mailings or calls, which are costly, time-consuming and often not effective. In this research-in-progress paper, we explore conversational churn prevention as a potential remedy. We present a conversational agent with persuasive design features (e.g., nudges) and first results from a pre-study. We conduct an in-between subject experiment and interviews for our mixed-methods evaluation of our pre-study. Our work contributes to theory, by presenting more insights into the interaction quality of conversational agents in the context of churn prevention of digital services and the role of persuasive design. We support practitioners, by guiding them towards more effective use of conversational agents to improve their services and to predict churn

    Exploring Language Style in Chatbots to Increase Perceived Product Value and User Engagement

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    Chatbots that can automatically answer customer requests have become a common feature on e-commerce Web sites. There are many factors that might affect overall customer satisfaction with such services. We explore how adding language style to e-commerce chatbots can be used to increase user satisfaction, perceived product value, user interest in a product, and user engagement with a chatbot service. We conducted an experimental pilot study, where two chatbots were used to sell theatre tickets: one communicating in modern English and one in a Shakespearean-style dialect. 169 participants interacted with a randomly-assigned version of the chatbot. The results indicate that the bot talking in modern English showed a significantly higher user satisfaction, whereas the Shakespearean-styled chatbot showed higher user engagement and perceived product value. It was also found that the modern chatbot version was more often referred to as being 'easy to use', whereas the Shakespearean chatbot version was more often referred to as being 'fun to use'

    Chatbot para la orientación de servicios en transportes de vehículos menores

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    Este proyecto tiene como finalidad implementar un asistente virtual (chatbot) para mejorar la orientación de los usuarios con respecto al servicio de transporte de vehículos menores. Las empresas de transporte de vehículos menores del distrito de Mala, mantienen informados a los usuarios de las rutinas, acontecimientos, normativas, políticas, trámites y diversos sucesos que se pudieran presentar internamente o por parte de la municipalidad. La falta de comunicación y desánimo de algunos usuarios por no haber sido atendido eficazmente, me motivo al enfoque de la implementación de un chatbot que satisfaga las necesidades comunicativas entre la empresa de trasporte y los usuarios, de tal manera que las diversa informaciones se encuentren registradas en una base de datos para ser consultadas y atendidas las 24 horas del día por el chatbot de la empresa. Gracias a los actuales avances tecnológico, y la facilidad de adquirir el libre conocimientos en diversos medios, mi proyecto de investigación dará grandes ventajas y beneficios tanto para la empresa como para los usuarios, pues la empresa orientara mejor y tendrá más usuarios satisfechos y las consultas serán atendidas al instante por medio del chatbot. Mi investigación cuantitativa contemplará la creación de un chatbot como asistente virtual la cual orientará a los diversos usuarios de temas relacionado con la asociación de transporte de vehículos menores de la empresa, el tipo de diseño es pre experimental, se realizara una encuesta antes y después de la implementación del chatbot para obtener y comparar un resultado favorable

    The Effects of a Healthcare Chatbots\u27 Language and Persona on User Trust, Satisfaction, and Chatbot Effectiveness

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    Healthcare technology is growing in its capabilities and capacity to impact people’s daily lives. One area of interest for growth is the use of chatbots and other telehealth applications that allow people to receive ubiquitous health information. The benefit of these systems is the ability to give access to pertinent, personalized healthcare information and services that could otherwise be inaccessible for some populations. With personalized information, patients may gain the information needed to make efficacious healthcare decisions which ideally will result in quicker recovery times and lower overall healthcare system costs. Chatbots have already been studied in the healthcare domain as resources for smoking cessation, diet recommendation, and other assistive applications. Yet, few studies have examined the specific design characteristics of healthcare chatbots. My research objective was to analyze two characteristics, language and persona, and their effect on outcomes such as effectiveness, usability, and trust in a chatbot. A between-subject study was performed where participants interacted with a chatbot. Each of chatbot conditions had a language of either technical or non-technical, and persona of Doctor, Nurse, or Nursing Student Sarah. Language was found to have a significant effect on effectiveness, but not trust or usability. In particular, participants who experienced technical language improved significantly greater than those who experienced non-technical language. Persona was found to not be significant for any of the outcomes. Overall, this study demonstrated a need to further study and understand how chatbot design characteristics impact users and how they comprehend the information given to them, particularly from a healthcare perspective

    Chatbot basado en Dialogflow para la orientación de servicios en la empresa Guimartbot S.A.C.

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    El proyecto de investigación presenta el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un chatbot basado en Dialogflow para la orientación de servicios en la empresa Guimartbot S.A.C. Esta intervención surge de la urgencia de agilizar y mejorar la orientación de servicios debido a los inconvenientes encontrados en los indicadores de grado de satisfacción del usuario y grado de la calidad de servicio, a consecuencia de la poca efectividad en el proceso que brinda la empresa. Por lo cual, la presente tiene por objetivo determinar la influencia del chatbot basado en Dialogflow en la orientación de servicios en la empresa Guimartbot S.A.C. Se emplea la metodología Prometheus para el desarrollo del chatbot, con el uso de las tecnologías JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio Code, Dialogflow y WhatsApp Business. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, el diseño que adoptamos es preexperimental, el enfoque utilizado es cuantitativo y el alcance se caracteriza como descriptivo. Se trabajó con una población de 127 clientes potenciales, analizando una muestra de 95 de ellos. El proceso de muestreo fue probabilístico aleatorio. Para la recolección de datos, utilizamos las técnicas de encuesta y fichaje, apoyándonos en los instrumentos correspondientes: el cuestionario y la ficha de registro. Finalmente, la implementación del chatbot consiguió que el indicador grado de satisfacción del usuario se incremente en un 44,21%; mientras que, en el indicador grado de la calidad de servicio se logró un a mejora del 43,08%. Frente a ello, podemos concluir que el chatbot influye positivamente en la orientación de servicios, lo cual permite identificar las mejoras de los indicadores de estudio. Se recomienda capacitar a administrativos para que se familiaricen con el sistema; actualizar regularmente la base de conocimientos del chatbot y seguir mejorando su personalización; al mismo tiempo, monitorear y optimizar sus tiempos de respuesta, así como integrarlo a otros canales de comunicación de la empresa

    Chatbot para el aprendizaje de soporte técnico computacional

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    En esta investigación se enfocó en la realización de un asistente virtual como herramienta tecnológica enfocado al aprendizaje. El problema del estudio se enfoco en el aprendizaje de soporte técnico computacional a través de un chatbot para poder permitir incrementar el conocimiento, motivación y satisfacción del usuario interesado en la tecnología y servicios básicos técnicos. Hay demasiadas personas que al buscar una información se pasan buscando mucho tiempo por plataformas virtuales, libros, paginas no protegidas, buscadores no licenciados, bots considerando que la información puede ser modificado o alterada, confundiendo al usuario por la masa de información. El objetivo del proyecto es determinar la influencia de un Chatbot para la orientación de soporte técnico computacional. Por otro lado, el tipo de investigación es cuantitativa, aplicada. Seguidamente, el enfoque cuantitativo midió la variable aprendizaje de soporte técnico computacional para usuarios interesados en cuestiones técnicas de soporte técnico empleando estadística para la interpretación de los resultados. Este informe de investigación obtuvo como resultado el incremento de conocimiento en un 85.71%, el incremento de motivación en un 29.05% y la satisfacción de la mayoría de los usuarios se reflejó en el incremento de la satisfacción en un 28.97 % en el aprendizaje acerca de soporte técnico computacional mediante la utilización de uso del Chatbot. Se recomienda que el asistente virtual inteligente pueda ser desarrollado para más plataformas virtuales no solo Telegram permitiendo que muchas personas de diferentes edades puedan incrementar su conocimiento sobre soporte técnico y sus conceptualizaciones que va permitir conocer sobre el ámbito tecnológico