275 research outputs found

    RWTH ASR Systems for LibriSpeech: Hybrid vs Attention -- w/o Data Augmentation

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    We present state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems employing a standard hybrid DNN/HMM architecture compared to an attention-based encoder-decoder design for the LibriSpeech task. Detailed descriptions of the system development, including model design, pretraining schemes, training schedules, and optimization approaches are provided for both system architectures. Both hybrid DNN/HMM and attention-based systems employ bi-directional LSTMs for acoustic modeling/encoding. For language modeling, we employ both LSTM and Transformer based architectures. All our systems are built using RWTHs open-source toolkits RASR and RETURNN. To the best knowledge of the authors, the results obtained when training on the full LibriSpeech training set, are the best published currently, both for the hybrid DNN/HMM and the attention-based systems. Our single hybrid system even outperforms previous results obtained from combining eight single systems. Our comparison shows that on the LibriSpeech 960h task, the hybrid DNN/HMM system outperforms the attention-based system by 15% relative on the clean and 40% relative on the other test sets in terms of word error rate. Moreover, experiments on a reduced 100h-subset of the LibriSpeech training corpus even show a more pronounced margin between the hybrid DNN/HMM and attention-based architectures.Comment: Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 201

    The Challenges of Recognizing Offline Handwritten Chinese: A Technical Review

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    Offline handwritten Chinese recognition is an important research area of pattern recognition, including offline handwritten Chinese character recognition (offline HCCR) and offline handwritten Chinese text recognition (offline HCTR), which are closely related to daily life. With new deep learning techniques and the combination with other domain knowledge, offline handwritten Chinese recognition has gained breakthroughs in methods and performance in recent years. However, there have yet to be articles that provide a technical review of this field since 2016. In light of this, this paper reviews the research progress and challenges of offline handwritten Chinese recognition based on traditional techniques, deep learning methods, methods combining deep learning with traditional techniques, and knowledge from other areas from 2016 to 2022. Firstly, it introduces the research background and status of handwritten Chinese recognition, standard datasets, and evaluation metrics. Secondly, a comprehensive summary and analysis of offline HCCR and offline HCTR approaches during the last seven years is provided, along with an explanation of their concepts, specifics, and performances. Finally, the main research problems in this field over the past few years are presented. The challenges still exist in offline handwritten Chinese recognition are discussed, aiming to inspire future research work

    Handwriting recognition by using deep learning to extract meaningful features

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    [EN] Recent improvements in deep learning techniques show that deep models can extract more meaningful data directly from raw signals than conventional parametrization techniques, making it possible to avoid specific feature extraction in the area of pattern recognition, especially for Computer Vision or Speech tasks. In this work, we directly use raw text line images by feeding them to Convolutional Neural Networks and deep Multilayer Perceptrons for feature extraction in a Handwriting Recognition system. The proposed recognition system, based on Hidden Markov Models that are hybridized with Neural Networks, has been tested with the IAM Database, achieving a considerable improvement.Work partially supported by the Spanish MINECO and FEDER founds under project TIN2017-85854-C4-2-R.Pastor Pellicer, J.; Castro-Bleda, MJ.; España Boquera, S.; Zamora-Martinez, FJ. (2019). Handwriting recognition by using deep learning to extract meaningful features. AI Communications. 32(2):101-112. https://doi.org/10.3233/AIC-170562S101112322Baldi, P., Brunak, S., Frasconi, P., Soda, G., & Pollastri, G. (1999). Exploiting the past and the future in protein secondary structure prediction. Bioinformatics, 15(11), 937-946. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/15.11.937LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature, 521(7553), 436-444. doi:10.1038/nature14539Bertolami, R., & Bunke, H. (2008). Hidden Markov model-based ensemble methods for offline handwritten text line recognition. Pattern Recognition, 41(11), 3452-3460. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2008.04.003Bianne-Bernard, A.-L., Menasri, F., Mohamad, R. A.-H., Mokbel, C., Kermorvant, C., & Likforman-Sulem, L. (2011). Dynamic and Contextual Information in HMM Modeling for Handwritten Word Recognition. 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    Transparent Authentication Utilising Gait Recognition

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    Securing smartphones has increasingly become inevitable due to their massive popularity and significant storage and access to sensitive information. The gatekeeper of securing the device is authenticating the user. Amongst the many solutions proposed, gait recognition has been suggested to provide a reliable yet non-intrusive authentication approach – enabling both security and usability. While several studies exploring mobile-based gait recognition have taken place, studies have been mainly preliminary, with various methodological restrictions that have limited the number of participants, samples, and type of features; in addition, prior studies have depended on limited datasets, actual controlled experimental environments, and many activities. They suffered from the absence of real-world datasets, which lead to verify individuals incorrectly. This thesis has sought to overcome these weaknesses and provide, a comprehensive evaluation, including an analysis of smartphone-based motion sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope), understanding the variability of feature vectors during differing activities across a multi-day collection involving 60 participants. This framed into two experiments involving five types of activities: standard, fast, with a bag, downstairs, and upstairs walking. The first experiment explores the classification performance in order to understand whether a single classifier or multi-algorithmic approach would provide a better level of performance. The second experiment investigated the feature vector (comprising of a possible 304 unique features) to understand how its composition affects performance and for a comparison a more particular set of the minimal features are involved. The controlled dataset achieved performance exceeded the prior work using same and cross day methodologies (e.g., for the regular walk activity, the best results EER of 0.70% and EER of 6.30% for the same and cross day scenarios respectively). Moreover, multi-algorithmic approach achieved significant improvement over the single classifier approach and thus a more practical approach to managing the problem of feature vector variability. An Activity recognition model was applied to the real-life gait dataset containing a more significant number of gait samples employed from 44 users (7-10 days for each user). A human physical motion activity identification modelling was built to classify a given individual's activity signal into a predefined class belongs to. As such, the thesis implemented a novel real-world gait recognition system that recognises the subject utilising smartphone-based real-world dataset. It also investigates whether these authentication technologies can recognise the genuine user and rejecting an imposter. Real dataset experiment results are offered a promising level of security particularly when the majority voting techniques were applied. As well as, the proposed multi-algorithmic approach seems to be more reliable and tends to perform relatively well in practice on real live user data, an improved model employing multi-activity regarding the security and transparency of the system within a smartphone. Overall, results from the experimentation have shown an EER of 7.45% for a single classifier (All activities dataset). The multi-algorithmic approach achieved EERs of 5.31%, 6.43% and 5.87% for normal, fast and normal and fast walk respectively using both accelerometer and gyroscope-based features – showing a significant improvement over the single classifier approach. Ultimately, the evaluation of the smartphone-based, gait authentication system over a long period of time under realistic scenarios has revealed that it could provide a secured and appropriate activities identification and user authentication system

    Deep Learning Architectures for Novel Problems

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    With convolutional neural networks revolutionizing the computer vision field it is important to extend the capabilities of neural-based systems to dynamic and unrestricted data like graphs. Doing so not only expands the applications of such systems, but also provide more insight into improvements to neural-based systems. Currently most implementations of graph neural networks are based on vertex filtering on fixed adjacency matrices. Although important for a lot of applications, vertex filtering restricts the applications to vertex focused graphs and cannot be efficiently extended to edge focused graphs like social networks. Applications of current systems are mostly limited to images and document references. Beyond the graph applications, this work also explored the usage of convolutional neural networks for intelligent character recognition in a novel way. Most systems define Intelligent Character Recognition as either a recurrent classification problem or image classification. This achieves great performance in a limited environment but does not generalize well on real world applications. This work defines intelligent Character Recognition as a segmentation problem which we show to provide many benefits. The goal of this work was to explore alternatives to current graph neural networks implementations as well as exploring new applications of such system. This work also focused on improving Intelligent Character Recognition techniques on isolated words using deep learning techniques. Due to the contrast between these to contributions this documents was divided into Part I focusing on the graph work, and Part II focusing on the intelligent character recognition work