7 research outputs found

    Investigating the document structure as a source of evidence for multimedia fragment retrieval

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    International audienceMultimedia objects can be retrieved using their context that can be for instance the text surrounding them in documents. This text may be either near or far from the searched objects. Our goal in this paper is to study the impact, in term of effectiveness, of text position relatively to searched objects. The multimedia objects we consider are described in structured documents such as XML ones. The document structure is therefore exploited to provide this text position in documents. Although structural information has been shown to be an effective source of evidence in textual information retrieval, only a few works investigated its interest in multimedia retrieval. More precisely, the task we are interested in this paper is to retrieve multimedia fragments (i.e. XML elements having at least one multimedia object). Our general approach is built on two steps: we first retrieve XML elements containing multimedia objects, and we then explore the surrounding information to retrieve relevant multimedia fragments. In both cases, we study the impact of the surrounding information using the documents structure.Our work is carried out on images, but it can be extended to any other media, since the physical content of multimedia objects is not used. We conducted several experiments in the context of the Multimedia track of the INEX evaluation campaign. Results showed that structural evidences are of high interest to tune the importance of textual context for multimedia retrieval. Moreover, the proposed approach outperforms state of the art approaches

    A framework for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) scene retrieval from medical simulation videos based on object and activity detection.

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    In this thesis, we propose a framework to detect and retrieve CPR activity scenes from medical simulation videos. Medical simulation is a modern training method for medical students, where an emergency patient condition is simulated on human-like mannequins and the students act upon. These simulation sessions are recorded by the physician, for later debriefing. With the increasing number of simulation videos, automatic detection and retrieval of specific scenes became necessary. The proposed framework for CPR scene retrieval, would eliminate the conventional approach of using shot detection and frame segmentation techniques. Firstly, our work explores the application of Histogram of Oriented Gradients in three dimensions (HOG3D) to retrieve the scenes containing CPR activity. Secondly, we investigate the use of Local Binary Patterns in Three Orthogonal Planes (LBPTOP), which is the three dimensional extension of the popular Local Binary Patterns. This technique is a robust feature that can detect specific activities from scenes containing multiple actors and activities. Thirdly, we propose an improvement to the above mentioned methods by a combination of HOG3D and LBP-TOP. We use decision level fusion techniques to combine the features. We prove experimentally that the proposed techniques and their combination out-perform the existing system for CPR scene retrieval. Finally, we devise a method to detect and retrieve the scenes containing the breathing bag activity, from the medical simulation videos. The proposed framework is tested and validated using eight medical simulation videos and the results are presented

    AM-FM methods for image and video processing

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    This dissertation is focused on the development of robust and efficient Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation (AM-FM) demodulation methods for image and video processing (there is currently a patent pending that covers the AM-FM methods and applications described in this dissertation). The motivation for this research lies in the wide number of image and video processing applications that can significantly benefit from this research. A number of potential applications are developed in the dissertation. First, a new, robust and efficient formulation for the instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation: a variable spacing, local quadratic phase method (VS-LQP) is presented. VS-LQP produces much more accurate results than current AM-FM methods. At significant noise levels (SNR \u3c 30dB), for single component images, the VS-LQP method produces better IF estimation results than methods using a multi-scale filterbank. At low noise levels (SNR \u3e 50dB), VS-LQP performs better when used in combination with a multi-scale filterbank. In all cases, VS-LQP outperforms the Quasi-Eigen Approximation algorithm by significant amounts (up to 20dB). New least squares reconstructions using AM-FM components from the input signal (image or video) are also presented. Three different reconstruction approaches are developed: (i) using AM-FM harmonics, (ii) using AM-FM components extracted from different scales and (iii) using AM-FM harmonics with the output of a low-pass filter. The image reconstruction methods provide perceptually lossless results with image quality index values bigger than 0.7 on average. The video reconstructions produced image quality index values, frame by frame, up to more than 0.7 using AM-FM components extracted from different scales. An application of the AM-FM method to retinal image analysis is also shown. This approach uses the instantaneous frequency magnitude and the instantaneous amplitude (IA) information to provide image features. The new AM-FM approach produced ROC area of 0.984 in classifying Risk 0 versus Risk 1, 0.95 in classifying Risk 0 versus Risk 2, 0.973 in classifying Risk 0 versus Risk 3 and 0.95 in classifying Risk 0 versus all images with any sign of Diabetic Retinopathy. An extension of the 2D AM-FM demodulation methods to three dimensions is also presented. New AM-FM methods for motion estimation are developed. The new motion estimation method provides three motion estimation equations per channel filter (AM, IF motion equations and a continuity equation). Applications of the method in motion tracking, trajectory estimation and for continuous-scale video searching are demonstrated. For each application, we discuss the advantages of the AM-FM methods over current approaches

    Semantics of video shots for content-based retrieval

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    Content-based video retrieval research combines expertise from many different areas, such as signal processing, machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision. As video extends into both the spatial and the temporal domain, we require techniques for the temporal decomposition of footage so that specific content can be accessed. This content may then be semantically classified - ideally in an automated process - to enable filtering, browsing, and searching. An important aspect that must be considered is that pictorial representation of information may be interpreted differently by individual users because it is less specific than its textual representation. In this thesis, we address several fundamental issues of content-based video retrieval for effective handling of digital footage. Temporal segmentation, the common first step in handling digital video, is the decomposition of video streams into smaller, semantically coherent entities. This is usually performed by detecting the transitions that separate single camera takes. While abrupt transitions - cuts - can be detected relatively well with existing techniques, effective detection of gradual transitions remains difficult. We present our approach to temporal video segmentation, proposing a novel algorithm that evaluates sets of frames using a relatively simple histogram feature. Our technique has been shown to range among the best existing shot segmentation algorithms in large-scale evaluations. The next step is semantic classification of each video segment to generate an index for content-based retrieval in video databases. Machine learning techniques can be applied effectively to classify video content. However, these techniques require manually classified examples for training before automatic classification of unseen content can be carried out. Manually classifying training examples is not trivial because of the implied ambiguity of visual content. We propose an unsupervised learning approach based on latent class modelling in which we obtain multiple judgements per video shot and model the users' response behaviour over a large collection of shots. This technique yields a more generic classification of the visual content. Moreover, it enables the quality assessment of the classification, and maximises the number of training examples by resolving disagreement. We apply this approach to data from a large-scale, collaborative annotation effort and present ways to improve the effectiveness for manual annotation of visual content by better design and specification of the process. Automatic speech recognition techniques along with semantic classification of video content can be used to implement video search using textual queries. This requires the application of text search techniques to video and the combination of different information sources. We explore several text-based query expansion techniques for speech-based video retrieval, and propose a fusion method to improve overall effectiveness. To combine both text and visual search approaches, we explore a fusion technique that combines spoken information and visual information using semantic keywords automatically assigned to the footage based on the visual content. The techniques that we propose help to facilitate effective content-based video retrieval and highlight the importance of considering different user interpretations of visual content. This allows better understanding of video content and a more holistic approach to multimedia retrieval in the future

    Semantic multimedia modelling & interpretation for search & retrieval

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    With the axiomatic revolutionary in the multimedia equip devices, culminated in the proverbial proliferation of the image and video data. Owing to this omnipresence and progression, these data become the part of our daily life. This devastating data production rate accompanies with a predicament of surpassing our potentials for acquiring this data. Perhaps one of the utmost prevailing problems of this digital era is an information plethora. Until now, progressions in image and video retrieval research reached restrained success owed to its interpretation of an image and video in terms of primitive features. Humans generally access multimedia assets in terms of semantic concepts. The retrieval of digital images and videos is impeded by the semantic gap. The semantic gap is the discrepancy between a user’s high-level interpretation of an image and the information that can be extracted from an image’s physical properties. Content- based image and video retrieval systems are explicitly assailable to the semantic gap due to their dependence on low-level visual features for describing image and content. The semantic gap can be narrowed by including high-level features. High-level descriptions of images and videos are more proficient of apprehending the semantic meaning of image and video content. It is generally understood that the problem of image and video retrieval is still far from being solved. This thesis proposes an approach for intelligent multimedia semantic extraction for search and retrieval. This thesis intends to bridge the gap between the visual features and semantics. This thesis proposes a Semantic query Interpreter for the images and the videos. The proposed Semantic Query Interpreter will select the pertinent terms from the user query and analyse it lexically and semantically. The proposed SQI reduces the semantic as well as the vocabulary gap between the users and the machine. This thesis also explored a novel ranking strategy for image search and retrieval. SemRank is the novel system that will incorporate the Semantic Intensity (SI) in exploring the semantic relevancy between the user query and the available data. The novel Semantic Intensity captures the concept dominancy factor of an image. As we are aware of the fact that the image is the combination of various concepts and among the list of concepts some of them are more dominant then the other. The SemRank will rank the retrieved images on the basis of Semantic Intensity. The investigations are made on the LabelMe image and LabelMe video dataset. Experiments show that the proposed approach is successful in bridging the semantic gap. The experiments reveal that our proposed system outperforms the traditional image retrieval systems

    Towards effective cross-lingual search of user-generated internet speech

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    The very rapid growth in user-generated social spoken content on online platforms is creating new challenges for Spoken Content Retrieval (SCR) technologies. There are many potential choices for how to design a robust SCR framework for UGS content, but the current lack of detailed investigation means that there is a lack of understanding of the specifc challenges, and little or no guidance available to inform these choices. This thesis investigates the challenges of effective SCR for UGS content, and proposes novel SCR methods that are designed to cope with the challenges of UGS content. The work presented in this thesis can be divided into three areas of contribution as follows. The first contribution of this work is critiquing the issues and challenges that in influence the effectiveness of searching UGS content in both mono-lingual and cross-lingual settings. The second contribution is to develop an effective Query Expansion (QE) method for UGS. This research reports that, encountered in UGS content, the variation in the length, quality and structure of the relevant documents can harm the effectiveness of QE techniques across different queries. Seeking to address this issue, this work examines the utilisation of Query Performance Prediction (QPP) techniques for improving QE in UGS, and presents a novel framework specifically designed for predicting of the effectiveness of QE. Thirdly, this work extends the utilisation of QPP in UGS search to improve cross-lingual search for UGS by predicting the translation effectiveness. The thesis proposes novel methods to estimate the quality of translation for cross-lingual UGS search. An empirical evaluation that demonstrates the quality of the proposed method on alternative translation outputs extracted from several Machine Translation (MT) systems developed for this task. The research then shows how this framework can be integrated in cross-lingual UGS search to find relevant translations for improved retrieval performance