20 research outputs found

    Model Mental dan Kemampuan Spasial Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama dan Ketiga Pendidikan Kimia di Universitas Mataram

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    Pembelajaran kimia yang lengkap menuntut mahasiswa untuk memahami materi kimia dengan menghubungkan tiga level representasi, yaitu representasi makroskopik, simbolik, dan submikroskopik. Kemampuan menghubungkan ketiga level representasi tersebut disebut dengan model mental. Model mental terdiri atas model mental saintifik, sintetik, dan inisial. Dalam mengembangkan model mental, dibutuhkan kemampuan spasial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi model mental dan kemampuan spasial mahasiswa pendidikan kimia tahun pertama dan tahun ketiga Universitas Mataram dan menganalisis hubungan antara model mental dan kemampuan spasial mahasiswa. Ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji beda (uji t) dan uji regresi linear. Berdasarkan uji t, tidak ada perbedaan model mental antara mahasiswa tahun pertama dan tahun kedua dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,861>0,05. Selain itu, kemampuan spasial mereka juga tidak berbeda, yaitu dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,328>0,05. Terdapat hubungan antara model mental dan kemampuan spasial mahasiswa. Sebagian besar mahasiswa tahun pertama (81,25%) dan tahun ketiga (79,5) memiliki kemampuan spasial sangat rendah. Selain itu, model mental dari sebagain besar mahasiswa tahun pertama dan tahun ketiga juga masih pada level paling rendah, yaitu level inisial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran di kelas belum mampu meningkatkan kemampuan spasial dan model mental mahasiswa


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    Purposes: In article influence of a game method of training on the formation of interest at seniors in profound studying of a subject of chemistry is considered. Game technologies in teaching are used for a long time, but their importance inactivation of cognitive activity of students does not lose relevance. By means of a didactic game, it is possible to realize with success everything the leading functions of training: educational, bringing up and developing. Methodology: Authors describe the scenario of a lesson game of chemistry on the subject "Hydrocarbons" for students of the 10th classes, do the analysis of results of the performance of tasks at all stages of a game and give criteria of estimates. Results: Following the results of the questioning which is carried out among school students the conclusion is drawn that thanks to a game method at a lesson, it was succeeded to increase interest in a subject, the level of digestion of material, to make active orientation on the acquisition of knowledge and motivation of success. During the game, the creative atmosphere reigns in a class thanks to what such lessons promote the maximum realization of abilities of each pupil and develop skills of group interaction. Didactic games can be used at all stages of the process of training: when studying a new subject, fixing of the gained knowledge, at the control of results. Implications/Applications: Implementing new methods in the study can aid the audience to be prospered. Game theory can be the practical inefficient study of chemistry. Novelty/Originality: The research of the influence of didactic games on the formation of informative activity of students was conducted in the form of the quest with the subject devoted 190-year since the birth of A.M. Butlerov.&nbsp

    Exploring virtual reality to improve engineering students' spatial abilities pilot study

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    A Virtual Reality pilot study is conducted to improve the spatial ability of engineering students based on solid geometry scenarios. The investigation focused on the Graphic Expression and Computer-Aided Design (GECAD) course, specifically on the study of the spatial abilities developed and the assessment of the academic results in the solid geometry module. A total of 20 participants completed three activities (6 h) in an immersive virtual learning environment (IVLE), using head-mounted display (HMD) glasses. Modeling exercises of three-dimensional geometric shapes are proposed, based on concepts of solid geometry. The scenarios are built step by step and the students can regulate the progress between stages while observing the geometric components at the scale and in the point of view they wish. Beyond academic results, the assessment of student improvement is based on spatial abilities tests: the Differential Aptitude Test: Spatial Relations Subset DAT-SR, Purdue Spatial Visualisation Test: Rotations PSVT:R and Mental Cutting Test MCT. Those tests are applied for evaluating different skills: mental folding, mental rotation and section by a plane. In summary, a methodology is proposed developing activities in an (IVLE) with 3D modelling software applied in solid geometry, in order to promote the development of spatial ability (SA). Spatial abilities are measured before and after the classroom activities and looking for correlations between the spatial perception tests (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT) and academic results in solid geometry. In addition, we also wish to determine the students' opinion with regard to the proposed activities. The results obtained confirm the interest in using IVLE to develop spatial abilities in engineering students. Substantial increases of 10,9% in DAT:SR, 8,8 % in PSVT:R and 9,5% in MCT between pre- and post-tests were found. Moreover, the students' opinion of IVLE/HMD activities is positive. The methodology can be summarized in the following steps: 1. Students take the DAT:SR , PSVT:R and MCT prior to the activities. They also answer the survey on other variables that can affect SA (1 h). 2. The students individually complete the exercises with the 3D modelling software SolidWorks (10 h). 3. The IVLE activities consist of the guided reading by the professor of the completed exercise. The professor addresses the concepts of solid geometry used in each step. The students have a few minutes to view with HMD the animation showing the construction of the geometric shape, and once the representation is finished, they can move freely throughout the scenario, using the keyboard options (6 h). 4. Students solve the (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT after the IVLE activities. At the end, the groups answer the satisfaction survey (1 h). 5. All the students are evaluated on their knowledge of the solid geometry contents by means of a test and 3D modelling exercises similar to those done in class and those described in the IVRL (1h). 6. Finally, the analysis of the spatial abilities test data, the controlled variables survey, satisfaction surveys and the academic results obtained in the solid geometry module enable us to examine the correlations and the strongest determining factors in order to obtain good academic results and propose IVLE activities to improve the levels of spatial ability obtained on the tests. This paper describes the exploratory methodology used and its results.Postprint (published version

    The Role of Spatial Ability in Learning with Virtual Reality: A Literature Review

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    No research has systematically reviewed the role of spatial ability in virtual reality (VR) learning. This has resulted in inefficiencies in educators’ ability to adopt personalized teaching strategies based on learners’ spatial ability to maximize the effectiveness of VR. Therefore, this study conducted a literature review on spatial ability in VR learning to provide researchers and educators with a comprehensive understanding of how spatial ability affects VR learning. After searching Scopus with keywords and applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, the researchers identified 30 relevant research articles for the review. This literature review mainly analyzed research trends, contexts, theories, methodologies, and findings from the identified articles. The contradictory role of spatial ability in VR learning was also summarized. Based on the literature analysis, this study identified research gaps and indicated directions for future research

    Üç Boyutlu Sanal Ortamlar ve Artırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamalarının Öğrenme Başarısı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması

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    The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of three dimensional (3D) virtual environment and augmented reality applications on learning achievement. In line with this purpose, experimental studies were considered and the effects of experimental and control groups on learning achievement analyzed. In the experimental group, the applications which were established through the 3D virtual environment and augmented reality technologies while control group consisted of face to face environment. In order to realize this aim, the meta-analysis method used in educational sciences was preferred. Key words for 3D virtual environments meta-analysis scanning are: ‘“3D virtual world” & achievement’ and ’“3D virtual environment” & achievement’. And the key word determined for the augmented reality meta- analysis scanning is ’“augmented reality” & achievement’. Within the context of the research, the databases such as Science Direct, ERIC, Taylor & Francis, EBSCO, Emerald, JSTOR, SAGE, SpringerLink and Google Scholar were analyzed. The determined keywords were entered into the aforementioned databases and 4.682 articles published between 2010 and 2016 were controlled in terms of their conformity to the objectives of the research. After the initial analysis, 47 articles were determined on 3D virtual environment while 57 articles were on the augmented reality. Among the 47 articles on 3D virtual environments, 20 articles which conform to the inclusion criteria were determined and 24 articles among the 57 articles on augmented reality were employed for meta-analysis. The dependent variable of the research is learning achievement while independent variable is experimental and control groups. Education level was determined as the moderator variable in the research. According to the results of the research, it was found that 3D virtual environments had moderate levels of effect on learning achievement on behalf of the experimental group (d=0.32). similar to those results, augmented reality applications had also moderate level of effect on learning achievement on behalf of experimental group (d=0.46). According to the results of the moderator analysis conducted, it was determined that the selection of the study sample as undergraduate, primary school, high school and secondary school did not change the effect size of the 3D virtual environments on the learning success. Again, according to the results of the moderator analysis, it was determined that the selection of the study sample as a secondary school, primary school and graduate did not change the effect size of the augmented reality applications on the learning success.Araştırmanın amacı, 3 boyutlu (3B) sanal ortam ve artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, deneysel çalışmalar dikkate alınarak, deney ve kontrol gruplarının öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etkisine bakılmıştır. Deney grubunda, bu teknolojiler kullanılarak oluşturulan uygulamalar yer alırken, kontrol grubunda yüz yüze ortam yer almıştır. Bu amacı gerçekleştirebilmek için eğitim bilimleri alanında kullanılan meta-analiz yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. 3 boyutlu sanal ortamlar meta-analiz taramasına yönelik olarak belirlenen anahtar sözcükler: ’“3D virtual world” & achievement’ ve ’“3D virtual environment” & achievement’ olmuştur. Artırılmış gerçeklik meta-analiz taraması için belirlenen anahtar kelime ise ’“augmented reality” & achievement’ olmuştur. Araştırma kapsamında ilgili araştırmalara ulaşabilmek için Science Direct, ERIC, Taylor & Francis, EBSCO, Emerald, JSTOR, SAGE, SpringerLink ve Google Scholar veri tabanları incelenmiştir. Bu veri tabanlarına belirlenen anahtar kelimeler girilerek, 2010-2016 yılları arasında yayınlanmış olan 4.682 makalenin araştırmanın amacına uygunluğu kontrol edilmiştir. Yapılan ilk incelemeden sonra, 3B sanal ortamlar için 47 makale, artırılmış gerçeklik için ise 57 makale belirlenmiştir. 3B sanal ortamlar için 47 makale içerisinden dâhil etme kriterlerine uyan 20 makale, artırılmış gerçeklik için ise 57 makaleden dâhil etme kriterlerine uyan 24 makale belirlenerek meta-analize tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkeni öğrenme başarısı iken bağımsız değişkeni deney ve kontrol gruplarıdır. Araştırmada moderatör değişken olarak öğretim seviyesi belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, 3B sanal ortamların deney grubu lehine öğrenme başarısı üzerinde orta düzeyde bir etki büyüklüğü (d=0.32) olduğu görülmüştür. Bu sonuca benzer olarak, artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının da deney grubu lehine öğrenme başarısı üzerinde orta düzeyde bir etkiye (d=0.46) sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yapılan moderatör analizi sonucuna göre çalışmanın örnekleminin lisans, ilkokul, lise ve ortaokul olarak seçilmesinin, 3 boyutlu sanal ortamların öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etki büyüklüğünü değiştirmediği belirlenmiştir. Yine yapılan moderatör analizi sonucuna göre çalışmanın örnekleminin ortaokul, ilkokul ve lisans olarak seçilmesinin, artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etki büyüklüğünü değiştirmediği belirlenmiştir

    Describing the Experiences of Students with ADHD Learning Science Content with Emerging Technologies

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    Emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, haptics, and 3-dimensionality, provide novel opportunities to allow students to investigate scientific phenomena by fostering perceptions of virtual presence, the feeling of being sensorially immersed and authentically interacting within a computer-generated virtual learning environment (VLE). Neurotypical learners are largely represented in VLE research on science learning, with fewer with neurodivergent learners, such as students with ADHD. This descriptive case study sought to address the dearth in the literature on neurodivergent students’ experiences, with emerging technologies, for learning science. Specifically, the case describes the extent to which neurodivergent learners experience the affordances of VLEs for science learning, as compared to their neurotypical peers, in: zooming, spatially orienting and rotating objects, viewing multiple representations and abstract processes in real-time, as well engaging in risk through multiple trials. Five middle grades students (diagnosed with ADHD) were assessed and observed using a tool (zSpace) that combines emerging technologies to learn cardiac anatomy and physiology. Students’ utterances of virtual presence and technological affordances were coded, and frequency counts and percentages were calculated, both individually and collectively. The results found that students most described sensory (41%), control (30%), and realism (26%) constructs with fewer reports of holding their attention (3%). Analyses of cardiac assessments found gains in scores for spatial rotation and viewing abstract processes, no change in score in viewing multiple representations, and a decrease in scores for spatial orientation. This case study provides unique insight into the needs of neurodivergent learners when using emerging technologies for science learning

    A causal loop approach to uncover interrelationship of student online interaction and engagement and their contributing factors

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    Advances in technology reinforce the imperative to obtain further insight into the factors that impact online interaction in online environments. Even though past researchers have extracted factors impacting student online interaction and engagement, there is a lack of research that uncovers the dynamics of these relationships and investigates the impact of a comprehensive set of factors on student online interaction at the same time. Thus, this paper seeks to fill this gap by employing a causal loop approach to uncover the interrelationships of these factors that contribute to a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes, and to evaluate satisfaction and engagement in online courses by focussing on students’ online interaction. To this end, a rich qualitative data set was obtained from an online focus group consisting of students from a large online course, and a thematic analysis was conducted resulting in identifying different factors that played a role in the topic under study. More importantly, causal loop modelling was used to model these factors and their causal interrelationships

    Virtual Worlds in Education - A systematic Literature Review

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    Virtual worlds (VWs) are no novum in higher education but regain interest through COVID-19 restrictions, emerging technologies, and the metaverse hype. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature review to gain the current status quo of research in higher and further education to identify the educational activities, research areas, learning environments, technologies towards the metaverse, subjects taught, and the current state of design knowledge. The initially found 587 records were systematically filtered to 89 fully coded articles. Based on our results, we define research gaps and derive research streams. Our results reveal a lack of research on social integration, course design, non-technical target groups, theoretical grounding and general design knowledge within the given context. The metaverse trend has reached educational research in the way that from 2016 onwards, new technologies are investigated selectively for educational purposes


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    This study investigated the effect that the video game Portal 2 had on students understanding of Newton’s Laws and their attitudes towards learning science during a two-week afterschool program at a science museum. Using a pre/posttest and survey design, along with instructor observations, the results showed a statistically relevant increase in understanding of Newton’s Laws (p=.02\u3c.05) but did not measure a relevant change in attitude scores. The data and observations suggest that future research should pay attention to non-educational aspects of video games, be careful about the amount of time students spend in the game, and encourage positive relationships with game developers