33,717 research outputs found

    Triaging Content Severity in Online Mental Health Forums

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    Mental health forums are online communities where people express their issues and seek help from moderators and other users. In such forums, there are often posts with severe content indicating that the user is in acute distress and there is a risk of attempted self-harm. Moderators need to respond to these severe posts in a timely manner to prevent potential self-harm. However, the large volume of daily posted content makes it difficult for the moderators to locate and respond to these critical posts. We present a framework for triaging user content into four severity categories which are defined based on indications of self-harm ideation. Our models are based on a feature-rich classification framework which includes lexical, psycholinguistic, contextual and topic modeling features. Our approaches improve the state of the art in triaging the content severity in mental health forums by large margins (up to 17% improvement over the F-1 scores). Using the proposed model, we analyze the mental state of users and we show that overall, long-term users of the forum demonstrate a decreased severity of risk over time. Our analysis on the interaction of the moderators with the users further indicates that without an automatic way to identify critical content, it is indeed challenging for the moderators to provide timely response to the users in need.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (2017

    Utilization of Media-Driven Technology for Health Promotion and Risk Reduction among American Indian and Alaska Native Young Adults: An Exploratory Study

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    Across the developmental spectrum, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adolescents and young adults experience considerable behavioral and mental health disparities, including substance abuse, depression, and engagement in sexual behaviors which enhance risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Health-focused interventions utilizing digital and media technology hold significant promise among tribal communities, as they have the capacity to eliminate geography-based barriers. Utilizing a sample of 210 self-identified AI/AN students attending tribal colleges, this study identified the most effective technologies and intervention strategies, as well as health seeking patterns and preferences, which may impact implementation and sustainable use in tribal settings. The use of technology was both diverse and pervasive among AI/AN young adults, mirroring or exceeding patterns of young adults from the broader population. These data suggest that technology-based interventions may effectively deliver information, resources, and behavior change tools to AI/AN young adults, particularly when reflecting their unique worldviews and social contexts

    Depression and Self-Harm Risk Assessment in Online Forums

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    Users suffering from mental health conditions often turn to online resources for support, including specialized online support communities or general communities such as Twitter and Reddit. In this work, we present a neural framework for supporting and studying users in both types of communities. We propose methods for identifying posts in support communities that may indicate a risk of self-harm, and demonstrate that our approach outperforms strong previously proposed methods for identifying such posts. Self-harm is closely related to depression, which makes identifying depressed users on general forums a crucial related task. We introduce a large-scale general forum dataset ("RSDD") consisting of users with self-reported depression diagnoses matched with control users. We show how our method can be applied to effectively identify depressed users from their use of language alone. We demonstrate that our method outperforms strong baselines on this general forum dataset.Comment: Expanded version of EMNLP17 paper. Added sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, FastText baseline, and CNN-

    Initiating Change of People With Criminal Justice Involvement Through Participation in a Drama Project: An Exploratory Study

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    Introduction: Innovative and interdisciplinary approaches are needed to improve mental health and psychosocial outcomes of people with criminal justice involvement and their families. Aim of the study was to assess effects of the participation in a theatre project on the mental health problems of people with criminal justice involvement and relatives. Methods: We conducted structured diagnostic interviews and in-depth qualitative interviews with five participants performing Shakespeare's Richard III in Chile. Three participants had been imprisoned prior to the project, and two were the parents of a person who died in a prison fire. Qualitative interviews followed a topic guide. Data were transcribed, and a six-phase approach for thematic analysis of the data was used. Results: Substance use disorder or major depression was identified in all the participants. Participation in the theatre project was experienced by the respondents as having a positive effect on the mental health conditions. The research registered the positive experiences of role identification, emotional expression, commitment with group processes, improved skills to socially interact, to be heard by the general public and society, and positive perceptions of the audience (including relatives). Discussion: The study raises the possibility that there may be improvements of depression and substance use problems through the participation of people with criminal justice involvement in a drama project. Wider scale research is recommended on the possible effects. The approach may be an alternative to psychotherapy and medication for some individuals

    A Network Analysis Examining Dissociation and Suicide Risk in Military Veterans and Non-Veterans

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    Higher rates of dissociation are related to more severe psychopathology, psychiatric comorbidity, and poorer response to treatment, yet there is limited research examining dissociation as a transdiagnostic factor. In particular, examining dissociation in a Veteran sample is vital, as Veterans have been shown to have higher trauma exposure and dissociation rates than non-Veterans. Dissociation has been linked to several adverse outcomes related to Veterans, particularly suicide, as dissociation may increase the possibility of a suicidal act because of intensified disconnect from the body. However, research examining the relationship between dissociation, suicide, and additional related factors has been limited, given the complexity of these relationships. Recently, a statistical technique called network analysis has made it possible to expand our understanding of how dissociation relates to suicide and other related comorbid disorders by allowing the examination of multiple complex interactions and facilitators and compare these networks to civilian samples. Military Veterans (n=254) and a comparative sample of non-Veterans (n=284) were recruited for a brief survey through online platforms. Our results indicated that Veterans reported significantly higher levels of depersonalization and derealization, dissociative amnesia, suicidal ideation, posttraumatic stress symptoms, anxious arousal, and pain tolerance; however, non-Veterans reported significantly higher levels of emotion dysregulation. Network analysis results revealed that there were no significant differences in network structures or node strength between these two networks, and addressing dissociative amnesia, depressive symptoms, and generalized anxiety may have broad effects on overall symptomatology for both Veterans and non-Veterans. However, there were some differences in the relative expected influence of nodes on the model in Veterans compared to non-Veterans, namely, that depersonalization and derealization may be important to consider and influence overall pathology in Veterans. Limitations of this study included uneven sample sizes within subsamples and the use of a cross-sectional sample, which limits the ability to determine causality. Future studies using longitudinal and multimodal approaches are needed to continue to investigate the potential causal mechanisms underlying these relationships

    The Role of Masculinity in the Development of Capability for Suicide

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    Males account for over two-thirds of suicide deaths annually. Additionally, more than 50% of American suicide deaths annually are firearm-related. Suicide risk is elevated within firearm owning households and men are more likely to own firearms, which suggests that male firearm owners are at disproportionate risk for suicide. Prior research has argued that certain stereotypically male traits (e.g., lack of help-seeking) may explain sex differences in suicide death; however, this remains a poorly understood phenomenon. Male gender norms (e.g. physical toughness, self-reliance) may contribute to the development or expression of capability for suicide, primarily through their impact on behavior. The current study attempted to clarify sex differences in suicide death by examining sex differences in capability for suicide among male and female firearm owners. A structural equation modeling approach was utilized to test proposed and alternative theoretical models, which examined at the impact of sex, masculine norm adherence, and the interaction of both, on latent capability constructs. Results revealed that neither the proposed nor alternative measurement model converged, suggesting that latent capability variables were not appropriately measuring their intended constructs. An exploratory path analysis assessing relationships between observed variables provided some preliminary support for the existence of sex differences across indicators of capability, as well as the influence of masculine norm adherence on capability. Overall, these results indicated that capability for suicide is a complex construct not easily captured by existing measurement tools. Limitations to the current study’s design preclude strong inferences regarding the relationships between sex, masculine norm adherence, and indicators of capability for suicide. However, exploratory findings offer insight regarding potentially fruitful areas for further exploration. Future directions and potential interventions are discussed

    Preventing Suicide in Colorado: Progress Achieved & Goals for the Future

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    This 2009 report, issued jointly by Mental Health America of Colorado and The Colorado Trust, updates both the state's 1998 Suicide Prevention and Intervention Plan to address Colorado's historically high suicide rate, as well as The Trust's 2002 report Suicide in Colorado, which documented the problem of suicide across the state and identified suicide-prevention resources. This report details key facts and figures about the suicide rate in Colorado, many of the prevention achievements in the past 10 years, and recommendations to strengthen suicide prevention and awareness efforts into the future
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