5 research outputs found

    Exploration of unknown environments using a compass, topological map and neural network

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    This paper addresses the problem of autonomous exploration and mapping of unknown environments by a mobile robot. A map-based exploration system is presented, in which a topological map of the environment is acquired incrementally by the robot, using an artificial neural network to detect new areas of unexplored territory. Using this approach, no manual intervention in the map acquisition process is required, and all computation is carried out in real-time on board the robot. Experiments are presented in which a Nomad 200 robot successfully mapped and navigated complex, real world environments containing transient changes such as moving people


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    This article describes the developed rangefinder measurement device suitable for automatic mapping systems. This device uses a high-quality optical capture sensor and a laser beam. In this article are presented the measurement results and the distance measurement algorithms based on image processing methods. This system is mainly used for distance measurement, but it is suitable for automatic exploration and mapping systems too. The advantage of the developed system is a distance measurement process processing each point on the detected vertical laser beam and the possibility of using low-cost components

    Control de Robots M贸viles Aut贸nomos : Planificaci贸n de rutas en mapas geom茅tricos

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    La implementaci贸n de los AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) en peque帽as empresas puede suponer un coste inicial demasiado elevado, por lo que son necesarios AGVs econ贸micos donde el peso de la implementaci贸n recae en el software. En este documento se presenta el desarrollo e implementaci贸n de un algoritmo para la planificaci贸n de rutas en un mapa 2D a partir de su transformaci贸n en un mapa topol贸gico. Se han estudiado las alternativas existentes y se han analizado nuevas hasta encontrar una soluci贸n adecuada, que consiste en un m茅todo propio basado en uno de expansi贸n. Como resultado se ha obtenido un algoritmo funcional que se ha probado en diferentes escenarios para analizar su comportamiento.L'implementaci贸 dels AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) en petites empresas pot suposar un cost inicial massa elevat, per la qual cosa s贸n necessaris AGVs econ貌mics on el pes de l'implementaci贸 recau en el software. En aquest document es presenta el desenvolupament i l'implementaci贸 d'un algorisme per a la planificaci贸 de rutes en un mapa 2D a partir de la seva transformaci贸 en un mapa topol貌gic. S'han estudiat les alternatives existents i s'han analitzat de noves fins a trobar una soluci贸 adequada, que consisteix en un m猫tode propi basat en un d'expansi贸. Com a resultat s'ha obtingut un algorisme funcional que s'ha provat en diferents escenaris per analitzar el seu comportament.Implementation of AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) in small businesses may have too high initial cost, which is why we need economical AGVs where the burden of implementation lies with the software. This document describes the development and implentation of an algorithm for route planning on a 2D map from its transformation into a topological map. We have studied the existing alternatives and analyzed new ones to find an appropriate solution, which consists in a method based on one of expansion. As a result we have obtained a functional algorithm that has been tested in different scenarios to analyze their behavior