5,820 research outputs found

    Exploration in Information Distribution Maps

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    In this paper, a novel solution for autonomous robotic exploration is proposed. The distribution of information in an unknown environment is modeled as an unsteady diffusion process, which can be an appropriate mathematical formulation and analogy for expanding, time-varying, and dynamic environments. This information distribution map is the solution of the diffusion process partial differential equation, and is regressed from sensor data as a Gaussian Process. Optimization of the process parameters leads to an optimal frontier map which describes regions of interest for further exploration. Since the presented approach considers a continuous model of the environment, it can be used to plan smooth exploration paths exploiting the structural dependencies of the environment whilst handling sparse sensors measurements. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulation results in the well-known Freiburg and Cave maps

    Cellular Automata Applications in Shortest Path Problem

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    Cellular Automata (CAs) are computational models that can capture the essential features of systems in which global behavior emerges from the collective effect of simple components, which interact locally. During the last decades, CAs have been extensively used for mimicking several natural processes and systems to find fine solutions in many complex hard to solve computer science and engineering problems. Among them, the shortest path problem is one of the most pronounced and highly studied problems that scientists have been trying to tackle by using a plethora of methodologies and even unconventional approaches. The proposed solutions are mainly justified by their ability to provide a correct solution in a better time complexity than the renowned Dijkstra's algorithm. Although there is a wide variety regarding the algorithmic complexity of the algorithms suggested, spanning from simplistic graph traversal algorithms to complex nature inspired and bio-mimicking algorithms, in this chapter we focus on the successful application of CAs to shortest path problem as found in various diverse disciplines like computer science, swarm robotics, computer networks, decision science and biomimicking of biological organisms' behaviour. In particular, an introduction on the first CA-based algorithm tackling the shortest path problem is provided in detail. After the short presentation of shortest path algorithms arriving from the relaxization of the CAs principles, the application of the CA-based shortest path definition on the coordinated motion of swarm robotics is also introduced. Moreover, the CA based application of shortest path finding in computer networks is presented in brief. Finally, a CA that models exactly the behavior of a biological organism, namely the Physarum's behavior, finding the minimum-length path between two points in a labyrinth is given.Comment: To appear in the book: Adamatzky, A (Ed.) Shortest path solvers. From software to wetware. Springer, 201

    Partial differential equations for self-organization in cellular and developmental biology

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    Understanding the mechanisms governing and regulating the emergence of structure and heterogeneity within cellular systems, such as the developing embryo, represents a multiscale challenge typifying current integrative biology research, namely, explaining the macroscale behaviour of a system from microscale dynamics. This review will focus upon modelling how cell-based dynamics orchestrate the emergence of higher level structure. After surveying representative biological examples and the models used to describe them, we will assess how developments at the scale of molecular biology have impacted on current theoretical frameworks, and the new modelling opportunities that are emerging as a result. We shall restrict our survey of mathematical approaches to partial differential equations and the tools required for their analysis. We will discuss the gap between the modelling abstraction and biological reality, the challenges this presents and highlight some open problems in the field

    Scalable Approach to Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Design of Interconnected Dynamical Systems

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    Development of robust dynamical systems and networks such as autonomous aircraft systems capable of accomplishing complex missions faces challenges due to the dynamically evolving uncertainties coming from model uncertainties, necessity to operate in a hostile cluttered urban environment, and the distributed and dynamic nature of the communication and computation resources. Model-based robust design is difficult because of the complexity of the hybrid dynamic models including continuous vehicle dynamics, the discrete models of computations and communications, and the size of the problem. We will overview recent advances in methodology and tools to model, analyze, and design robust autonomous aerospace systems operating in uncertain environment, with stress on efficient uncertainty quantification and robust design using the case studies of the mission including model-based target tracking and search, and trajectory planning in uncertain urban environment. To show that the methodology is generally applicable to uncertain dynamical systems, we will also show examples of application of the new methods to efficient uncertainty quantification of energy usage in buildings, and stability assessment of interconnected power networks

    Autonomous Behaviors With A Legged Robot

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    Over the last ten years, technological advancements in sensory, motor, and computational capabilities have made it a real possibility for a legged robotic platform to traverse a diverse set of terrains and execute a variety of tasks on its own, with little to no outside intervention. However, there are still several technical challenges to be addressed in order to reach complete autonomy, where such a platform operates as an independent entity that communicates and cooperates with other intelligent systems, including humans. A central limitation for reaching this ultimate goal is modeling the world in which the robot is operating, the tasks it needs to execute, the sensors it is equipped with, and its level of mobility, all in a unified setting. This thesis presents a simple approach resulting in control strategies that are backed by a suite of formal correctness guarantees. We showcase the virtues of this approach via implementation of two behaviors on a legged mobile platform, autonomous natural terrain ascent and indoor multi-flight stairwell ascent, where we report on an extensive set of experiments demonstrating their empirical success. Lastly, we explore how to deal with violations to these models, specifically the robot\u27s environment, where we present two possible extensions with potential performance improvements under such conditions

    Probabilistic Physics-integrated Neural Differentiable Modeling for Isothermal Chemical Vapor Infiltration Process

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    Chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) is a widely adopted manufacturing technique used in producing carbon-carbon and carbon-silicon carbide composites. These materials are especially valued in the aerospace and automotive industries for their robust strength and lightweight characteristics. The densification process during CVI critically influences the final performance, quality, and consistency of these composite materials. Experimentally optimizing the CVI processes is challenging due to long experimental time and large optimization space. To address these challenges, this work takes a modeling-centric approach. Due to the complexities and limited experimental data of the isothermal CVI densification process, we have developed a data-driven predictive model using the physics-integrated neural differentiable (PiNDiff) modeling framework. An uncertainty quantification feature has been embedded within the PiNDiff method, bolstering the model's reliability and robustness. Through comprehensive numerical experiments involving both synthetic and real-world manufacturing data, the proposed method showcases its capability in modeling densification during the CVI process. This research highlights the potential of the PiNDiff framework as an instrumental tool for advancing our understanding, simulation, and optimization of the CVI manufacturing process, particularly when faced with sparse data and an incomplete description of the underlying physics

    A state-of-the-art of physics-informed neural networks in engineering

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    Técnicas de machine learning vêm ganhando cada vez mais espaço no cenário industrial no intuito de converter o crescente fluxo de informação (data) em melhorias de processos. Entre tais técnicas, as redes neuronais se destacam devido à sua capacidade de aproximador universal de funções, cuja performance pode ser enriquecida ao se fornecer conhecimentos físicos prévios: tem-se, então, o desenvolvimento das Physics-informed neural networks (PINN). Nesse contexto e observando-se um “gap” na produção de trabalhos relacionados ao tema e da difusão dessa temática na grade de formação dos cursos da Escola de Química, esse trabalho se propõe a realizar um estado da arte da técnica mencionada. Observou-se interesse particular das PINN para aplicações em mecânica dos fluidos e transferência de calor. Ademais, as PINN se mostram ferramentas importantes tanto para a resolução de problemas ditos “diretos” quanto “indiretos”. Por fim, através de exemplos práticos, constatou-se a capacidade de se aproximar funções de interesse particular na indústria química usando-se redes neurais sem nenhuma informação física do problema (obtenção do fator de atrito) e utilizando-se a equação diferencial que descreve o problema (resolução da equação de difusão em 1D)

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems

    Adaptive and learning-based formation control of swarm robots

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    Autonomous aerial and wheeled mobile robots play a major role in tasks such as search and rescue, transportation, monitoring, and inspection. However, these operations are faced with a few open challenges including robust autonomy, and adaptive coordination based on the environment and operating conditions, particularly in swarm robots with limited communication and perception capabilities. Furthermore, the computational complexity increases exponentially with the number of robots in the swarm. This thesis examines two different aspects of the formation control problem. On the one hand, we investigate how formation could be performed by swarm robots with limited communication and perception (e.g., Crazyflie nano quadrotor). On the other hand, we explore human-swarm interaction (HSI) and different shared-control mechanisms between human and swarm robots (e.g., BristleBot) for artistic creation. In particular, we combine bio-inspired (i.e., flocking, foraging) techniques with learning-based control strategies (using artificial neural networks) for adaptive control of multi- robots. We first review how learning-based control and networked dynamical systems can be used to assign distributed and decentralized policies to individual robots such that the desired formation emerges from their collective behavior. We proceed by presenting a novel flocking control for UAV swarm using deep reinforcement learning. We formulate the flocking formation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), and consider a leader-follower configuration, where consensus among all UAVs is used to train a shared control policy, and each UAV performs actions based on the local information it collects. In addition, to avoid collision among UAVs and guarantee flocking and navigation, a reward function is added with the global flocking maintenance, mutual reward, and a collision penalty. We adapt deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) with centralized training and decentralized execution to obtain the flocking control policy using actor-critic networks and a global state space matrix. In the context of swarm robotics in arts, we investigate how the formation paradigm can serve as an interaction modality for artists to aesthetically utilize swarms. In particular, we explore particle swarm optimization (PSO) and random walk to control the communication between a team of robots with swarming behavior for musical creation
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