4 research outputs found

    A Characteristic Study of Parameterized Unit Tests in .NET Open Source Projects

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    In the past decade, parameterized unit testing has emerged as a promising method to specify program behaviors under test in the form of unit tests. Developers can write parameterized unit tests (PUTs), unit-test methods with parameters, in contrast to conventional unit tests, without parameters. The use of PUTs can enable powerful test generation tools such as Pex to have strong test oracles to check against, beyond just uncaught runtime exceptions. In addition, PUTs have been popularly supported by various unit testing frameworks for .NET and the JUnit framework for Java. However, there exists no study to offer insights on how PUTs are written by developers in either proprietary or open source development practices, posing barriers for various stakeholders to bring PUTs to widely adopted practices in software industry. To fill this gap, we first present categorization results of the Microsoft MSDN Pex Forum posts (contributed primarily by industrial practitioners) related to PUTs. We then use the categorization results to guide the design of the first characteristic study of PUTs in .NET open source projects. We study hundreds of PUTs that open source developers wrote for these open source projects. Our study findings provide valuable insights for various stakeholders such as current or prospective PUT writers (e.g., developers), PUT framework designers, test-generation tool vendors, testing researchers, and testing educators

    Методи тестування програмних систем

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    На сучасному етапі вивчення проблеми застосування методів тестування програмних систем є твердження, що одним з найбільш важливих засобів перевірки надійності програмного забезпечення є ручне тестування. Цей процес є трудомістким, часто без ефективної автоматизації, потребує багато часу та фінансових ресурсів. Щоб підняти рівень ефективності тестування програмних потрібна побудова сценаріїв тестування, що дозволить значно скоротити часові та економічні затрати. Тестування програмного продукту є основним засобом аналізу надійності програмних систем. В останні роки складність комп’ютерних програм, що виконують важливі та відповідальні функції, швидко зростає. Актуальним завданням сучасних науковців є проблема підвищення надійності програмного забезпечення

    Arís 2.1: Adapting Arís for Object Oriented Language

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    In the software development area, software verification is important such that it can guarantee the software fulfills its requirements. Despite its importance, verifying software is difficult to achieve. Additional knowledge and effort are needed to write specification especially if the software is complex and big in size. Nevertheless, there are some software that already have verified specifications. This project will focus on extending Arís (Analogical Reasoning for reuse of Implementation & Specification) which has been developed to increase verified software by reusing and transferring the specification from a similar implementation to a target code. The extension is done to facilitate specification transferring to program written in language other than C#, in this case Java. This extension will add functions to existing Arís that will receive Conceptual Graphs representation of a program and write the specification to a file. Another companion system is also built from Java to generate the Conceptual Graphs in Conceptual Graph Interchange Format (CGIF) and transform the Spec# specification to JML. Finally, this new system is evaluated by running some testing. From the result that we have, we can conclude that the building of conceptual graph and the specification transformation is the most difficult part in our system

    Arís 2.1: Adapting Arís for Object Oriented Language

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    In the software development area, software verification is important such that it can guarantee the software fulfills its requirements. Despite its importance, verifying software is difficult to achieve. Additional knowledge and effort are needed to write specification especially if the software is complex and big in size. Nevertheless, there are some software that already have verified specifications. This project will focus on extending Arís (Analogical Reasoning for reuse of Implementation & Specification) which has been developed to increase verified software by reusing and transferring the specification from a similar implementation to a target code. The extension is done to facilitate specification transferring to program written in language other than C#, in this case Java. This extension will add functions to existing Arís that will receive Conceptual Graphs representation of a program and write the specification to a file. Another companion system is also built from Java to generate the Conceptual Graphs in Conceptual Graph Interchange Format (CGIF) and transform the Spec# specification to JML. Finally, this new system is evaluated by running some testing. From the result that we have, we can conclude that the building of conceptual graph and the specification transformation is the most difficult part in our system