4 research outputs found


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    openThis thesis explores energy modelling and simulation techniques tailored for industrial robots, with a primary objective of advancing energy efficiency. Focusing on the ABB-IRB-140 robot, the study utilizes MATLAB to develop comprehensive energy models for three distinct motions. The research unfolds through various objectives, including formulating kinematics, developing motion planning algorithms, conducting simulations, and constructing energy consumption models for individual robot joints. A pivotal aspect of this research lies in the development of a robust motion planning algorithm, recognized as a fundamental pillar that underpins the entire endeavour. This algorithm serves as a critical mechanism for optimizing energy efficiency and seamlessly integrating energy modelling techniques into real-world industrial applications. While MATLAB customization caters to specific robot characteristics, the developed algorithm boasts versatility, enabling its adaptation across a spectrum of industrial contexts and robot configurations. By elucidating the intricate relationship between motion planning and energy consumption in industrial robots, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of energy dynamics within the industrial landscape. Moreover, the insights gleaned hold the promise of significant advancements in energy-efficient robotics, fostering sustainable practices and mitigating the environmental impact associated with industrial operations. Ultimately, this thesis represents a crucial step forward in the quest for energy optimization, highlighting the transformative potential of interdisciplinary research at the nexus of engineering and sustainability

    Exploiting Task Redundancy in Industrial Manipulators during Drilling Operations

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    A drilling task requires a mechanism with five degrees of freedom, in order to achieve the correct position and orientation of the drilling tool. When performed with a standard 6-axes industrial robot, this task leaves an extra degree of freedom that can be exploited in order to achieve any additional criterion. Unfortunately, typical industrial robotic control architectures do not allow the user to modify the inverse kinematics algorithm, and thus to solve task redundancy following any specified criterion. In this paper, a method to enforce an arbitrary redundancy resolution criterion on top of an industrial robot controller is discussed and applied to the execution of a drilling task. The extra degree of freedom is used to perform a torque-effective drilling. Experimental results achieved on the ABB IRB 140 industrial robot are presented

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2011

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    Optimisation du comportement de cellules robotiques par gestion des redondances : application à la découpe de viande et à l’Usinage Grande Vitesse

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    Industrial robots have evolved fundamentally in recent years to reach the industrial requirements. We now find more suitable anthropomorphic robots leading to the realization of more complex tasks like deformable objects cutting such as meat cutting or constrained to high stresses as machining. The behavior study of anthropomorphic robots, parallel or hybrid one highlights a kinematic and dynamic anisotropy, which impacts the expected accuracy. This thesis studied the integration of the kinematic redundancy that can partially overcome this problem by well setting the task to achieve it in a space compatible with the expected capacity. This work followed a three-step approach: analytical modeling of robotic cells by serial equivalent based on the TCS method, formalizing the constraints of meat cutting process and machining process and a multicriteria optimization.The first originality of this work focuses on the development of a 6 DoFs model to analyze the operator actions who naturally optimizes his arm behavior to ensure the task it performs. The second originality concerns the optimized placement of structural redundancy (9 DoFs robotic cell) where positioning parameters are incorporated as controllable variables (11 DoFs robotic cell). Thus, the thesis makes contributions to : - the definition of criteria adapted to the realization of complex and under high stress task for the management of the kinematic redundancy; - the structural behavior identification, under stress, by metrology tools (Laser tracker ) and the self- adaptation paths by using an industrial force control; - the behavior optimization to improve the cutting process quality (meat cutting and machining).Les robots industriels ont évolué fondamentalement ces dernières années pour répondre aux exigences industrielles de machines et mécanismes toujours plus performants. Ceci se traduit aujourd’hui par de nouveaux robots anthropomorphes plus adaptés laissant entrevoir la réalisation de tâches plus complexes comme la découpe d’objets déformables telle que la découpe de viande ou soumis à de fortes sollicitations comme l’usinage. L’étude du comportement des robots anthropomorphes, à structures parallèles ou hybrides montre une anisotropie aussi bien cinématique, que dynamique, impactant la précision attendue. Ces travaux de thèse étudient l’intégration des redondances cinématiques qui permettent de pallier en partie ce problème en positionnant au mieux la tâche à réaliser dans un espace de travail compatible avec les capacités attendues. Ces travaux ont suivi une démarche en trois étapes : la modélisation analytique de cellules robotiques par équivalent sériel basée sur la méthode TCS, la formalisation des contraintes des processus de découpe de viande et d’usinage et une résolution par optimisation multicritère. Une première originalité de ces travaux réside en le développement d’un modèle à 6 degrés de liberté permettant d’analyser les gestes de l’opérateur qui optimise naturellement le comportement de son bras pour garantir la tâche qu’il réalise. La seconde originalité concerne le placement optimisé des redondances structurales (cellules à 9 ddls) où les paramètres de positionnement sont incorporés comme des variables pilotables (cellule à 11 ddls). Ainsi, ces travaux de thèse apportent des contributions à : - la définition de critères adaptés à la réalisation de tâches complexes et sollicitantes pour la gestion des redondances cinématiques ; - l’identification du comportement des structures sous sollicitations par moyen métrologique (Laser tracker) et l’auto-adaptation des trajectoires par l’utilisation d’une commande en effort industrielle ; - l’optimisation du comportement permettant l’amélioration de la qualité de réalisation des différents processus de coupe (découpe de viande et usinage)