8 research outputs found

    Exploiting semantic web knowledge graphs in data mining

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    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is a research field concerned with deriving higher-level insights from data. The tasks performed in that field are knowledge intensive and can often benefit from using additional knowledge from various sources. Therefore, many approaches have been proposed in this area that combine Semantic Web data with the data mining and knowledge discovery process. Semantic Web knowledge graphs are a backbone of many information systems that require access to structured knowledge. Such knowledge graphs contain factual knowledge about real word entities and the relations between them, which can be utilized in various natural language processing, information retrieval, and any data mining applications. Following the principles of the Semantic Web, Semantic Web knowledge graphs are publicly available as Linked Open Data. Linked Open Data is an open, interlinked collection of datasets in machine-interpretable form, covering most of the real world domains. In this thesis, we investigate the hypothesis if Semantic Web knowledge graphs can be exploited as background knowledge in different steps of the knowledge discovery process, and different data mining tasks. More precisely, we aim to show that Semantic Web knowledge graphs can be utilized for generating valuable data mining features that can be used in various data mining tasks. Identifying, collecting and integrating useful background knowledge for a given data mining application can be a tedious and time consuming task. Furthermore, most data mining tools require features in propositional form, i.e., binary, nominal or numerical features associated with an instance, while Linked Open Data sources are usually graphs by nature. Therefore, in Part I, we evaluate unsupervised feature generation strategies from types and relations in knowledge graphs, which are used in different data mining tasks, i.e., classification, regression, and outlier detection. As the number of generated features grows rapidly with the number of instances in the dataset, we provide a strategy for feature selection in hierarchical feature space, in order to select only the most informative and most representative features for a given dataset. Furthermore, we provide an end-to-end tool for mining the Web of Linked Data, which provides functionalities for each step of the knowledge discovery process, i.e., linking local data to a Semantic Web knowledge graph, integrating features from multiple knowledge graphs, feature generation and selection, and building machine learning models. However, we show that such feature generation strategies often lead to high dimensional feature vectors even after dimensionality reduction, and also, the reusability of such feature vectors across different datasets is limited. In Part II, we propose an approach that circumvents the shortcomings introduced with the approaches in Part I. More precisely, we develop an approach that is able to embed complete Semantic Web knowledge graphs in a low dimensional feature space, where each entity and relation in the knowledge graph is represented as a numerical vector. Projecting such latent representations of entities into a lower dimensional feature space shows that semantically similar entities appear closer to each other. We use several Semantic Web knowledge graphs to show that such latent representation of entities have high relevance for different data mining tasks. Furthermore, we show that such features can be easily reused for different datasets and different tasks. In Part III, we describe a list of applications that exploit Semantic Web knowledge graphs, besides the standard data mining tasks, like classification and regression. We show that the approaches developed in Part I and Part II can be used in applications in various domains. More precisely, we show that Semantic Web graphs can be exploited for analyzing statistics, building recommender systems, entity and document modeling, and taxonomy induction. %In Part III, we focus on semantic annotations in HTML pages, which are another realization of the Semantic Web vision. Semantic annotations are integrated into the code of HTML pages using markup languages, like Microformats, RDFa, and Microdata. While such data covers various domains and topics, and can be useful for developing various data mining applications, additional steps of cleaning and integrating the data need to be performed. In this thesis, we describe a set of approaches for processing long literals and images extracted from semantic annotations in HTML pages. We showcase the approaches in the e-commerce domain. Such approaches contribute in building and consuming Semantic Web knowledge graphs

    Towards Exploiting Implicit Human Feedback for Improving RDF2vec Embeddings

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    RDF2vec is a technique for creating vector space embeddings from an RDF knowledge graph, i.e., representing each entity in the graph as a vector. It first creates sequences of nodes by performing random walks on the graph. In a second step, those sequences are processed by the word2vec algorithm for creating the actual embeddings. In this paper, we explore the use of external edge weights for guiding the random walks. As edge weights, transition probabilities between pages in Wikipedia are used as a proxy for the human feedback for the importance of an edge. We show that in some scenarios, RDF2vec utilizing those transition probabilities can outperform both RDF2vec based on random walks as well as the usage of graph internal edge weights.Comment: Workshop paper accepted at Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs Workshop 202

    An Automatic Ontology Generation Framework with An Organizational Perspective

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    Ontologies have been known for their powerful semantic representation of knowledge. However, ontologies cannot automatically evolve to reflect updates that occur in respective domains. To address this limitation, researchers have called for automatic ontology generation from unstructured text corpus. Unfortunately, systems that aim to generate ontologies from unstructured text corpus are domain-specific and require manual intervention. In addition, they suffer from uncertainty in creating concept linkages and difficulty in finding axioms for the same concept. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) has emerged as a powerful model for the dynamic representation of knowledge. However, KGs have many quality limitations and need extensive refinement. This research aims to develop a novel domain-independent automatic ontology generation framework that converts unstructured text corpus into domain consistent ontological form. The framework generates KGs from unstructured text corpus as well as refine and correct them to be consistent with domain ontologies. The power of the proposed automatically generated ontology is that it integrates the dynamic features of KGs and the quality features of ontologies

    Επισκόπηση μεθόδων ανάλυσης δεδομένων με χρήση Σημασιολογικών Στοιχείων και Γράφων Γνώσης

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Τεχνο-Οικονομικά Συστήματα (ΜΒΑ)

    Cross-Lingual Entity Matching for Knowledge Graphs

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    Multilingual knowledge graphs (KGs), such as YAGO and DBpedia, represent entities in different languages. The task of cross-lingual entity matching is to align entities in a source language with their counterparts in target languages. In this thesis, we investigate embedding-based approaches to encode entities from multilingual KGs into the same vector space, where equivalent entities are close to each other. Specifically, we apply graph convolutional networks (GCNs) to combine multi-aspect information of entities, including topological connections, relations, and attributes of entities, to learn entity embeddings. To exploit the literal descriptions of entities expressed in different languages, we propose two uses of a pre-trained multilingual BERT model to bridge cross-lingual gaps. We further propose two strategies to integrate GCN-based and BERT-based modules to boost performance. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing systems. We additionally introduce a new dataset comprised of 15 low-resource languages and featured with unlinkable cases to draw closer to the real-world challenges

    Entity Matching and Disambiguation Across Multiple Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs are considered an important representation that lie between free text on one hand and fully-structured relational data on the other. Knowledge graphs are a back-bone of many applications on the Web. With the rise of many large-scale open-domain knowledge graphs like Freebase, DBpedia, and Yago, various applications including document retrieval, question answering, and data integration have been relying on them. In this thesis, We are primarily interested in knowledge graphs from the perspective of integrating disparate heterogeneous sources, with an eye towards applications such as document retrieval and question answering. Integrating different knowledge graphs is very important for enriching the knowledge shared among them. The core part of this integration process is matching entities across the knowledge graphs. The biggest challenge to entity matching is the ambiguity. The obvious solution is to make use of the graph structure and entity neighbourhoods for matching and disambiguating entities. We formalize the entity matching problem and present the rst large-scale dataset, Ambiguous DBpedia-Wikidata, for this task based on exiting cross-ontology links between DBpedia and Wikidata, focused on several hundred thousand ambiguous entities. We propose an entity matching framework that is capable of disambiguating entities across different knowledge graphs. The framework consists of fuzzy string matcher and graph embedding-based matcher. Using a classifi cation-based approach, we find that a simple multi-layered perceptron based on representations derived from RDF2VEC graph embeddings of entities in each knowledge graph is sufficient to achieve high accuracy, with only limited training data. The contribution of our work is both a large dataset for examining this problem and strong baselines on which future work can be based. We also present SimpleDBpediaQA, a new benchmark dataset for simple question answering over knowledge graphs that was created by mapping SimpleQuestions entities and predicates from Freebase to DBpedia. We show how entity matching using manual annotations can be used for migrating datasets across knowledge graphs. Although this mapping is conceptually straightforward, there are a number of nuances that make the task non-trivial, owing to the different conceptual organizations of the two knowledge graphs. Finally, if manual annotations are scarce, we show how our entity matching framework can be used to generate free annotations to train our model and then use it for disambiguation. In that essence, we introduce SimpleQuestions++, a new question answering benchmark that have all questions linked to Freebase, DBpedia, and Wikidata

    Testing Ontology Embedding Visualization

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    This dissertation presents an experiment conducted with human participants on human-information interaction with visualizations of ontologies. The research question is whether embedding visualizations or graph based visualizations lead to better task performance for human-information interaction. A literature review of word embeddings, information retrieval applications, cartesian and radial visualizations, and knowledge graph visualizations is conducted. This literature review is grounded in a facet analysis of the intersecting topics of the central research question. The context of embeddings as used for information retrieval in the 20th century, as opposed to more recent 21st century inventions such as Google's word2vec is explored. A training ontology, the African Wildlife Ontology (AWO) was selected. It was extended using public lexical resources taken from the internet to include classes of common African plants and animals. This ontology was then visualised both as vectorspace embeddings and as a classical graph visualization. Participants were presented with one of four different knowledge graph visualizations: WebVOWL, OntoGraf, SquareVis and CircleVis and had to perform a specific information retrieval task. This task was to record as many African animals as they could find on the chart. The results are analyzed in terms of precision, recall, spam and average time. Although ultimately the results do not reject the null hypothesis, there is an opportunity for further research in the visualization of embeddings of knowledge graphs, especially for information retrieval

    Exploiting semantic web knowledge graphs in data mining

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