5 research outputs found

    An Efficient Monte Carlo-based Probabilistic Time-Dependent Routing Calculation Targeting a Server-Side Car Navigation System

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    Incorporating speed probability distribution to the computation of the route planning in car navigation systems guarantees more accurate and precise responses. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for dynamically selecting the number of samples used for the Monte Carlo simulation to solve the Probabilistic Time-Dependent Routing (PTDR) problem, thus improving the computation efficiency. The proposed method is used to determine in a proactive manner the number of simulations to be done to extract the travel-time estimation for each specific request while respecting an error threshold as output quality level. The methodology requires a reduced effort on the application development side. We adopted an aspect-oriented programming language (LARA) together with a flexible dynamic autotuning library (mARGOt) respectively to instrument the code and to take tuning decisions on the number of samples improving the execution efficiency. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed adaptive approach saves a large fraction of simulations (between 36% and 81%) with respect to a static approach while considering different traffic situations, paths and error requirements. Given the negligible runtime overhead of the proposed approach, it results in an execution-time speedup between 1.5x and 5.1x. This speedup is reflected at infrastructure-level in terms of a reduction of around 36% of the computing resources needed to support the whole navigation pipeline

    Calcul approximatif à haute efficacité énergétique pour des applications de l'internet des objets

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    Reduced width units are ones of the power reduction methods. However such units have been mostly evaluated separately, i.e. not evaluated in a complete applications. In this thesis, we extend the RISC-V processor with reduced width computation and memory units, in which only a number of most significant bits (MSBs), configurable at runtime is active. The energy reduction vs quality of output trade-offs of applications executed with the extended RISC-V are studied. The results indicate that the energy can be reduced by up to 14% for an error ≤ 0.1%. Moreover we propose a generic energy model that includes both software parameters and hardware architecture ones. It allows software and hardware designers to have an early insight into the effects of optimizations on software and/or units.Les unités à taille réduite font partie des méthodes proposées pour la réduction de la consommation d’énergie. Cependant, la plupart de ces unités sont évaluées séparément,c’est-à-dire elles ne sont pas évaluées dans une application complète. Dans cette thèse, des unités à taille réduite pour le calcul et pour l’accès à la mémoire de données, configurables au moment de l’exécution, sont intégrées dans un processeur RISC-V. La réduction d’énergie et la qualité de sortie des applications exécutées sur le processeur RISC-V étendu avec ces unités, sont évaluées. Les résultats indiquent que la consommation d’énergie peut être réduite jusqu’à 14% pour une erreur ≤0.1%. De plus, nous avons proposé un modèle d’énergie générique qui inclut à la fois des paramètres logiciels et architecturaux. Le modèle permet aux concepteurs logiciels et matériels d’avoir un aperçu rapide sur l’impact des optimisations effectuées sur le code source et/ou sur les unités de calcul

    Exploiting Significance of Computations for Energy-Constrained Approximate Computing

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    Approximate execution is a viable technique for environments with energy constraints, provided that applications are given the mechanisms to produce outputs of the highest possible quality within the available energy budget. This paper introduces a framework for energy-constrained execution with controlled and graceful quality loss. A simple programming model allows developers to structure the computation in different tasks, and to express the relative importance of these tasks for the quality of the end result. For non-significant tasks, the developer can also supply less costly, approximate versions. The target energy consumption for a given execution is specified when the application is launched. A significance-aware runtime system employs an application-specific analytical energy model to decide how many cores to use for the execution, the operating frequency for these cores, as well as the degree of task approximation, so as to maximize the quality of the output while meeting the user-specified energy constraints. Evaluation on a dual-socket 16-core Intel platform using 9 kernels and applications shows that the proposed framework performs very close to an oracle always selecting the optimal configuration, both in terms of energy efficiency and quality of results. Also, a comparison with loop perforation (a well-known compile-time approximation technique), shows that the proposed framework results in significantly higher quality for the same energy budget. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York