9 research outputs found

    Analysis and Comparison of Open Student Models

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    [EN] This article is focused on the study of Open Student Models, area that takes on the opening of Student Models¿ characteristics in Technology Based Learning Systems. In this work a review of the state of the art on Open Student Models is performed. Different approximations of the literature are compared against an opening guide that authors have defined. This guide is formulated on three main parts: learning domain, learning state and progress and student profile.Este trabajo está cofinanciado por la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU09/09), el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología a través del programa CICYT (TIN2009-14380) y el Gobierno Vasco (IT421-10).Rueda Molina, U.; Calvo Fabo, I.; Arruarte Lasa, A.; Elorriaga Arandia, JA. (2011). Análisis y Comparación de Modelos de Estudiante Abiertos. Rita -IEEE-. 6(1):19-27. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/30170S19276

    Open Learner Models as Drivers for Metacognitive Processes

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    Connecting electronic portfolios and learner models

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    Using electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) to assist learning is an important component of future educational models. A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. An e-portfolio contains a variety of information about a person's learning outcomes, such as artifacts, assertions from others, self-reflective information and presentation for different purposes. E-portfolios become sources of evidence for claims about prior conceptual knowledge or skills. This thesis investigates using the information contained in e-portfolios to initialize the learner model for an intelligent tutoring system. We examine the information model from the e-portfolio standardized specification and present a method that may assist users in initializing learner models using e-portfolios as evidence for claims about prior conceptual knowledge or skills. We developed the EP-LM system for testing how accurately a learner model can be built and how beneficial this approach can be for reflective and personalized learning. Experimental results are presented aiming at testing whether accurate learner models can be created through this approach and whether learners can gain benefits in reflective and personalized learning. Monitoring this process can also help ITS developers and experts identify how an initial learner model can automatically arise from an e-portfolio. Additionally, a well-structured learner model, generated by an intelligent tutoring system also can be attached to an e-portfolio for further use by the owner and others

    Active support for instructors and students in an online learning environment

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    By opening the learner model to both the learner and other peers within an e-learning system, the learner gains control over his or her learner model and is able to reflect on the contents presented in the model. Many current modeling systems translate an existing model to fit the context when information is needed. This thesis explores the observation that information in the model depends on the context in which it is generated and describes a method of generating the model for the specific user and purpose. The main advantage of this approach is that exactly the right information is generated to suit the context and needs of the learner. To explore the benefits and possible downsides of this approach, a learner model Query Tool was implemented to give instructors and learners the opportunity to ask specific questions (queries) of the content delivery system hosting several online courses. Information is computed in real time when the query is run by the instructor, so the data is always up-to-date. Instructors may then choose to allow students to run the query as well, enabling learner reflection on their progress in the course as the instructor has defined it. I have called this process active open learner modelling, referring to the open learner modelling community where learner models are accessible by learners for reflective purposes, and referring to the active learner modelling community which describes learner modelling as a context-driven process. Specific research questions explored in this thesis include "how does context affect the modelling process when learner models are opened to users", "how can privacy be maintained while useful information is provided", and "can an accurate and useful learner model be computed actively"

    MOOClm: Learner Modelling for MOOCs

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    Massively Open Online Learning systems, or MOOCs, generate enormous quantities of learning data. Analysis of this data has considerable potential benefits for learners, educators, teaching administrators and educational researchers. How to realise this potential is still an open question. This thesis explores use of such data to create a rich Open Learner Model (OLM). The OLM is designed to take account of the restrictions and goals of lifelong learner model usage. Towards this end, we structure the learner model around a standard curriculum-based ontology. Since such a learner model may be very large, we integrate a visualisation based on a highly scalable circular treemap representation. The visualisation allows the student to either drill down further into increasingly detailed views of the learner model, or filter the model down to a smaller, selected subset. We introduce the notion of a set of Reference learner models, such as an ideal student, a typical student, or a selected set of learning objectives within the curriculum. Introducing these provides a foundation for a learner to make a meaningful evaluation of their own model by comparing against a reference model. To validate the work, we created MOOClm to implement this framework, then used this in the context of a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) run at the University of Sydney. We also report a qualitative usability study to gain insights into the ways a learner can make use of the OLM. Our contribution is the design and validation of MOOClm, a framework that harnesses MOOC data to create a learner model with an OLM interface for student and educator usage

    A scrutable adaptive hypertext

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    Fuelled by the popularity and uptake of the World Wide Web since the 1990s, many researchers and commercial vendors have focussed on Adaptive Hypermedia Systems as an effective mechanism for disseminating personalised information and services. Such systems store information about the user, such as their goals, interests and background, and use this to provide a personalised response to the user. This technology has been applied to a number of contexts such as education systems, e-commerce applications, information search and retrieval systems. As an increasing number of systems collect and store personal information about their users to provide a personalised service, legislation around the world increasingly requires that users have access to view and modify their personal data. The spirit of such legislation is that the user should be able to understand how personal information about them is used. There literature has reported benefits of allowing users to access and understand data collected about them, particularly in the context of supporting learning through reflection. Although researchers have experimented with open user models, typically the personalisation is inscrutable: the user has little or no visibility in to the adaptation process. When the adaptation produces unexpected results, the user may be left confused with no mechanism for understanding why the system did what it did or how to correct it. This thesis is the next step, giving users the ability to see what has been personalised and why. In the context of personalised hypermedia, this thesis describes the first research to go beyond open, or even scrutable user models; it makes the adaptivity and associated processes open to the user and controllable. The novelty of this work is that a user of an adaptive hypertext system might ask How was this page personalised to me? and is able to see just how their user model affected what they saw in the hypertext document. With an understanding of the personalisation process and the ability to control it, the user is able to steer the personalisation to suit their changing needs, and help improve the accuracy of the user model. Developing an interface to support the scrutinisation of an adaptive hypertext is difficult. Users may not scrutinise often as it is a distraction from their main task. But when users need to scrutinise, perhaps to correct a system misconception, they need to easily find and access the scrutinisation tools. Ideally, the tools should not require any training and users should be able to use them effectively without prior experience or if have not used them for a long time, since this is how users are likely to scrutinise in practice. The contributions of thesis are: (1) SASY/ATML, a domain independent, reusable framework for creation and delivery of scrutable adaptive hypertext; (2)a toolkit of graphical tools that allow the user to scrutinise, or inspect and understand what personalisation occurred and control it; (3) evaluation of the scrutinisation tools and (4) a set of guidelines for providing support for the scrutinisation of an adaptive hypertext through the exploration of several forms of scrutinisation tools

    Learners' self-assessment and metacognition when using an open learner model with drill down

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    Metacognition is ‘thinking on thinking’. It is important to educational practices for learners/teachers, and in activities such as formative-assessment and self-directed learning. The ability to perform metacognition is not innate and requires fostering, and self-assessment contributes to this. Literature suggests proven practices for promoting metacognitive opportunities and ongoing enquiry about how technology best supports these. This thesis considers an open learner model (OLM) with a drill-down approach as a method to investigate support for metacognition and self-assessment. Measuring aspects of metacognition without unduly influencing it is challenging. Direct measures (e.g. learners ‘thinking-aloud’) could distort/disrupt/encourage/effect metacognition. The thesis develops methods to evaluate aspects of metacognition without directly affecting it, relevant to future learning-analytics research/OLM design. It proposes a technology specification/implementation for supporting metacognition research and highlights the relevance of using a drill-down approach. Using measures that correspond to post-hoc learner accounts, this thesis identifies a baseline of student activity that is consistent with important regulation of cognition tasks and students’ specific interest in problems. Whilst this does not always influence self-assessment accuracy, students indicating their self-assessment ability can be used as a proxy measure to identify those who will improve. Evidence supports claims that OLMs remain relevant in metacognition research