Analysis and Comparison of Open Student Models


[EN] This article is focused on the study of Open Student Models, area that takes on the opening of Student Models¿ characteristics in Technology Based Learning Systems. In this work a review of the state of the art on Open Student Models is performed. Different approximations of the literature are compared against an opening guide that authors have defined. This guide is formulated on three main parts: learning domain, learning state and progress and student profile.Este trabajo está cofinanciado por la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU09/09), el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología a través del programa CICYT (TIN2009-14380) y el Gobierno Vasco (IT421-10).Rueda Molina, U.; Calvo Fabo, I.; Arruarte Lasa, A.; Elorriaga Arandia, JA. (2011). Análisis y Comparación de Modelos de Estudiante Abiertos. Rita -IEEE-. 6(1):19-27.

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