4 research outputs found

    Libra: Achieving Efficient Instruction- and Data- Parallel Execution for Mobile Applications.

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    Mobile computing as exemplified by the smart phone has become an integral part of our daily lives. The next generation of these devices will be driven by providing richer user experiences and compelling capabilities: higher definition multimedia, 3D graphics, augmented reality, and voice interfaces. To meet these goals, the core computing capabilities of the smart phone must be scaled. But, the energy budgets are increasing at a much lower rate, thus fundamental improvements in computing efficiency must be garnered. To meet this challenge, computer architects employ hardware accelerators in the form of SIMD and VLIW. Single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) accelerators provide high degrees of scalability for applications rich in data-level parallelism (DLP). Very long instruction word (VLIW) accelerators provide moderate scalability for applications with high degrees of instruction-level parallelism (ILP). Unfortunately, applications are not so nicely partitioned into two groups: many applications have some DLP, but also contain significant fractions of code with low trip count loops, complex control/data dependences, or non-uniform execution behavior for which no DLP exists. Therefore, a more adaptive accelerator is required to be able to deploy resources as needed: exploit DLP on SIMD when it’s available, but fall back to ILP on the same hardware when necessary. In this thesis, we first focus on various compiler solutions that solve inefficiency problem in both VLIW and SIMD accelerators. For SIMD accelerators, a new vectorization pass, called SIMD Defragmenter, is introduced to uncover hidden DLP using subgraph identification in SIMD accelerators. CGRA express effectively accelerates sequential code regions using a bypass network in VLIW accelerators, and Resource Recycling leverages stream-graph modulo scheduling technique for scheduling of multiple code regions in multi-core accelerators. Second, we propose the new scalable multicore accelerator referred to as Libra for mobile systems, which can support execution of code regions having both DLP and ILP, as well as hybrid combinations of the two. We believe that as industry requires higher performance, the proposed flexible accelerator and compiler support will put more resources to work in order to meet the performance and power efficiency requirements.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99840/1/yjunpark_1.pd

    CGiS : high-level data-parallel GPU programming

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    In the last few years, PC technology underwent a paradigm shift. The current trend leads aways from raising sequential performance to enhancing the available parallelism. The rapid performance increase of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is a part of this trend. However, it is difficult to harness the computational potential because for the longest time GPUs could be directed only through graphics APIs and in low-level code. The language CGiS has been developed to remedy this situation. CGiS is a data-parallel programming language, which offers a high-level abstraction of GPUs, letting programmers use GPUs as co-processors for massively parallel algorithms. This work presents the language and the compiler for CGiS in the context of general purpose programming on GPUs (GPGPU).Seit einigen Jahren zeichnet sich bei handelsüblichen PCs ein Trend weg von der Erhöhung der sequentiellen Leistung hin zur Parallelverarbeitung ab. Ein Bestandteil dieses Trends ist die rasche Leistungsentwicklung der Grafikkarten (GPUs), deren Rechenleistung die aktueller CPUs mittlerweile übertrifft. Es ist jedoch schwierig, diese Leistung auch abzurufen, da diese Geräte lange Zeit nur hardwarenah und über Grafik-APIs ansteuerbar waren. Um dies zu ändern, ist CGiS entwickelt worden, eine datenparallele Programmiersprache, die die GPUs abstrahiert und ihre Benutzung als Co-Prozessoren für massiv-datenparallele Algorithmen ermöglicht. Diese Arbeit stellt die Sprache und den Compiler im Kontext dieser Entwicklung vor

    Automated cache optimisations of stencil computations for partial differential equations

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    This thesis focuses on numerical methods that solve partial differential equations. Our focal point is the finite difference method, which solves partial differential equations by approximating derivatives with explicit finite differences. These partial differential equation solvers consist of stencil computations on structured grids. Stencils for computing real-world practical applications are patterns often characterised by many memory accesses and non-trivial arithmetic expressions that lead to high computational costs compared to simple stencils used in much prior proof-of-concept work. In addition, the loop nests to express stencils on structured grids may often be complicated. This work is highly motivated by a specific domain of stencil computations where one of the challenges is non-aligned to the structured grid ("off-the-grid") operations. These operations update neighbouring grid points through scatter and gather operations via non-affine memory accesses, such as {A[B[i]]}. In addition to this challenge, these practical stencils often include many computation fields (need to store multiple grid copies), complex data dependencies and imperfect loop nests. In this work, we aim to increase the performance of stencil kernel execution. We study automated cache-memory-dependent optimisations for stencil computations. This work consists of two core parts with their respective contributions.The first part of our work tries to reduce the data movement in stencil computations of practical interest. Data movement is a dominant factor affecting the performance of high-performance computing applications. It has long been a target of optimisations due to its impact on execution time and energy consumption. This thesis tries to relieve this cost by applying temporal blocking optimisations, also known as time-tiling, to stencil computations. Temporal blocking is a well-known technique to enhance data reuse in stencil computations. However, it is rarely used in practical applications but rather in theoretical examples to prove its efficacy. Applying temporal blocking to scientific simulations is more complex. More specifically, in this work, we focus on the application context of seismic and medical imaging. In this area, we often encounter scatter and gather operations due to signal sources and receivers at arbitrary locations in the computational domain. These operations make the application of temporal blocking challenging. We present an approach to overcome this challenge and successfully apply temporal blocking.In the second part of our work, we extend the first part as an automated approach targeting a wide range of simulations modelled with partial differential equations. Since temporal blocking is error-prone, tedious to apply by hand and highly complex to assimilate theoretically and practically, we are motivated to automate its application and automatically generate code that benefits from it. We discuss algorithmic approaches and present a generalised compiler pipeline to automate the application of temporal blocking. These passes are written in the Devito compiler. They are used to accelerate the computation of stencil kernels in areas such as seismic and medical imaging, computational fluid dynamics and machine learning. \href{www.devitoproject.org}{Devito} is a Python package to implement optimised stencil computation (e.g., finite differences, image processing, machine learning) from high-level symbolic problem definitions. Devito builds on \href{www.sympy.org}{SymPy} and employs automated code generation and just-in-time compilation to execute optimised computational kernels on several computer platforms, including CPUs, GPUs, and clusters thereof. We show how we automate temporal blocking code generation without user intervention and often achieve better time-to-solution. We enable domain-specific optimisation through compiler passes and offer temporal blocking gains from a high-level symbolic abstraction. These automated optimisations benefit various computational kernels for solving real-world application problems.Open Acces

    SIMD@OpenMP : a programming model approach to leverage SIMD features

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    SIMD instruction sets are a key feature in current general purpose and high performance architectures. SIMD instructions apply in parallel the same operation to a group of data, commonly known as vector. A single SIMD/vector instruction can, thus, replace a sequence of scalar instructions. Consequently, the number of instructions can be greatly reduced leading to improved execution times. However, SIMD instructions are not widely exploited by the vast majority of programmers. In many cases, taking advantage of these instructions relies on the compiler. Nevertheless, compilers struggle with the automatic vectorization of codes. Advanced programmers are then compelled to exploit SIMD units by hand, using low-level hardware-specific intrinsics. This approach is cumbersome, error prone and not portable across SIMD architectures. This thesis targets OpenMP to tackle the underuse of SIMD instructions from three main areas of the programming model: language constructions, compiler code optimizations and runtime algorithms. We choose the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor (Knights Corner) and its 512-bit SIMD instruction set for our evaluation process. We make four contributions aimed at improving the exploitation of SIMD instructions in this scope. Our first contribution describes a compiler vectorization infrastructure suitable for OpenMP. This infrastructure targets for-loops and whole functions. We define a set of attributes for expressions that determine how the code is vectorized. Our vectorization infrastructure also implements support for several advanced vector features. This infrastructure is proven to be effective in the vectorization of complex codes and it is the basis upon which we build the following two contributions. The second contribution introduces a proposal to extend OpenMP 3.1 with SIMD parallelism. Essential parts of this work have become key features of the SIMD proposal included in OpenMP 4.0. We define the "simd" and "simd for" directives that allow programmers to describe SIMD parallelism of loops and whole functions. Furthermore, we propose a set of optional clauses that leads the compiler to generate a more efficient vector code. These SIMD extensions improve the programming efficiency when exploiting SIMD resources. Our evaluation on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor shows that our SIMD proposal allows the compiler to efficiently vectorize codes poorly or not vectorized automatically with the Intel C/C++ compiler. In the third contribution, we propose a vector code optimization that enhances overlapped vector loads. These vector loads redundantly read from memory scalar elements already loaded by other vector loads. Our vector code optimization improves the memory usage of these accesses by means of building a vector register cache and exploiting register-to-register instructions. Our proposal also includes a new clause (overlap) in the context of the SIMD extensions for OpenMP of our first contribution. This new clause allows enabling, disabling and tuning this optimization on demand. The last contribution tackles the exploitation of SIMD instructions in the OpenMP barrier and reduction primitives. We propose a new combined barrier and reduction tree scheme specifically designed to make the most of SIMD instructions. Our barrier algorithm takes advantage of simultaneous multi-threading technology (SMT) and it utilizes SIMD memory instructions in the synchronization process. The four contributions of this thesis are an important step in the direction of a more common and generalized use of SIMD instructions. Our work is having an outstanding impact on the whole OpenMP community, ranging from users of the programming model to compiler and runtime implementations. Our proposals in the context of OpenMP improves the programmability of the programming model, the overhead of runtime services and the execution time of applications by means of a better use of SIMD.Los juegos de instrucciones SIMD son un componente clave en las arquitecturas de propósito general y de alto rendimiento actuales. Estas instrucciones aplican en paralelo la misma operación a un conjunto de datos, conocido como vector. Una instrucción SIMD/vectorial puede sustituir una secuencia de instrucciones escalares. Así, el número de instrucciones puede ser reducido considerablemente, dando lugar a mejores tiempos de ejecución. No obstante, las instrucciones SIMD no son explotadas ampliamente por la mayoría de programadores. En general, beneficiarse de estas instrucciones depende del compilador. Sin embargo, los compiladores tienen dificultades con la vectorización automática de códigos por lo que los programadores avanzados se ven obligados a explotar las unidades SIMD manualmente, empleando intrínsecas de bajo nivel específicas del hardware. Esta aproximación es costosa, propensa a errores y no portable entre arquitecturas. Esta tesis se centra en el modelo de programación OpenMP para abordar el poco uso de las instrucciones SIMD desde tres áreas: construcciones del lenguaje, optimizaciones de código del compilador y algoritmos del runtime. Hemos escogido el coprocesador Intel Xeon Phi (Knights Corner) y su juego de instrucciones SIMD de 512 bits para nuestra evaluación. Realizamos cuatro contribuciones para mejorar la explotación de las instrucciones SIMD en este ámbito. Nuestra primera contribución describe una infraestructura de vectorización de compilador adecuada para OpenMP. Esta infraestructura tiene como objetivo la vectorización de bucles y funciones. Para ello definimos un conjunto de atributos que determina como se vectoriza el código. Nuestra evaluación demuestra la efectividad de esta infraestructura en la vectorización de códigos complejos. Esta infraestructura es la base de las dos propuestas siguientes. En la segunda contribución proponemos una extensión SIMD para de OpenMP 3.1. Partes esenciales de este trabajo se han convertido en características clave de la propuesta sobre SIMD incluida en OpenMP 4.0. Definimos las directivas ‘simd’ y ‘simd for’ que permiten a los programadores describir paralelismo SIMD de bucles y funciones. Además, proponemos un conjunto de cláusulas opcionales que permiten que el compilador genere código vectorial más eficiente. Nuestra evaluación muestra que nuestra propuesta SIMD permite al compilador vectorizar eficientemente códigos pobremente o no vectorizados automáticamente con el compilador Intel C/C++