3 research outputs found

    Exploiting GPU Architectures for Dynamic Invariant Mining

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    Dynamic mining of invariants is a class of approaches to extract logic formulas from the execution traces of a system under verification (SUV), with the purpose of expressing stable conditions in the behaviour of the SUV. The mined formulas represent likely invariants for the SUV, which certainly hold on the considered traces, but there is no guarantee that they are true in general. A large set of representative execution traces must be analysed to increase the probability that mined invariants are generally true. However, this becomes extremely time-consuming for current sequential approaches when long execution traces and large set of SUV variables are considered. To overcome this limitation, the paper presents a parallel approach for invariant mining that exploits GPU architectures for processing an execution trace composed of millions of clock cycles in few seconds

    System-level functional and extra-functional characterization of SoCs through assertion mining

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    Virtual prototyping is today an essential technology for modeling, verification, and re-design of full HW/SW platforms. This allows a fast prototyping of platforms with a higher and higher complexity, which precludes traditional verification approaches based on the static analysis of the source code. Consequently, several technologies based on the analysis of simulation traces have proposed to efficiently validate the entire system from both the functional and extra-functional point of view. From the functional point of view, different approaches based on invariant and assertion mining have been proposed in literature to validate the functionality of a system under verification (SUV). Dynamic mining of invariants is a class of approaches to extract logic formulas with the purpose of expressing stable conditions in the behavior of the SUV. The mined formulas represent likely invariants for the SUV, which certainly hold on the considered traces. A large set of representative execution traces must be analyzed to increase the probability that mined invariants are generally true. However, this is extremely time-consuming for current sequential approaches when long execution traces and large set of SUV's variables are considered. Dynamic mining of assertions is instead a class of approaches to extract temporal logic formulas with the purpose of expressing temporal relations among the variables of a SUV. However, in most cases, existing tools can only mine assertions compliant with a limited set of pre-defined templates. Furthermore, they tend to generate a huge amount of assertions, while they still lack an effective way to measure their coverage in terms of design behaviors. Moreover, the security vulnerability of a firmware running on a HW/SW platforms is becoming ever more critical in the functional verification of a SUV. Current approaches in literature focus only on raising an error as soon as an assertion monitoring the SUV fails. No approach was proposed to investigate the issue that this set of assertions could be incomplete and that different, unusual behaviors could remain not investigated. From the extra-functional point of view of a SUV, several approaches based on power state machines (PSMs) have been proposed for modeling and simulating the power consumption of an IP at system-level. However, while they focus on the use of PSMs as the underlying formalism for implementing dynamic power management techniques of a SoC, they generally do not deal with the basic problem of how to generate a PSM. In this context, the thesis aims at exploiting dynamic assertion mining to improve the current approaches for the characterization of functional and extra-functional properties of a SoC with the final goal of providing an efficient and effective system-level virtual prototyping environment. In detail, the presented methodologies focus on: efficient extraction of invariants from execution traces by exploiting GP-GPU architectures; extraction of human-readable temporal assertions by combining user-defined assertion templates, data mining and coverage analysis; generation of assertions pinpointing the unlike execution paths of a firmware to guide the analysis of the security vulnerabilities of a SoC; and last but not least, automatic generation of PSMs for the extra-functional characterization of the SoC

    High-Performance and Power-Aware Graph Processing on GPUs

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    Graphs are a common representation in many problem domains, including engineering, finance, medicine, and scientific applications. Different problems map to very large graphs, often involving millions of vertices. Even though very efficient sequential implementations of graph algorithms exist, they become impractical when applied on such actual very large graphs. On the other hand, graphics processing units (GPUs) have become widespread architectures as they provide massive parallelism at low cost. Parallel execution on GPUs may achieve speedup up to three orders of magnitude with respect to the sequential counterparts. Nevertheless, accelerating efficient and optimized sequential algorithms and porting (i.e., parallelizing) their implementation to such many-core architectures is a very challenging task. The task is made even harder since energy and power consumption are becoming constraints in addition, or in same case as an alternative, to performance. This work aims at developing a platform that provides (I) a library of parallel, efficient, and tunable implementations of the most important graph algorithms for GPUs, and (II) an advanced profiling model to analyze both performance and power consumption of the algorithm implementations. The platform goal is twofold. Through the library, it aims at saving developing effort in the parallelization task through a primitive-based approach. Through the profiling framework, it aims at customizing such primitives by considering both the architectural details and the target efficiency metrics (i.e., performance or power)