162 research outputs found

    Implementing collaboration moderator service to support various phases of virtual organisations

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    Research into moderators, which support collaborative teams by proactively making team members aware of actions or potential problems which may affect them, began in the 1990s, in the context of supporting collaborations during concurrent engineering projects. This paper provides a background to the evolution of moderators and explores their role in supporting virtual organisations. A collaboration moderator (CM) is an evolution of earlier moderators and is capable of behaving differently for different types of users and therefore caters for the varying requirements of individual users depending on the roles they have in the collaborations. This paper describes the architecture and components of a CM from an implementation perspective. Prototype CMs have been developed during the EU-funded SYNERGY project, and two use cases for which the prototype CMs were implemented as a service (a Pre-Creation use case and an Operational use case) are also discussed in this paper

    Optimizing sparse matrix-vector multiplication in NEC SX-Aurora vector engine

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    Sparse Matrix-Vector multiplication (SpMV) is an essential piece of code used in many High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. As previous literature shows, achieving efficient vectorization and performance in modern multi-core systems is nothing straightforward. It is important then to revisit the current stateof-the-art matrix formats and optimizations to be able to deliver deliver high performance in long vector architectures. In this tech-report, we describe how to develop an efficient implementation that achieves high throughput in the NEC Vector Engine: a 256 element-long vector architecture. Combining several pre-processing and kernel optimizations we obtain an average 12% improvement over a base SELLC-s implementation on a heterogeneous set of 24 matrices.Preprin

    SOA-RTDBS: A service oriented architecture (SOA) supporting real time database systems

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    With the increase of complexity in Real-time Database Systems (RTDBS), the amount of data that needs to be managed has also increased. Adoption of a RTDBS as a tightly integrated part of the SOA development process can give significant benefits with respect to data management. However, the variability of data management requirements in different systems, and its heterogeneity may require a distinct database configuration. We addressed the challenges that face RTDB managers who intend to adopt RTDBS in SOA market; we also introduce a service oriented approach to RTDBS analytics and describe how this is used to measure and to monitor the security system. A SOA approach for generating RTDBS configurations suitable for resource-constrained real-time systems using Service Oriented Architecture tools to assist developers with design and analysis of services of developed or new systems was also explored

    Initial Architectural Style for CHOReOS Choreographies (D1.3)

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    While the development of CHOReOS systems build on well-known paradigms associated with service-oriented architectures (e.g., services, service bus and service choreography), the supporting architectural style re- quires accounting for the challenges posed by the future Internet, i.e., ultra large scale, high heterogeneity, increased mobility, and awareness & adaptability. This deliverable then revisits the traditional definitions of service-oriented component (i.e., service), connector (interaction protocol and related service bus for interop- erability) and configuration (system-wide architecture composing services according to orchestration or more general choreography patterns) to meet the FI challenges. Specifically, CHOReOS components enable lever- aging the diversity of Web-based services that integrate in the FI (i.e., WS∗ and RESTful web-based services, and from business to thing-based services) as well as the ultra large service base envisioned for the FI. As for CHOReOS connectors, they bring together the highly heterogeneous interaction paradigms that are now used in today's increasingly complex distributed systems and further support interoperability across heterogeneous paradigms. Finally, CHOReOS coordination protocols foster choreography-based coordination for the sake of scalability, while preventing undesired behavior (i.e., undesired service interactions that would violate the specified choreography). A key aspect of the proposed CHOReOS architectural style is to introduce novel ab- stractions for all its elements, which enable leveraging the wide diversity of the FI, in all the dimensions of scale, heterogeneity and mobility. The CHOReOS style further sets the base ground for the development (from design to implementation) of the CHOReOS Integrated Development and Runtime Environment, and especially for the specification and design of choreography-based systems (studied in WP2 complemented with WP4 work on Governance and V&V) and the development of the CHOReOS service-oriented middleware (studied in WP3)

    FiVO/QStorMan Semantic Toolkit for Supporting Data-Intensive Applications in Distributed Environments

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    In this paper we present a semantic-based approach for supporting data-intensive applications in distributed environments. The approach is characterized by usage of explicit definition of non-functional quality parameters regarding storage systems, semantic descriptions of the available storage infrastructre and monitoring data concering the infrastructure workload and users operation, along with an implementation of the approach in the form of a toolkit called FiVO/QStorMan. In particular, we describe semantic descriptions, which are exploited in the storage resource provisioning process. In addition, the paper describes results of the performed experimental evaluation of the toolkit, which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the storage resource provisioning

    Implementing collaboration moderator service to support various phases of virtual organisations

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Production Research on Oct 2013, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00207543.2013.849824Research into moderators, which support collaborative teams by proactively making team members aware of actions or potential problems which may affect them, began in the 1990s, in the context of supporting collaborations during concurrent engineering projects. This paper provides a background to the evolution of moderators and explores their role in supporting virtual organisations. A collaboration moderator (CM) is an evolution of earlier moderators and is capable of behaving differently for different types of users and therefore caters for the varying requirements of individual users depending on the roles they have in the collaborations. This paper describes the architecture and components of a CM from an implementation perspective. Prototype CMs have been developed during the EU-funded SYNERGY project, and two use cases for which the prototype CMs were implemented as a service (a Pre-Creation use case and an Operational use case) are also discussed in this paper

    Final CHOReOS Architectural Style and its Relation with the CHOReOS Development Process and IDRE

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    This is Part b of Deliverable D1.4, which specifies the final CHOReOS architectural style, that is, the types of components, connectors, and configurations that are composed within the Future Internet of services, as enabled by the CHOReOS technologies developed in WP2 to WP4 and integrated in the WP5 IDRE. The definition of the CHOReOS architectural style is especially guided by the objective of meeting the challenges posed by the Future Internet, i.e.: (i) the ultra large base of services and of consumers, (ii) the high heterogeneity of the services that get composed, from the ones offered by tiny things to the ones hosted on powerful cloud computing infrastructures, (iii) the increasing predominance of mobile consumers and services, which take over the original fixed Inter- net, and (iv) the required awareness of, and related adaptation to, the continuous environmental changes. Another critical challenge posed by the Future Internet is that of security, trust and privacy. However, the study of technologies dedicated to enforcing security, privacy and trust is beyond the scope of the CHOReOS project; instead, state of the art technologies and possibly latest results from projects focused on security solutions are built upon for the development of CHOReOS use cases -if and when needed-. The CHOReOS architectural style that is presented in this deliverable refines the definition of the early style introduced in Deliverable D1.3. Key features of the CHOReOS architectural elements are as follows: (1) The CHOReOS service-based components are technology agnostic and allow for the abstraction of the large diversity of Future Internet services, and particularly traditional Business services as well as Thing-based services; a key contribution of the component formalization lies in the inference of service abstractions that allows grouping services that are functionally similar in a systematic way, and thereby contributes to facing the ULS of the Future Internet together with dealing with system adaptation through service substitution. (2) The CHOReOS middleware-layer connectors span the variety of interaction paradigms, both discrete and continuous, which are used in today's increasingly complex distributed systems, as opposed to enforcing a single interaction paradigm that is commonly undertaken in traditional SOA; a central contribution of the connector formalization is the introduction of a multi-paradigm connector type, which not solely allows having highly heterogeneous services composed in the Future Internet but also having those heterogeneous services interoperating even if based on distinct interaction paradigms. (3) The CHOReOS coordination protocols introduce the third and last type of architectural elements char- acterizing the CHOReOS style. They specifically define the structure and behavior of service-oriented systems within the Future Internet as the fully distributed composition of services, i.e., choreographies; the key contribution of the work lies in a systematic model-based solution to choreography realizability, which synthesizes dedicated coordination delegates that govern the coordination of services

    The Many Facets of Mediation: A Requirements-driven Approach for Trading-off Mediation Solutions

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    Mediation aims at enabling dynamic composition of multi- ple components by making them interact successfully in order to satisfy given requirements. Through dynamic composition, software systems can adapt their structure and behaviour in dynamic and heterogeneous envi- ronments such as ubiquitous computing environments. This paper pro- vides a review of existing mediation approaches and their key character- istics and limitations. We claim that only a multifaceted approach that brings together and enhances the solutions of mediation from different perspectives is viable in the long term. We discuss how requirements can help identify synergies and trade-offs between these approaches and drive the selection of the appropriate mediation solution. We also highlight the open issues and future research directions in the area