11,205 research outputs found

    Subspace Designs Based on Algebraic Function Fields

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    Subspace designs are a (large) collection of high-dimensional subspaces {H_i} of F_q^m such that for any low-dimensional subspace W, only a small number of subspaces from the collection have non-trivial intersection with W; more precisely, the sum of dimensions of W cap H_i is at most some parameter L. The notion was put forth by Guruswami and Xing (STOC\u2713) with applications to list decoding variants of Reed-Solomon and algebraic-geometric codes, and later also used for explicit rank-metric codes with optimal list decoding radius. Guruswami and Kopparty (FOCS\u2713, Combinatorica\u2716) gave an explicit construction of subspace designs with near-optimal parameters. This construction was based on polynomials and has close connections to folded Reed-Solomon codes, and required large field size (specifically q >= m). Forbes and Guruswami (RANDOM\u2715) used this construction to give explicit constant degree "dimension expanders" over large fields, and noted that subspace designs are a powerful tool in linear-algebraic pseudorandomness. Here, we construct subspace designs over any field, at the expense of a modest worsening of the bound LL on total intersection dimension. Our approach is based on a (non-trivial) extension of the polynomial-based construction to algebraic function fields, and instantiating the approach with cyclotomic function fields. Plugging in our new subspace designs in the construction of Forbes and Guruswami yields dimension expanders over F^n for any field F, with logarithmic degree and expansion guarantee for subspaces of dimension Omega(n/(log(log(n))))

    On subspace designs

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    Guruswami and Xing introduced subspace designs in 2013 to give the first construction of positive rate rank metric codes list-decodable beyond half the distance. In this paper we provide bounds involving the parameters of a subspace design, showing they are tight via explicit constructions. We point out a connection with sum-rank metric codes, dealing with optimal codes and minimal codes with respect to this metric. Applications to two-intersection sets with respect to hyperplanes, two-weight codes, cutting blocking sets and lossless dimension expanders are also provided

    Evading Subspaces Over Large Fields and Explicit List-decodable Rank-metric Codes

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    We construct an explicit family of linear rank-metric codes over any field F that enables efficient list decoding up to a fraction rho of errors in the rank metric with a rate of 1-rho-eps, for any desired rho in (0,1) and eps > 0. Previously, a Monte Carlo construction of such codes was known, but this is in fact the first explicit construction of positive rate rank-metric codes for list decoding beyond the unique decoding radius. Our codes are explicit subcodes of the well-known Gabidulin codes, which encode linearized polynomials of low degree via their values at a collection of linearly independent points. The subcode is picked by restricting the message polynomials to an F-subspace that evades certain structured subspaces over an extension field of F. These structured spaces arise from the linear-algebraic list decoder for Gabidulin codes due to Guruswami and Xing (STOC\u2713). Our construction is obtained by combining subspace designs constructed by Guruswami and Kopparty (FOCS\u2713) with subspace-evasive varieties due to Dvir and Lovett (STOC\u2712). We establish a similar result for subspace codes, which are a collection of subspaces, every pair of which have low-dimensional intersection, and which have received much attention recently in the context of network coding. We also give explicit subcodes of folded Reed-Solomon (RS) codes with small folding order that are list-decodable (in the Hamming metric) with optimal redundancy, motivated by the fact that list decoding RS codes reduces to list decoding such folded RS codes. However, as we only list decode a subcode of these codes, the Johnson radius continues to be the best known error fraction for list decoding RS codes

    An Algorithmic Framework for Efficient Large-Scale Circuit Simulation Using Exponential Integrators

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    We propose an efficient algorithmic framework for time domain circuit simulation using exponential integrator. This work addresses several critical issues exposed by previous matrix exponential based circuit simulation research, and makes it capable of simulating stiff nonlinear circuit system at a large scale. In this framework, the system's nonlinearity is treated with exponential Rosenbrock-Euler formulation. The matrix exponential and vector product is computed using invert Krylov subspace method. Our proposed method has several distinguished advantages over conventional formulations (e.g., the well-known backward Euler with Newton-Raphson method). The matrix factorization is performed only for the conductance/resistance matrix G, without being performed for the combinations of the capacitance/inductance matrix C and matrix G, which are used in traditional implicit formulations. Furthermore, due to the explicit nature of our formulation, we do not need to repeat LU decompositions when adjusting the length of time steps for error controls. Our algorithm is better suited to solving tightly coupled post-layout circuits in the pursuit for full-chip simulation. Our experimental results validate the advantages of our framework.Comment: 6 pages; ACM/IEEE DAC 201

    Tables of subspace codes

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    One of the main problems of subspace coding asks for the maximum possible cardinality of a subspace code with minimum distance at least dd over Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n, where the dimensions of the codewords, which are vector spaces, are contained in K⊆{0,1,…,n}K\subseteq\{0,1,\dots,n\}. In the special case of K={k}K=\{k\} one speaks of constant dimension codes. Since this (still) emerging field is very prosperous on the one hand side and there are a lot of connections to classical objects from Galois geometry it is a bit difficult to keep or to obtain an overview about the current state of knowledge. To this end we have implemented an on-line database of the (at least to us) known results at \url{subspacecodes.uni-bayreuth.de}. The aim of this recurrently updated technical report is to provide a user guide how this technical tool can be used in research projects and to describe the so far implemented theoretic and algorithmic knowledge.Comment: 44 pages, 6 tables, 7 screenshot
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