4,492 research outputs found

    Explicit formulas for the exponentials of some special matrices

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    AbstractThe matrix exponential plays a very important role in many fields of mathematics and physics. It can be computed by many methods. This work is devoted to the study of some explicit formulas for computing eA, where A is a special square matrix. The main results are based on the convergent power series of eA. Examples and applications are given

    Exact Solutions to the Sine-Gordon Equation

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    A systematic method is presented to provide various equivalent solution formulas for exact solutions to the sine-Gordon equation. Such solutions are analytic in the spatial variable xx and the temporal variable t,t, and they are exponentially asymptotic to integer multiples of 2π2\pi as x±.x\to\pm\infty. The solution formulas are expressed explicitly in terms of a real triplet of constant matrices. The method presented is generalizable to other integrable evolution equations where the inverse scattering transform is applied via the use of a Marchenko integral equation. By expressing the kernel of that Marchenko equation as a matrix exponential in terms of the matrix triplet and by exploiting the separability of that kernel, an exact solution formula to the Marchenko equation is derived, yielding various equivalent exact solution formulas for the sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 43 page

    Light-Cone Expansion of the Dirac Sea in the Presence of Chiral and Scalar Potentials

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    We study the Dirac sea in the presence of external chiral and scalar/pseudoscalar potentials. In preparation, a method is developed for calculating the advanced and retarded Green's functions in an expansion around the light cone. For this, we first expand all Feynman diagrams and then explicitly sum up the perturbation series. The light-cone expansion expresses the Green's functions as an infinite sum of line integrals over the external potential and its partial derivatives. The Dirac sea is decomposed into a causal and a non-causal contribution. The causal contribution has a light-cone expansion which is closely related to the light-cone expansion of the Green's functions; it describes the singular behavior of the Dirac sea in terms of nested line integrals along the light cone. The non-causal contribution, on the other hand, is, to every order in perturbation theory, a smooth function in position space.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX (published version

    Pseudo-Exponential-Type Solutions of Wave Equations Depending on Several Variables

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    Using matrix identities, we construct explicit pseudo-exponential-type solutions of linear Dirac, Loewner and Schr\"odinger equations depending on two variables and of nonlinear wave equations depending on three variables

    Point Symmetries of Generalized Toda Field Theories

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    A class of two-dimensional field theories with exponential interactions is introduced. The interaction depends on two ``coupling'' matrices and is sufficiently general to include all Toda field theories existing in the literature. Lie point symmetries of these theories are found for an infinite, semi-infinite and finite number of fields. Special attention is accorded to conformal invariance and its breaking.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, Latex fil

    Free-Field Representation of Group Element for Simple Quantum Group

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    A representation of the group element (also known as ``universal T{\cal T}-matrix'') which satisfies Δ(g)=gg\Delta(g) = g\otimes g, is given in the form g=(s=1dB.> E1/qi(s)(χ(s)Ti(s)))q2ϕH(s=1dB.< Eqi(s)(ψ(s)T+i(s))) g = \left(\prod_{s=1}^{d_B}\phantom.^>\ {\cal E}_{1/q_{i(s)}}(\chi^{(s)}T_{-i(s)})\right) q^{2\vec\phi\vec H} \left(\prod_{s=1}^{d_B}\phantom.^<\ {\cal E}_{q_{i(s)}}(\psi^{(s)} T_{+i(s)})\right) where dB=12(dGrG)d_B = \frac{1}{2}(d_G - r_G), qi=qαi2/2q_i = q^{|| \vec\alpha_i||^2/2} and Hi=2Hαi/αi2H_i = 2\vec H\vec\alpha_i/||\vec\alpha_i||^2 and T±iT_{\pm i} are the generators of quantum group associated respectively with Cartan algebra and the {\it simple} roots. The ``free fields'' $\chi,\ \vec\phi,\ \psiformaHeisenberglikealgebra: form a Heisenberg-like algebra: \psi^{(s)}\psi^{(s')} = q^{-\vec\alpha_{i(s)} \vec\alpha_{i(s')}} \psi^{(s')}\psi^{(s)}, & \chi^{(s)}\chi^{(s')} = q^{-\vec\alpha_{i(s)}\vec\alpha_{i(s')}} \chi^{(s')}\chi^{(s)}& {\rm for} \ s<s', \\ q^{\vec h\vec\phi}\psi^{(s)} = q^{\vec h\vec\alpha_{i(s)}} \psi^{(s)}q^{\vec h\vec\phi}, & q^{\vec h\vec\phi}\chi^{(s)} = q^{\vec h \vec\alpha_{i(s)}}\chi^{(s)}q^{\vec h\vec\phi}, & \\ &\psi^{(s)} \chi^{(s')} = \chi^{(s')}\psi^{(s)} & {\rm for\ any}\ s,s'.Wearguethatthe We argue that the d_Gparametricmanifoldwhich-parametric ``manifold'' which gspansintheoperatorvalueduniversalenveloppingalgebra,canalsobeinvariantunderthegroupmultiplication spans in the operator-valued universal envelopping algebra, can also be invariant under the group multiplication g \rightarrow g'\cdot g''.Theuniversal. The universal {\cal R}matrixwiththepropertythat-matrix with the property that {\cal R} (g\otimes I)(I\otimes g) = (I\otimes g)(g\otimes I){\cal R}isgivenbytheusualformula is given by the usual formula R=qijrGαi2αj2(αα)ij1HiHjα>0dBEqα((qαqα1)TαTα).{\cal R} = q^{-\sum_{ij}^{r_G}||\vec\alpha_i||^2|| \vec\alpha_j||^2 (\vec\alpha\vec\alpha)^{-1}_{ij}H_i \otimes H_j}\prod_{ \vec\alpha > 0}^{d_B}{\cal E}_{q_{\vec\alpha}}\left(-(q_{\vec\alpha}- q_{\vec\alpha}^{-1})T_{\vec\alpha}\otimes T_{-\vec\alpha}\right).$Comment: 68 page

    Computation of Composition Functions and Invariant Vector Fields in Terms of Structure Constants of Associated Lie Algebras

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    Methods of construction of the composition function, left- and right-invariant vector fields and differential 1-forms of a Lie group from the structure constants of the associated Lie algebra are proposed. It is shown that in the second canonical coordinates these problems are reduced to the matrix inversions and matrix exponentiations, and the composition function can be represented in quadratures. Moreover, it is proven that the transition function from the first canonical coordinates to the second canonical coordinates can be found by quadratures

    Decimated generalized Prony systems

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    We continue studying robustness of solving algebraic systems of Prony type (also known as the exponential fitting systems), which appear prominently in many areas of mathematics, in particular modern "sub-Nyquist" sampling theories. We show that by considering these systems at arithmetic progressions (or "decimating" them), one can achieve better performance in the presence of noise. We also show that the corresponding lower bounds are closely related to well-known estimates, obtained for similar problems but in different contexts