89 research outputs found

    Tourists behavior during their trip: How they use and offer recommendations?

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    The rise of new technologies has changed the way tourists trust in eWOM to choose a restaurant. There is a growing use of opinion and price comparison websites, where opinions and ratings can be shared with other users. In addition, the spreading of false or paid comments has made this type of webs seek the generation and maintenance of trust. However, there are few studies that analyse how to generate trust in these webs and its effect in the intention of the consumer to participate in WOM behaviours, once the tourist is already in its tourist destination. Therefore, this research analyses the influence of recommendations on the generation of tourists’ trust in the review websites of restaurant industry while they are in the destination. A regression analysis of data from 439 tourists has revealed that the perceived credibility, the quality of the information and the quality of the web affect trust in review websites. This fact encourages the contracting of restaurant services and communication among consumers, both in a traditional way (WOM) and through the review websites (eWOM), while the tourist is in the tourism destination.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Understanding Trust in IT Artifacts - A New Conceptual Approach

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    To add value to companies, IT artifacts – such as information systems – need to be adopted and used. Research and practice have shown that designing IT artifacts in a way that they are readily adopted and used is not trivial. To support designers, research has identified a plethora of factors driving the adoption and use of IT artifacts, with trust being one of the most important factors. Despite this knowledge, research on trust in IT artifact struggles to leverage its potential for IT artifact design, due to several disagreements among scholars. The goal of our paper is to present and reconcile the different competing arguments, and to provide a new conceptual approach to study trust in IT artifacts. The core argument of our approach is that trust is a suitable concept for studying relationships between humans and IT artifact, but trust in an IT artifact should not be studied without examining trust in the provider of the IT artifact. Whereas interpersonal trust theory is suitable to assess trust in the provider of the IT artifact, we propose a new conceptualization for trust in the IT artifact itself. Separately investigating trust in the provider of the IT artifact and trust in the IT artifact itself, will allow researchers to gather a deeper understanding of the nature of trust in IT artifacts and how it can be built. This knowledge will support designers in designing IT artifacts that are more readily adopted and used, and thus can provide the desired value to companies

    Modeling user’s trust in M-commerce acceptance: A conceptual framework in context of Pakistan

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    With the emergence of Intern ate and world wide web traditional business got new opportunity to complete globally. Traditional bricks-and-mortar business became electronic business ( e-business) by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) tools. A new term of Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) has created tremendous spectrum of business opportunities for businesses. Although there has been large scale adoption of M-Commerce in developing economies, but little growth is observed in developing economies such as Pakistan. There are doubts that users of M-Commerce demonstrate a lack of enthusiasm, which may be due to lack of trustworthiness. Based on the well-known and widely used technology acceptance model (TAM), this research study provides the conceptual framework, underpinning the relationship of trust with adoption of M-Commerce in Pakistan. The aim of this paper is to study the role of trust and its relationship with the acceptance of M-Commerce in Pakistan

    Analisis Pengaruh Core Brand Attitude dan Consumer Perceptional Fit terhadap Purchase Intention Towards Extended Product Telaah pada Produk Realfood Jelly

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    Pada saat ini perkembangan industri makanan dan minuman kesehatan semakin meningkat pesat, terutama pada situasi Pandemi Covid-19 yang mengubah gaya hidup masyarakat menjadi kearah yang lebih sehat. Hal ini menuntut pelaku bisnis yang berada di industri tersebut harus dapat melakukan inovasi untuk dapat bersaing. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan yaitu dengan melakukan brand extension. Namun tidak semua perusahaan berhasil dalam melakukan brand extension sehingga perusahaan memerlukan pemahaman terkait apa yang dapat meningkatkan minat beli suatu produk ekstensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online menggunakan Google Form. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling non- probability dengan jenis teknik judgmental sampling. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas untuk melihat tingkat ketepatan dan konsistensi dari indikator penelitian dengan menggunakan data dari 30 responden pada pre-test. Kemudian menggunakan metode SEM dengan menguji goodness- of-fit, measurement model, dan structural model untuk analisis data main-test yang didapatkan dari 145 responden. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif antara brand awareness, core brand image, use experience, core brand attitude, product connection, consumer perceptional fit, dan purchase intention toward extended product. Namun, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa variabel brand preference tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap core brand image dan brand association tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap consumer perceptional fit

    Credibility of online reviews and initial online trust in hotel services: the roles of similarity and review quality

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    As a new type of word-of-mouth media, online hotel review sites have a significant role in travelers’ decision making. Despite of growing popularity and adoption among travelers, online reviews are often questioned for their credibility. The purpose of this study is to investigate how review quality and perceived similarity affect travelers’ perception of credibility of the reviews and their initial trust in the hotel being reviewed. A survey involving 430 real travelers from 16 countries was conducted in popular tourist destination. Results confirm that (1) review quality affects credibility and initial trust in hotel services; (2) similarity affects credibility and initial trust in hotel services; (3) credibility of online reviews affects initial trust in hotel services

    Evaluating and integrating the McKnight’s trust related models

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    This paper primarily aims to develop a comprehensive model of initial trust by evaluating and integrating antecedents of interpersonal trust within the McKnight‟s trust related models. We have firstly identified antecedents of interpersonal trustby reviewed the literature and subsequently classified them by evaluating the properties of the constructs. Based on the review, seven constructsrelated to antecedents of interpersonal trust have partly been identified toincorporatein and extend the McKnight‟s trust models. They are: (1) situation normality, (2) structural assurance, (3) disposition to trust, (4) perceived site quality, (5) perceived vendor reputation, (6) co-brand image, (7) co-brand awareness. This study contributes academically by providing a comprehensive conceptual model, where these essential constructs are assembled together. Future empirical validation is suggested at the end of this paper

    The Effect of Website Quality on Information Disclosure: A Cue Utilization Theory Perspective

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    As shopping through e-commerce portals continues to grow, personal information disclosure is becoming morecommonplace. The proposed research employs Cue Utilization Theory (CUT) to better understand how extrinsic cues,intrinsic cues, or a combination of both, influence truthful consumer disclosure of personal demographic information. Thetwo relevant cues used in the study are security features (website seals and security statements) and website visual appeal(VAP). Two studies, a lab experiment and a field study utilizing a snowball sample, will expose subjects to mock-up ecommercesites that vary high and low components of the cues and present a shopping simulation to determine the cues’influence on truthful disclosure decisions. We posit that VAP will drive stronger predictive and critical values than securityfeatures, thereby having greater impact on truthful disclosure. Results from these two studies will be presented at theconference. Contributions and limitations of the proposed research are discussed


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    Internet advertising has grown substantially, and represents the second-largest destination of advertising dollars in the USA. While those data are more difficult to find in other countries, it is expected that the future is similarly bright for the online advertising industry world-wide. This study proposed and tested a causal model that predicts (1) both intentions to return to the host site and recommend the site to others and (2) performance in successfully completing information retrieval tasks on a website. Those two ultimate dependent variables are, in turn, predicted by a user?s feelings of irritation and ad intrusiveness, which are, in turn, predicted by attitude toward the ad and repeated exposure of the ad. In a study involving 420 students, six of the eleven hypothesized relationships were supported: attitude toward the ad predicted intrusiveness; intrusiveness predicted irritation, intentions, and task performance; and both irritation and performance predicted intentions. The model explains 50% of the variance in irritation, 5% of the variance in intrusiveness, 1% of the variance in performance, and 21% of the variance in intentions, providing mixed support for the model
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