37 research outputs found

    Explaining Adoption of Pervasive Retail Systems with a Model based on UTAUT2 and the Extended Privacy Calculus

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    The advent of e-commerce puts traditional retail companies under a lot of pressure. A way retailers try to attract more customers to their physical stores is by offering online services on the retail sales floor. Such services are enabled through pervasive retail systems. These systems, however, do not only offer new opportunities but also bear risks for retailers because they heavily depend on privacy-related data, which customers could perceive as a potential privacy threat. In the present paper, we thus investigate the antecedents of customers’ usage intention towards such systems and the trade-off between the perceived benefits and the perceived privacy costs that are associated with their use. To this end, we propose a model based on the most recent version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Extended Privacy Calculus Theory. We validate our model considering a smart fitting room application and show that the model is able to explain 67.1% of the variance in the behavioral intention to use the system and 43.1% of the variance in a person’s willingness to disclose private information. Our results can be leveraged to design pervasive systems that are perceived as valuable instead of privacy threatening

    On the Impact of Information Provided to Employees on their Intention to Disclose Data Collected by Smart Watches to their Employers

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    Companies are increasingly equipping employees with smart watches to improve employees\u27 performance, health, or safety. Thus employers can collect sensitive employees\u27 data using smart watches, including, e.g., employees\u27 health and emotions. This paper investigates the effects of employers\u27 provided information on the employees\u27 intention to share information like activity, health, and location when equipped with a smart watch, considering the privacy calculus. To this end, we have conducted a scenario-based online survey with 1,214 participants in which they have to imagine being equipped with a smart watch by their employer. The scenario was changed in a post-test by increasing employers\u27 provided information to measure the impact of this change on the participants\u27 decisions. Our results indicate that the more information employers provide, the less the participants are willing to disclose data. Therefore, employees who obtain transparent information tend to weigh risks significantly higher in the associated cost-benefit analysis

    The acceptance and use of mobile banking apps among millennials in Gauteng, South Africa

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    Abstract : Mobile banking apps are one of the recent improvements in the mobile banking innovation domain that retail banks are promoting to their customers. Research into mobile banking app user behaviour is important to promoting a rapid acceptance of this banking innovation. Despite this, only limited studies have addressed this issue, particularly from the standpoint of emerging nations such as South Africa. Using the Unified Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT 2) model as its theoretical background, this research analysed the drivers of and barriers to mobile banking app acceptance and use among millennials in Gauteng, South Africa. A survey strategy using a self-administered questionnaire was applied to obtain 352 usable responses from customers of the five major South African retail banks (Capitec, Absa, FNB, Nedbank, and Standard Bank). A partial least squares structural equation modelling technique using SmartPLS version 3 was used to assess the measurement model properties and to test the hypotheses proposed for the study. The findings suggest that performance expectancy a, facilitating conditions are significant drivers of millennials’ behavioural intention to use mobile banking apps. Furthermore, perceived risk was found to be a critical barrier to millennials’ behavioural intention to accept mobile banking apps; but, surprisingly, the impact of perceived risk on the actual use of mobile banking apps was found to be insignificant, thus suggesting that perceived risk is not a deterrent to mobile banking app use among millennials who currently use the innovation. Moreover, the actual use of mobile banking apps was found be strongly and positively associated with behavioural intention and facilitating conditions. The findings of this study contribute to the limited literature that currently exists on mobile banking apps acceptance in emerging countries such as South Africa. In addition, this study validates the UTAUT2 in a different country (South Africa), in a different age group (millennials), and in a different technology domain (mobile banking apps), and thus contributes towards cross-cultural validation of the UTAUT2 beyond its original setting.M.Com. (Marketing Management

    Generation Y’s Behavioural Usage of Small Businesses’ Retail Websites in Canada

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    This research delves into the factors that influence Generation Y’s usage of Canadian small businesses’ retail websites in order to suggest how they can be attracted to use them more. Based on the Use of Technology Two (UTAUT2) theory, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews revealed linkages between Behavioural Intention, Habit, Facilitating Conditions and Use Behaviour with demographic variables moderating some relationships. Improving the website designs and social media marketing can entice Generation Y consumers

    How religion influences the use of social media : the impact of the online user’s religiosity on perceived online privacy and the use of technology in Saudi Arabia.

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    Religion has a significant effect on people’s lives. It impacts human behaviour, thoughts, morale standards, attitudes and values. The literature shows that religiosity has an effect also on consumer behaviour. However, the concept of religiosity has been under-researched due to the sensitivity of religion (Swimberghe, Flurry, & Parker, 2011). According to Vitell (2009) there is still a need to develop a vigorous theoretical understanding of the impact of religiosity on the consumer behaviour. This thesis contributes to that knowledge by developing a model to explain the effect of the religiosity of the online user on their use of social media. Current research does not fully explain the specifics of religious influences on online user behaviours. This thesis main goal is to build a model that can measure the effect of intrinsic religiosity on the use of social media. The proposed model uses the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) along with Privacy concern to measure the effect of religiosity on the use of social media. This thesis empirically tests the proposed model linking religiosity, privacy concerns, technology acceptance and the use of social media. Allport and Ross' (1967) religious orientation scale (ROS) is used to measure the intrinsic religiosity. Xu et al's., (2011a) model of privacy concern is used to measure privacy concerns when using social media. Venkatesh, Thong and Xu's (2012) unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) is used to measure the user acceptance of social media. Using partial least square structural equation modelling, intrinsic religiosity (ROS), and privacy concerns along with technology acceptance are shown to influence the use of social media. The results show that religion has an indirect effect on the use of social media through privacy concerns and technology acceptance. The results also show that the model can predict the effect of intrinsic religiosity on the use of social media to share and disclose information. The implications from this study are significant both for policy and practice for social media companies as well as users. Information from this study will help social media companies to maximize users’ involvement with social media. It will also benefit the industry and the literature by providing a sound model that can measure the impact of religion on the behaviour of users

    Software Engineering Methods for the Internet of Things: A Comparative Review

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    Accessing different physical objects at any time from anywhere through wireless network heavily impacts the living style of societies worldwide nowadays. Thus, the Internet of Things has now become a hot emerging paradigm in computing environments. Issues like interoperability, software reusability, and platform independence of those physical objects are considered the main current challenges. This raises the need for appropriate software engineering approaches to develop effective and efficient IoT applications software. This paper studies the state of the art of design and development methodologies for IoT software. The aim is to study how proposed approaches have been solved issues of interoperability, reusability, and independence of the platform. A comparative study is presented for the different software engineering methods used for the Internet of Things. Finally, the key research gaps and open issues are highlighted as future directions

    Az IoT-koncepción alapuló egészségügyi eszközök fogyasztók közötti elterjedését befolyásoló faktorok vizsgálata

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    Napjainkban számos területen érezhetjük a digitalizáció pozitív hatását. Nincs ez máshogy az egészségügy területén sem, ahol az IoT-koncepció (Internet of Things) adatgyűjtéssel, illetve a Big Data koncepció adatkezeléssel kapcsolatos megoldásai hozzájárulnak az adatorientált, személyre szabott egészségügyi döntésekhez. Jelen kutatás célja a fogyasztók témakörrel kapcsolatos véleményének felmérése, illetve a technológiai megoldások diffúzióját befolyásoló faktorok meghatározása annak érdekében, hogy a kutatás folytatásaként az igényekhez illeszkedő hardver- és szoftverplatform kialakítására nyíljon lehetőség. Az elfogadottságot befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata érdekében kérdőíves felmérés történt öt fő témakört érintően, beleértve a különböző eszközökről és szolgáltatásokról alkotott véleményt. Az általános változók mellett a UTAUT2-technológia elfogadásának és használatának kiegészített modellje került alkalmazásra, a területhez való alkalmazkodás érdekében. Az elemzés során strukturális egyenletek modellezése (PLS-SEM) zajlott, majd az egyes tényezők látens változókra gyakorolt hatása ordinális logisztikus regresszióval került górcső alá, ezzel vizsgálva a modell fejlesztésének lehetőségeit

    Consumer Intentions to Accept and Use Mobile Advertising

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    Mobilne naprave se vse bolj vključujejo v življenja ljudi. S tem so oglaševalci pridobili nove priložnosti za komuniciranje s svojimi strankami, podjetja pa možnosti za oglaševanje svojih produktov in storitev na personaliziran način. Mobilno oglaševanje je tako pritegnilo pozornost oglaševalcev in raziskovalcev. Kljub dejstvu, da potrošniki že dolgo za svojimi mobilnimi napravami preživijo veliko časa, pa tržniki še vedno iščejo načine, kako bi v celoti izkoristili vse prednosti tega medija. Raziskovalci so v zadnjem času izvedli več študij na področju presoje in napovedovanja odnosa potrošnikov do mobilnega oglaševanja, toda nekatere nejasnosti še vedno obstajajo. Slednje še posebej velja za Pakistan, kjer je bilo opravljenih zelo malo raziskav na področju mobilnega oglaševanja. Pričujoča disertacija zato teoretsko obravnava presojo namer potrošnikov o sprejetju in uporabi mobilnega oglaševanja in vključuje empirično študijo v Pakistanu. Tema je relativno mlada in še premalo raziskana, zato prinaša številne priložnosti za razvoj novih in razširitev obstoječih teorij. Pričujoča disertacija želi razširiti obstoječo teorijo, to je Združeno teorijo o tehnološkem sprejetju in uporabi. Za to je bil oblikovan mešan raziskovalni pristop (ang. Mixed Methods Approach), v katerem se rezultati ustvarijo s kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizo podatkov, z namenom identifikacije ključnih dejavnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na namero potrošnikov o sprejetju mobilnega oglaševanja. Cilj disertacije je premostiti vrzel v znanju na področju presoje namere potrošnikov in njihovega odnosa do uporabe mobilnega oglaševanja. Teoretski in empirični rezultati so izpostavili nekaj ključnih dejavnikov (kot na primer pričakovan trud, pričakovani učinek, zaznan užitek, zaznana nadležnost in personalizacija), ki vplivajo na namero potrošnikov o sprejetju mobilnega oglaševanja. Poleg tega so rezultati razkrili tudi odnos med potrošnikovo namero sprejetja in sprejetjem mobilnega oglaševanja.The world has witnessed a high level of mobile device penetration in people’s lives. This has not only created an opportunity for marketers to communicate with their customers but has also enabled companies to advertise their products and services in personalized way. Due to this, mobile advertising has got the attention of both marketers and researchers. However, marketers have been struggling to fully exploit the benefits of this medium, even though consumers spend a considerable amount of their time on mobile devices. Recently, researchers have conducted various studies into ways to assess and predict consumer attitudes towards mobile advertising, but there is still ambiguity in this area. This is particularly the case in Pakistan, where very little research has been conducted in the area of mobile advertising. The current thesis is targeted towards assessing consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising. This under-researched topic is still in its infancy and there are lots of opportunities to not only come up with new theories but also extend the existing ones. The current thesis attempts to extend the existing unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). To do this, a mixed methodological approach was adopted where both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques were applied to the data in order to uncover crucial factors that can affect consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising. The goal of the current thesis is to bridge the knowledge gap by assessing consumer intentions and actual behaviour towards mobile advertising. The results highlight some of the crucial factors (such as effort expectancy, performance expectancy, perceived enjoyment, perceived irritation, and personalization) that can affect consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising. In addition to this, the results also highlight the relationship between consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising

    Digitalization of the individual : consequences, design, and behavior

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    In the past decades, digitalization has increasingly influenced our daily lives and habits in almost all areas and has even become indispensable for individuals, organizations, and society. The interactions between individuals and organizations have changed significantly as digitalization extends the boundaries of organizations to the point at which it affects individuals. Consequently, new research efforts and better understanding are essential to understand how the behavior of individuals is affected by the use of digital technologies, how customers demands change, and how the purchasing process of organizations needs to be adapted. Currently, the literature on digital transformation is mainly treating the organizational perspective. Nevertheless, organizations should not neglect the individual perspective as it is essential to understand customer needs and their consequences affected by digital technologies. Matt et al. (2019)1 present a holistic research framework with three research perspectives for the digitalization of the individual. This framework encompasses the behavior of individuals, the design of information systems, and the consequences that digitalization entails. Additionally, this research framework suggests that a digitized individual can take on different roles. The dissertation uses this framework of Matt et al. (2019)1 to structure and classify the covered contents and research objectives. The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to a comprehensive overview for organizations to understand their customers concerns regarding digital technologies, which design options they have to address these concerns, and how it influences their behavior to realize the potential of the technologies or reduce their harms. Therefore, this work applies pluralistic methodological approaches (qualitative methods, e.g., semi-structured interviews and qualitative content analysis, and quantitative methods, e.g., quantitative decision models and data collection from online questionnaires). With that, the dissertation provides novel insights for organizations to better implement digital technologies by regarding the consequences for individuals and the behavior of individuals. First, to contribute to an understanding of the negative consequences digitalization can bring along for individuals, part A of this dissertation presents two research articles that focus on the concerns of individuals. The research papers P1 and P2 show in two different domains what individuals are concerned about when using digital technologies and what prevents individuals from using them. Therefore, this dissertation presents knowledge about the fears and concerns of the individuals have and offers starting points to develop responsible and transparent digital technologies that address the concerns of the individuals. Second, to contribute to design approaches for information systems that enable organizations to increase customer satisfaction with digital products and services, part B presents design approaches that organizations can use to address individuals perceived consequences and change their behavior using digital technologies. Both research papers in part B present quantitative decision models as decision support for organizations. This dissertation offers two design approaches that provide organizations with information on designing technologies to serve digitized individuals and foster them better to make well-founded decisions when introducing digital technologies. Third, to contribute to the understanding of why and how individuals behave in certain ways and how this behavior can be influenced, Part C examines the behavior of individuals when using digital technologies. Research paper P5 develops a metric to better explore the privacy paradox. With that, this dissertation offers a basis, especially to researchers and individuals, to prevent unwanted behavior when using digital technologies. To sum up, this dissertation contributes to scientific knowledge in research on the digitalization of the individual and thus addresses a subject of fundamental importance in this digital age. The models and approaches developed in this dissertation explore ways to improve conditions for the digitized individual at all three research perspectives with equal regard for the individual as itself and the individual as a customer.In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat die Digitalisierung zunehmend unseren Alltag und unsere Gewohnheiten in nahezu Bereichen des Lebens beeinflusst und ist damit für Individuen, Organisationen und die Gesellschaft unverzichtbar geworden. So hat sich die Beziehung zwischen Individuen und Organisationen erheblich verändert, da die Digitalisierung die Organisationsgrenzen aufweicht und ihre Kund:innen mehr integriert. Folglich sind neue Forschungsanstrengungen und ein besseres Verständnis erforderlich, um nachvollziehen zu können, wie das Verhalten von Individuen durch den Einsatz digitaler Technologien beeinflusst wird, wie sich die Anforderungen von Kund:innen ändern und wie der Kaufprozess von Organisationen angepasst werden muss. Derzeit wird in der Literatur zum Themengebiet der digitalen Transformation hauptsächlich die organisationale Perspektive behandelt. Nichtsdestotrotz sollten Organisationen die individuelle Perspektive nicht vernachlässigen. Sie ist grundlegend, um die Kund:innenbedürfnisse, die durch digitale Technologien beeinflusst werden, und deren Folgen zu verstehen. Matt et al. (2019) stellen einen ganzheitlichen Forschungsrahmen mit drei Forschungsperspektiven für die Digitalisierung des Individuums vor. Dieser umfasst das Verhalten der Individuen, die Gestaltung von Informationssystemen und die Konsequenzen, die die Digitalisierung für Individuen mit sich bringen kann. Zusätzlich zeigt dieser, dass ein digitalisiertes Individuum verschiedene Rollen einnehmen kann. Die Dissertation nutzt das Framework von Matt et al. (2019), um die Inhalte und Forschungsziele zu strukturieren und einzuordnen. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, einen Beitrag zu einem umfassenden Überblick für Organisationen zu leisten, um die Individuen im Zuge der Digitalisierung zu verstehen. Dabei wird untersucht, welche Bedenken ihre Kund:innen in Bezug auf digitale Technologien haben, welche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sie haben, um diese Bedenken zu adressieren, und wie es das Verhalten von Kund:innen beeinflusst. Dadurch können sie das Potenzial dieser Technologien realisieren oder ihre Schäden reduzieren. Diese Arbeit wendet eine Vielzahl an methodischen Ansätzen an (qualitative Methoden, z.B. halbstrukturierte Interviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse, und quantitative Methoden, z.B. quantitative Entscheidungsmodelle und Datenerhebung aus Online-Fragebögen). Damit liefert die Dissertation neue Erkenntnisse für Organisationen, um digitale Technologien besser zu implementieren, indem sie die Konsequenzen für Individuen und das Verhalten von Individuen betrachtet. Um erstens einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der negativen Folgen, die die Digitalisierung für den Einzelnen mit sich bringen kann, zu leisten, umfasst Teil A dieser Dissertation zwei Forschungsartikel, die sich mit den Bedenken des Einzelnen beschäftigen. Die Forschungsartikel P1 und P2 zeigen in zwei unterschiedlichen Bereichen, welche Bedenken Individuen bei der Nutzung digitaler Technologien haben und was Individuen davon abhält, diese zu nutzen. Daher präsentiert diese Dissertation Wissen über die Ängste und Bedenken der Individuen und bietet Ansatzpunkte, um verantwortungsvolle und transparente digitale Technologien zu entwickeln. Um zweitens einen Beitrag zu Gestaltungsansätzen für Informationssysteme zu leisten, werden in Teil B Gestaltungsansätze vorgestellt, mit denen Organisationen die wahrgenommenen Konsequenzen für Individuen adressieren und das Verhalten im Umgang mit digitalen Technologien ändern können. Diese ermöglichen es Organisationen die Kund:innenzufriedenheit bei der Nutzung von digitalen Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu erhöhen. Beide Forschungsarbeiten in Teil B stellen quantitative Entscheidungsmodelle als Entscheidungshilfe für Organisationen vor. Diese Dissertation bietet zwei Gestaltungsansätze, die Organisationen Informationen zur Gestaltung von Informationssystemen liefern und sie dabei unterstützen, fundierte Entscheidungen bei der Einführung digitaler Technologien zu treffen. Drittens, um zum Verständnis beizutragen, warum und wie sich Individuen auf bestimmte Weise verhalten und wie dieses Verhalten beeinflusst werden kann, wird in Teil C das Verhalten von Individuen bei der Nutzung digitaler Technologien untersucht. P5 entwickelt eine Metrik, um das Privacy-Paradoxon besser zu erforschen. Damit bietet diese Dissertation eine Grundlage, insbesondere für Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie Individuen, um unerwünschtes Verhalten bei der Nutzung digitaler Technologien zu verhindern. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass diese Dissertation wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Erforschung der Digitalisierung des Individuums leistet und damit ein Thema von grundlegender Bedeutung im digitalen Zeitalter behandelt. Die in dieser Dissertation entwickelten Modelle und Ansätze zeigen Wege auf, wie die Bedingungen für das digitalisierte Individuum auf allen drei Forschungsperspektiven verbessert werden können