143 research outputs found

    Search strategy formulation for systematic reviews: Issues, challenges and opportunities

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    Systematic literature reviews play a vital role in identifying the best available evidence for health and social care research, policy, and practice. The resources required to produce systematic reviews can be significant, and a key to the success of any review is the search strategy used to identify relevant literature. However, the methods used to construct search strategies can be complex, time consuming, resource intensive and error prone. In this review, we examine the state of the art in resolving complex structured information needs, focusing primarily on the healthcare context. We analyse the literature to identify key challenges and issues and explore appropriate solutions and workarounds. From this analysis we propose a way forward to facilitate trust and to aid explainability and transparency, reproducibility and replicability through a set of key design principles for tools to support the development of search strategies in systematic literature reviews

    From Query-By-Keyword to Query-By-Example: LinkedIn Talent Search Approach

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    One key challenge in talent search is to translate complex criteria of a hiring position into a search query, while it is relatively easy for a searcher to list examples of suitable candidates for a given position. To improve search efficiency, we propose the next generation of talent search at LinkedIn, also referred to as Search By Ideal Candidates. In this system, a searcher provides one or several ideal candidates as the input to hire for a given position. The system then generates a query based on the ideal candidates and uses it to retrieve and rank results. Shifting from the traditional Query-By-Keyword to this new Query-By-Example system poses a number of challenges: How to generate a query that best describes the candidates? When moving to a completely different paradigm, how does one leverage previous product logs to learn ranking models and/or evaluate the new system with no existing usage logs? Finally, given the different nature between the two search paradigms, the ranking features typically used for Query-By-Keyword systems might not be optimal for Query-By-Example. This paper describes our approach to solving these challenges. We present experimental results confirming the effectiveness of the proposed solution, particularly on query building and search ranking tasks. As of writing this paper, the new system has been available to all LinkedIn members

    First International Workshop on Professional Search

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    In this report we describe the outcome of the First International Workshop on Professional Search, held in co-location with SIGIR 2018. The workshop addressed the specific requirements and challenges of professional search, as opposed to web search. The workshop included a survey held among 113 professional searchers, two keynote talks, six short paper talks, and two break-out sessions. From all parts of the workshop, we concluded that (1) we can define professional search with a set of common characteristics; but (2) there are definitely differences between domains; (3) we are in need of more knowledge about the search process in different domains, and (4) we need to collect data, not only Cranfieldstyle test collections, but also user observation data that help us understand the challenges and requirements of professional search better. Currently, there are many open problems that potentially have an impact on the IR community beyond the professional domains. We therefore call the scientific IR community to address professional search more actively

    Ethics & AI: A systematic review on ethical concerns and related strategies for designing with AI in healthcare

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    In modern life, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has promoted the implementation of data-driven algorithms in high-stakes domains, such as healthcare. However, it is becoming increasingly challenging for humans to understand the working and reasoning of these complex and opaque algorithms. For AI to support essential decisions in these domains, specific ethical issues need to be addressed to prevent the misinterpretation of AI, which may have severe consequences for humans. However, little research has been published on guidelines that systematically addresses ethical issues when AI techniques are applied in healthcare. In this systematic literature review, we aimed to provide an overview of ethical concerns and related strategies that are currently identified when applying AI in healthcare. The review, which followed the PRISMA guidelines, revealed 12 main ethical issues: justice and fairness, freedom and autonomy, privacy, transparency, patient safety and cyber security, trust, beneficence, responsibility, solidarity, sustainability, dignity, and conflicts. In addition to these 12 main ethical issues, we derived 19 ethical sub-issues and associated strategies from the literature.</p

    Supporting interactive summarization for explainable exploratory search

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    Exploratory search is characterised by user uncertainty with respect to search domain and information seeking goals. This uncertainty can negatively impact users’ abilities to assess the quality of search results, causing them to scroll through more documents than necessary and struggle to give consistent relevance feedback. As users’ information needs are assumed to be highly dynamic and expected to evolve over time, successful searches can be indistinguishable from those that have drifted erroneously away from their original search intent. Indeed, given their lack of domain knowledge, searchers may be slow, or even unable, to recognise when search results have become skewed towards another topic. With these issues in mind, we designed and implemented an interactive search system which integrated a keyword summaries algorithm, Exploratory Search Captions (ESC) to support users in exploratory search. This thesis investigated into the usefulness of ESC in terms of user experience, user behaviour and also explored impact of design decision in terms of user satisfaction. We evaluated the ESC system with a user study in the context of exploratory search of scientific literature in Computer Science. According to the user study results, participants almost unanimously preferred the retrieval system that incorporated ESC; and the presence of captions dramatically impacts user behaviour: users issue more queries, investigate fewer documents per query, but see more documents overall. We demonstrated the usefulness of ESC, the improved usability of ESC system, and the positive impact of our design decisions

    To whom to explain and what? : Systematic literature review on empirical studies on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

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    Expectations towards artificial intelligence (AI) have risen continuously because of machine learning models’ evolution. However, the models’ decisions are often not intuitively understandable. For this reason, the field of Explainable AI (XAI) has emerged, which tries to create different techniques to help users understand AI better. As AI’s use spreads more broadly in society, it becomes like a co-worker that people need to understand. For this reason, AI-human interaction in research is of broad and current interest. This thesis outlines the current empirical XAI research literature themes from the human-computer interaction (HCI) perspective. This study's method is an explorative, systematic literature review carried out following the PRISMA (Preferred Research Items for Systematic Reviews) method. In total, 29 articles that concluded an empirical study into XAI from the HCI perspective were included in the review. The material was collected based on database searches and snowball sampling. The articles were analyzed based on their descriptive statistics, stakeholder groups, research questions, and theoretical approaches. This study aims to determine what factors made users consider XAI transparent, explainable, or trustworthy and to whom the XAI research was intended. Based on the analysis, three stakeholder groups to whom the current XAI literature was aimed for emerged: end-users, domain experts, and developers. This study’s findings show that domain experts’ needs towards XAI vary greatly between domains, whereas developers need better tools to create XAI systems. The end-users, on their part, considered case-based explanations unfair and wanted to have explanations that “speak their language”. Also, the results indicate that the effect of current XAI solutions on users’ trust towards AI systems is relatively small or even non-existing. The studies’ direct theoretical contributions and the number of theoretical lenses used were both found out to be relatively low. This thesis’s most immense contribution is to provide a synthesis of the extant empirical XAI literature from the HCI perspective, which previous studies have rarely brought together. Continuing this thesis, researchers can further investigate research avenues such as explanation quality methodologies, algorithm auditing methods, users’ mental models, and prior conceptions about AI.Odotukset tekoälyä kohtaan ovat kohonneet jatkuvasti koneoppimismallien kehittymisen vuoksi. Mallien tekemät päätökset eivät usein ole ihmiskäyttäjälle vaistonvaraisesti ymmärrettävissä. Tätä ongelmaa ratkomaan on syntynyt selittävän tekoälyn tutkimuskenttä, joka luo erilaisia tekniikoita käyttäjien ymmärryksen tueksi. Kun tekoälyn käyttö yhteiskunnassa yleistyy laajemmin, tulee siitä ikään kuin työkaveri, jota ihmisten tulee ymmärtää. Tästä syystä tekoälyn ja ihmisen välisen vuorovaikutuksen tutkiminen on nyt laajan mielenkiinnon kohteena. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa hahmotellaan selittävän tekoälyn tutkimuskentän ajankohtaisia teemoja, ihmisen ja tietokoneen välisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman metodi on tutkiva, systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, ja se suoritettiin seuraten PRISMA-ohjeistusta. Katsaukseen valikoitui yhteensä 29 ihmisen ja tietokoneen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta selittävää tekoälyä empiirisesti tutkinutta artikkelia. Aineisto kerättiin tietokantahakujen ja lumipallo-otannan avulla. Tutkimuksia eriteltiin artikkeleja kuvailevien tietojen, niiden kohdeyleisön, tutkimuskysymysten sekä teoreettisten lähestymistapojen kautta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaiset tekijät saivat käyttäjät pitämään tekoälyä läpinäkyvänä, selitettävissä olevana tai luotettavana, sekä kenelle aihepiirin tutkimus oli suunnattu. Analyysin perusteella löytyi kolme ryhmää, joille nykyistä kirjallisuutta on suunnattu: loppukäyttäjät, toimialojen asiantuntijat sekä tekoälyn kehittäjät. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että asiantuntijoiden tarpeet selittävää tekoälyä kohtaan vaihtelevat laajasti toimialojen välillä, kun taas sen kehittäjät kaipaisivat parempia työkaluja tuekseen. Loppukäyttäjien havaittiin pitävän tekoälyn antamia tapauskohtaisia esimerkkejä epäreiluina, ja haluavan juuri heitä puhuttelevia selityksiä. Tulokset ilmaisevat, että nykyisten selittävien tekoälytekniikoiden vaikutukset käyttäjien luottamukseen tekoälyä kohtaan ovat vähäisiä. Tutkimusten tieteellisen panosten ja niiden käyttämien teoreettisten näkökulmien määrän havaittiin olevan suhteellisen pieniä. Tämän tutkielman suurin tieteellinen panos on luoda yhteenveto empiiriseen, selittävän tekoälyn tutkimuskirjallisuuteen, ihmisen ja tietokoneen välisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Tätä näkökulmaa aiempi kirjallisuus on vain harvoin saattanut kokoon. Tutkielma avaa useita näkymiä jatkotutkimukselle, esimerkiksi selitysten laatumetodien, algoritmien auditointimenetelmien, käyttäjien ajatusmallien sekä aiempien käsitysten vaikutusten näkökulmista

    Semantic Knowledge Graphs for the News: A Review

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    ICT platforms for news production, distribution, and consumption must exploit the ever-growing availability of digital data. These data originate from different sources and in different formats; they arrive at different velocities and in different volumes. Semantic knowledge graphs (KGs) is an established technique for integrating such heterogeneous information. It is therefore well-aligned with the needs of news producers and distributors, and it is likely to become increasingly important for the news industry. This article reviews the research on using semantic knowledge graphs for production, distribution, and consumption of news. The purpose is to present an overview of the field; to investigate what it means; and to suggest opportunities and needs for further research and development.publishedVersio

    Exploiting metadata for context creation and ranking on the desktop

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