23 research outputs found

    Consistent estimation of shape parameters in statistical shape model by symmetric EM algorithm

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    In order to fit an unseen surface using statistical shape model (SSM), a correspondence between the unseen surface and the model needs to be established, before the shape parameters can be estimated based on this correspondence. The correspondence and parameter estimation problem can be modeled probabilistically by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and solved by expectation-maximization iterative closest points (EM-ICP) algorithm. In this paper, we propose to exploit the linearity of the principal component analysis (PCA) based SSM, and estimate the parameters for the unseen shape surface under the EM-ICP framework. The symmetric data terms are devised to enforce the mutual consistency between the model reconstruction and the shape surface. The a priori shape information encoded in the SSM is also included as regularization. The estimation method is applied to the shape modeling of the hippocampus using a hippocampal SSM

    Automatic Initialization Of Contour For Level Set Algorithms Guided By Integration Of Multiple Views To Segment Abdominal CT Scans

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    This paper presents a new automatic initialization procedure for a level-set based segmentation algorithm that works on all slices for a given CT dataset

    Competitive segmentation of the hippocampus and the amygdala from MRI scans

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    The hippocampus and the amygdala are two brain structures which play a central role in several fundamental cognitive processes. Their segmentation from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans is a unique way to measure their atrophy in some neurological diseases, but it is made difficult by their complex geometry. Their simultaneous segmentation is considered here through a competitive homotopic region growing method. It is driven by relational anatomical knowledge, which enables to consider the segmentation of atrophic structures in a straightforward way. For both structures, this fast algorithm gives results which are comparable to manual segmentation with a better reproducibility. Its performances regarding segmentation quality, automation and computation time, are amongst the best published data.L’hippocampe et l’amygdale sont deux structures cérébrales intervenant dans plusieurs fonctions cognitives fondamentales. Leur segmentation, à partir de volumes d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM), est un outil essentiel pour mesurer leur atteinte dans certaines pathologies neurologiques, mais elle est rendue difficile par leur géométrie complexe. Nous considérons leur segmentation simultanée par une méthode de déformation homotopique compétitive de régions. Celle-ci est guidée par des connaissances anatomiques relationnelles ; ceci permet de considérer directement des structures atrophiées. Rapide, l’algorithme donne, pour les deux structures, des résultats comparables à la segmentation manuelle avec une meilleure reproductibilité. Ses performances, concernant la qualité de la segmentation, le degré d’automatisation et le temps de calcul, sont parmi les meilleures de la littérature

    Automated ventricular systems segmentation in brain CT images by combining low-level segmentation and high-level template matching

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accurate analysis of CT brain scans is vital for diagnosis and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). Automatic processing of these CT brain scans could speed up the decision making process, lower the cost of healthcare, and reduce the chance of human error. In this paper, we focus on automatic processing of CT brain images to segment and identify the ventricular systems. The segmentation of ventricles provides quantitative measures on the changes of ventricles in the brain that form vital diagnosis information.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>First all CT slices are aligned by detecting the ideal midlines in all images. The initial estimation of the ideal midline of the brain is found based on skull symmetry and then the initial estimate is further refined using detected anatomical features. Then a two-step method is used for ventricle segmentation. First a low-level segmentation on each pixel is applied on the CT images. For this step, both Iterated Conditional Mode (ICM) and Maximum A Posteriori Spatial Probability (MASP) are evaluated and compared. The second step applies template matching algorithm to identify objects in the initial low-level segmentation as ventricles. Experiments for ventricle segmentation are conducted using a relatively large CT dataset containing mild and severe TBI cases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Experiments show that the acceptable rate of the ideal midline detection is over 95%. Two measurements are defined to evaluate ventricle recognition results. The first measure is a sensitivity-like measure and the second is a false positive-like measure. For the first measurement, the rate is 100% indicating that all ventricles are identified in all slices. The false positives-like measurement is 8.59%. We also point out the similarities and differences between ICM and MASP algorithms through both mathematically relationships and segmentation results on CT images.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The experiments show the reliability of the proposed algorithms. The novelty of the proposed method lies in its incorporation of anatomical features for ideal midline detection and the two-step ventricle segmentation method. Our method offers the following improvements over existing approaches: accurate detection of the ideal midline and accurate recognition of ventricles using both anatomical features and spatial templates derived from Magnetic Resonance Images.</p

    Cerebral atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease: rates and acceleration.

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    OBJECTIVE: To quantify the regional and global cerebral atrophy rates and assess acceleration rates in healthy controls, subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and subjects with mild Alzheimer disease (AD). METHODS: Using 0-, 6-, 12-, 18-, 24-, and 36-month MRI scans of controls and subjects with MCI and AD from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database, we calculated volume change of whole brain, hippocampus, and ventricles between all pairs of scans using the boundary shift integral. RESULTS: We found no evidence of acceleration in whole-brain atrophy rates in any group. There was evidence that hippocampal atrophy rates in MCI subjects accelerate by 0.22%/year2 on average (p = 0.037). There was evidence of acceleration in rates of ventricular enlargement in subjects with MCI (p = 0.001) and AD (p < 0.001), with rates estimated to increase by 0.27 mL/year2 (95% confidence interval 0.12, 0.43) and 0.88 mL/year2 (95% confidence interval 0.47, 1.29), respectively. A post hoc analysis suggested that the acceleration of hippocampal loss in MCI subjects was mainly driven by the MCI subjects that were observed to progress to clinical AD within 3 years of baseline, with this group showing hippocampal atrophy rate acceleration of 0.50%/year2 (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The small acceleration rates suggest a long period of transition to the pathologic losses seen in clinical AD. The acceleration in hippocampal atrophy rates in MCI subjects in the ADNI seems to be driven by those MCI subjects who concurrently progressed to a clinical diagnosis of AD

    Visual ratings of atrophy in MCI: prediction of conversion and relationship with CSF biomarkers.

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    Medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) markers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology may aid the early detection of AD in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, the relationship between structural and pathological markers is not well understood. Furthermore, while posterior atrophy (PA) is well recognized in AD, its value in predicting conversion from late-onset amnestic MCI to AD is unclear. In this study we used visual ratings of MTA and PA to assess their value in predicting conversion to AD in 394 MCI patients. The relationship of atrophy patterns with CSF Aβ1-42, tau, and p-tau(181) was further investigated in 114 controls, 192 MCI, and 99 AD patients. There was a strong association of MTA ratings with conversion to AD (p < 0.001), with a weaker association for PA ratings (p = 0.047). Specific associations between visual ratings and CSF biomarkers were found; MTA was associated with lower levels of Aβ1-42 in MCI, while PA was associated with elevated levels of tau in MCI and AD, which may reflect widespread neuronal loss including posterior regions. These findings suggest both that posterior atrophy may predict conversion to AD in late-onset MCI, and that there may be differential relationships between CSF biomarkers and regional atrophy patterns

    Regulating Black-Box Medicine

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    Data drive modern medicine. And our tools to analyze those data are growing ever more powerful. As health data are collected in greater and greater amounts, sophisticated algorithms based on those data can drive medical innovation, improve the process of care, and increase efficiency. Those algorithms, however, vary widely in quality. Some are accurate and powerful, while others may be riddled with errors or based on faulty science. When an opaque algorithm recommends an insulin dose to a diabetic patient, how do we know that dose is correct? Patients, providers, and insurers face substantial difficulties in identifying high-quality algorithms; they lack both expertise and proprietary information. How should we ensure that medical algorithms are safe and effective? Medical algorithms need regulatory oversight, but that oversight must be appropriately tailored. Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suggested that it will regulate algorithms under its traditional framework, a relatively rigid system that is likely to stifle innovation and to block the development of more flexible, current algorithms. This Article draws upon ideas from the new governance movement to suggest a different path. FDA should pursue a more adaptive regulatory approach with requirements that developers disclose information underlying their algorithms. Disclosure would allow FDA oversight to be supplemented with evaluation by providers, hospitals, and insurers. This collaborative approach would supplement the agency’s review with ongoing real-world feedback from sophisticated market actors. Medical algorithms have tremendous potential, but ensuring that such potential is developed in high-quality ways demands a careful balancing between public and private oversight, and a role for FDA that mediates—but does not dominate—the rapidly developing industry

    Neurodegeneration: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Therapy

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    Neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) are a broad range of pathological conditions which target the neurons, creating problems in movements and mental functions. The NDDs have drawn a lot of attention among the diseases because of its complexity in causes and symptoms, lack of proper effective treatment(s), no report of irreversibility, and poor impact on social and financial aspects. Individual’s vulnerability towards the stress-related biochemical alterations including increase in oxidase enzymes’ activities and generation of free radicals, abnormal protein dynamics, mitochondrial dysfunctions, and neuroinflammation often lead to degeneration of neuronal cells. Some advanced techniques are now able to detect the development and progression of different NDDs’ complications. The current focus of research on NDDs is to establish convenient therapeutic strategies by targeting different aspects including upliftment of cellular defense mechanisms, especially oxidoreductases as a protective tool. This chapter focused on those updated information on the development, diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutic strategies of NDDs