957 research outputs found

    Automated assessment of non-native learner essays: Investigating the role of linguistic features

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    Automatic essay scoring (AES) refers to the process of scoring free text responses to given prompts, considering human grader scores as the gold standard. Writing such essays is an essential component of many language and aptitude exams. Hence, AES became an active and established area of research, and there are many proprietary systems used in real life applications today. However, not much is known about which specific linguistic features are useful for prediction and how much of this is consistent across datasets. This article addresses that by exploring the role of various linguistic features in automatic essay scoring using two publicly available datasets of non-native English essays written in test taking scenarios. The linguistic properties are modeled by encoding lexical, syntactic, discourse and error types of learner language in the feature set. Predictive models are then developed using these features on both datasets and the most predictive features are compared. While the results show that the feature set used results in good predictive models with both datasets, the question "what are the most predictive features?" has a different answer for each dataset.Comment: Article accepted for publication at: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED). To appear in early 2017 (journal url: http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/40593

    Improving the translation environment for professional translators

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    When using computer-aided translation systems in a typical, professional translation workflow, there are several stages at which there is room for improvement. The SCATE (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment) project investigated several of these aspects, both from a human-computer interaction point of view, as well as from a purely technological side. This paper describes the SCATE research with respect to improved fuzzy matching, parallel treebanks, the integration of translation memories with machine translation, quality estimation, terminology extraction from comparable texts, the use of speech recognition in the translation process, and human computer interaction and interface design for the professional translation environment. For each of these topics, we describe the experiments we performed and the conclusions drawn, providing an overview of the highlights of the entire SCATE project

    Inducing Stereotypical Character Roles from Plot Structure

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    If we are to understand stories, we must understand characters: characters are central to every narrative and drive the action forward. Critically, many stories (especially cultural ones) employ stereotypical character roles in their stories for different purposes, including efficient communication among bundles of default characteristics and associations, ease understanding of those characters\u27 role in the overall narrative, and many more. These roles include ideas such as hero, villain, or victim, as well as culturally-specific roles such as, for example, the donor (in Russian tales) or the trickster (in Native American tales). My thesis aims to learn these roles automatically, inducing them from data using a clustering technique. The first step of learning character roles, however, is to identify which coreference chains correspond to characters, which are defined by narratologists as animate entities that drive the plot forward. The first part of my work has focused on this character identification problem, specifically focusing on the problem of animacy detection. Prior work treated animacy as a word-level property, and researchers developed statistical models to classify words as either animate or inanimate. I claimed this approach to the problem is ill-posed and presented a new hybrid approach for classifying the animacy of coreference chains that achieved state-of-the-art performance. The next step of my work is to develop approaches first to identify the characters and then a new unsupervised clustering approach to learn stereotypical roles. My character identification system consists of two stages: first, I detect animate chains from the coreference chains using my existing animacy detector; second, I apply a supervised machine learning model that identifies which of those chains qualify as characters. I proposed a narratologically grounded definition of character and built a supervised machine learning model with a small set of features that achieved state-of-the-art performance. In the last step, I successfully implemented a clustering approach with plot and thematic information to cluster the archetypes. This work resulted in a completely new approach to understanding the structure of stories, greatly advancing the state-of-the-art of story understanding

    Weakly-supervised Learning Approaches for Event Knowledge Acquisition and Event Detection

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    Capabilities of detecting events and recognizing temporal, subevent, or causality relations among events can facilitate many applications in natural language understanding. However, supervised learning approaches that previous research mainly uses have two problems. First, due to the limited size of annotated data, supervised systems cannot sufficiently capture diverse contexts to distill universal event knowledge. Second, under certain application circumstances such as event recognition during emergent natural disasters, it is infeasible to spend days or weeks to annotate enough data to train a system. My research aims to use weakly-supervised learning to address these problems and to achieve automatic event knowledge acquisition and event recognition. In this dissertation, I first introduce three weakly-supervised learning approaches that have been shown effective in acquiring event relational knowledge. Firstly, I explore the observation that regular event pairs show a consistent temporal relation despite of their various contexts, and these rich contexts can be used to train a contextual temporal relation classifier to further recognize new temporal relation knowledge. Secondly, inspired by the double temporality characteristic of narrative texts, I propose a weakly supervised approach that identifies 287k narrative paragraphs using narratology principles and then extract rich temporal event knowledge from identified narratives. Lastly, I develop a subevent knowledge acquisition approach by exploiting two observations that 1) subevents are temporally contained by the parent event and 2) the definitions of the parent event can be used to guide the identification of subevents. I collect rich weak supervision to train a contextual BERT classifier and apply the classifier to identify new subevent knowledge. Recognizing texts that describe specific categories of events is also challenging due to language ambiguity and diverse descriptions of events. So I also propose a novel method to rapidly build a fine-grained event recognition system on social media texts for disaster management. My method creates high-quality weak supervision based on clustering-assisted word sense disambiguation and enriches tweet message representations using preceding context tweets and reply tweets in building event recognition classifiers

    Tipping the scales: exploring the added value of deep semantic processing on readability prediction and sentiment analysis

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    Applications which make use of natural language processing (NLP) are said to benefit more from incorporating a rich model of text meaning than from a basic representation in the form of bag-of-words. This thesis set out to explore the added value of incorporating deep semantic information in two end-user applications that normally rely mostly on superficial and lexical information, viz. readability prediction and aspect-based sentiment analysis. For both applications we apply supervised machine learning techniques and focus on the incorporation of coreference and semantic role information. To this purpose, we adapted a Dutch coreference resolution system and developed a semantic role labeler for Dutch. We tested the cross-genre robustness of both systems and in a next phase retrained them on a large corpus comprising a variety of text genres. For the readability prediction task, we first built a general-purpose corpus consisting of a large variety of text genres which was then assessed on readability. Moreover, we proposed an assessment technique which has not previously been used in readability assessment, namely crowdsourcing, and revealed that crowdsourcing is a viable alternative to the more traditional assessment technique of having experts assign labels. We built the first state-of-the-art classification-based readability prediction system relying on a rich feature space of traditional, lexical, syntactic and shallow semantic features. Furthermore, we enriched this tool by introducing new features based on coreference resolution and semantic role labeling. We then explored the added value of incorporating this deep semantic information by performing two different rounds of experiments. In the first round these features were manually in- or excluded and in the second round joint optimization experiments were performed using a wrapper-based feature selection system based on genetic algorithms. In both setups, we investigated whether there was a difference in performance when these features were derived from gold standard information compared to when they were automatically generated, which allowed us to assess the true upper bound of incorporating this type of information. Our results revealed that readability classification definitely benefits from the incorporation of semantic information in the form of coreference and semantic role features. More precisely, we found that the best results for both tasks were achieved after jointly optimizing the hyperparameters and semantic features using genetic algorithms. Contrary to our expectations, we observed that our system achieved its best performance when relying on the automatically predicted deep semantic features. This is an interesting result, as our ultimate goal is to predict readability based exclusively on automatically-derived information sources. For the aspect-based sentiment analysis task, we developed the first Dutch end-to-end system. We therefore collected a corpus of Dutch restaurant reviews and annotated each review with aspect term expressions and polarity. For the creation of our system, we distinguished three individual subtasks: aspect term extraction, aspect category classification and aspect polarity classification. We then investigated the added value of our two semantic information layers in the second subtask of aspect category classification. In a first setup, we focussed on investigating the added value of performing coreference resolution prior to classification in order to derive which implicit aspect terms (anaphors) could be linked to which explicit aspect terms (antecedents). In these experiments, we explored how the performance of a baseline classifier relying on lexical information alone would benefit from additional semantic information in the form of lexical-semantic and semantic role features. We hypothesized that if coreference resolution was performed prior to classification, more of this semantic information could be derived, i.e. for the implicit aspect terms, which would result in a better performance. In this respect, we optimized our classifier using a wrapper-based approach for feature selection and we compared a setting where we relied on gold-standard anaphor-antecedent pairs to a setting where these had been predicted. Our results revealed a very moderate performance gain and underlined that incorporating coreference information only proves useful when integrating gold-standard coreference annotations. When coreference relations were derived automatically, this led to an overall decrease in performance because of semantic mismatches. When comparing the semantic role to the lexical-semantic features, it seemed that especially the latter features allow for a better performance. In a second setup, we investigated how to resolve implicit aspect terms. We compared a setting where gold-standard coreference resolution was used for this purpose to a setting where the implicit aspects were derived from a simple subjectivity heuristic. Our results revealed that using this heuristic results in a better coverage and performance, which means that, overall, it was difficult to find an added value in resolving coreference first. Does deep semantic information help tip the scales on performance? For Dutch readability prediction, we found that it does, when integrated in a state-of-the-art classifier. By using such information for Dutch aspect-based sentiment analysis, we found that this approach adds weight to the scales, but cannot make them tip

    Advanced Knowledge Technologies at the Midterm: Tools and Methods for the Semantic Web

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    The University of Edinburgh and research sponsors are authorised to reproduce and distribute reprints and on-line copies for their purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation hereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are the author’s and shouldn’t be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of other parties.In a celebrated essay on the new electronic media, Marshall McLuhan wrote in 1962:Our private senses are not closed systems but are endlessly translated into each other in that experience which we call consciousness. Our extended senses, tools, technologies, through the ages, have been closed systems incapable of interplay or collective awareness. Now, in the electric age, the very instantaneous nature of co-existence among our technological instruments has created a crisis quite new in human history. Our extended faculties and senses now constitute a single field of experience which demands that they become collectively conscious. Our technologies, like our private senses, now demand an interplay and ratio that makes rational co-existence possible. As long as our technologies were as slow as the wheel or the alphabet or money, the fact that they were separate, closed systems was socially and psychically supportable. This is not true now when sight and sound and movement are simultaneous and global in extent. (McLuhan 1962, p.5, emphasis in original)Over forty years later, the seamless interplay that McLuhan demanded between our technologies is still barely visible. McLuhan’s predictions of the spread, and increased importance, of electronic media have of course been borne out, and the worlds of business, science and knowledge storage and transfer have been revolutionised. Yet the integration of electronic systems as open systems remains in its infancy.Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) aims to address this problem, to create a view of knowledge and its management across its lifecycle, to research and create the services and technologies that such unification will require. Half way through its sixyear span, the results are beginning to come through, and this paper will explore some of the services, technologies and methodologies that have been developed. We hope to give a sense in this paper of the potential for the next three years, to discuss the insights and lessons learnt in the first phase of the project, to articulate the challenges and issues that remain.The WWW provided the original context that made the AKT approach to knowledge management (KM) possible. AKT was initially proposed in 1999, it brought together an interdisciplinary consortium with the technological breadth and complementarity to create the conditions for a unified approach to knowledge across its lifecycle. The combination of this expertise, and the time and space afforded the consortium by the IRC structure, suggested the opportunity for a concerted effort to develop an approach to advanced knowledge technologies, based on the WWW as a basic infrastructure.The technological context of AKT altered for the better in the short period between the development of the proposal and the beginning of the project itself with the development of the semantic web (SW), which foresaw much more intelligent manipulation and querying of knowledge. The opportunities that the SW provided for e.g., more intelligent retrieval, put AKT in the centre of information technology innovation and knowledge management services; the AKT skill set would clearly be central for the exploitation of those opportunities.The SW, as an extension of the WWW, provides an interesting set of constraints to the knowledge management services AKT tries to provide. As a medium for the semantically-informed coordination of information, it has suggested a number of ways in which the objectives of AKT can be achieved, most obviously through the provision of knowledge management services delivered over the web as opposed to the creation and provision of technologies to manage knowledge.AKT is working on the assumption that many web services will be developed and provided for users. The KM problem in the near future will be one of deciding which services are needed and of coordinating them. Many of these services will be largely or entirely legacies of the WWW, and so the capabilities of the services will vary. As well as providing useful KM services in their own right, AKT will be aiming to exploit this opportunity, by reasoning over services, brokering between them, and providing essential meta-services for SW knowledge service management.Ontologies will be a crucial tool for the SW. The AKT consortium brings a lot of expertise on ontologies together, and ontologies were always going to be a key part of the strategy. All kinds of knowledge sharing and transfer activities will be mediated by ontologies, and ontology management will be an important enabling task. Different applications will need to cope with inconsistent ontologies, or with the problems that will follow the automatic creation of ontologies (e.g. merging of pre-existing ontologies to create a third). Ontology mapping, and the elimination of conflicts of reference, will be important tasks. All of these issues are discussed along with our proposed technologies.Similarly, specifications of tasks will be used for the deployment of knowledge services over the SW, but in general it cannot be expected that in the medium term there will be standards for task (or service) specifications. The brokering metaservices that are envisaged will have to deal with this heterogeneity.The emerging picture of the SW is one of great opportunity but it will not be a wellordered, certain or consistent environment. It will comprise many repositories of legacy data, outdated and inconsistent stores, and requirements for common understandings across divergent formalisms. There is clearly a role for standards to play to bring much of this context together; AKT is playing a significant role in these efforts. But standards take time to emerge, they take political power to enforce, and they have been known to stifle innovation (in the short term). AKT is keen to understand the balance between principled inference and statistical processing of web content. Logical inference on the Web is tough. Complex queries using traditional AI inference methods bring most distributed computer systems to their knees. Do we set up semantically well-behaved areas of the Web? Is any part of the Web in which semantic hygiene prevails interesting enough to reason in? These and many other questions need to be addressed if we are to provide effective knowledge technologies for our content on the web

    Generalizing Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution Across Multiple Corpora

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    Cross-document event coreference resolution (CDCR) is an NLP task in which mentions of events need to be identified and clustered throughout a collection of documents. CDCR aims to benefit downstream multi-document applications, but despite recent progress on corpora and system development, downstream improvements from applying CDCR have not been shown yet. We make the observation that every CDCR system to date was developed, trained, and tested only on a single respective corpus. This raises strong concerns on their generalizability -- a must-have for downstream applications where the magnitude of domains or event mentions is likely to exceed those found in a curated corpus. To investigate this assumption, we define a uniform evaluation setup involving three CDCR corpora: ECB+, the Gun Violence Corpus and the Football Coreference Corpus (which we reannotate on token level to make our analysis possible). We compare a corpus-independent, feature-based system against a recent neural system developed for ECB+. Whilst being inferior in absolute numbers, the feature-based system shows more consistent performance across all corpora whereas the neural system is hit-and-miss. Via model introspection, we find that the importance of event actions, event time, etc. for resolving coreference in practice varies greatly between the corpora. Additional analysis shows that several systems overfit on the structure of the ECB+ corpus. We conclude with recommendations on how to achieve generally applicable CDCR systems in the future -- the most important being that evaluation on multiple CDCR corpora is strongly necessary. To facilitate future research, we release our dataset, annotation guidelines, and system implementation to the public.Comment: Accepted at CL Journa

    The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe

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    Proceedings of the 1st FLaReNet Forum on the European Language Resources and Technologies, held in Vienna, at the Austrian Academy of Science, on 12-13 February 2009
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