10 research outputs found

    Tietoliikenteen ruuhkanhallinta datakeskuksissa

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    Datakeskukset koostuvat suuresta joukosta palvelimia jotka tallentavat ja käsittelevät suuria datamääriä. Niiden avulla on mahdollista toteuttaa suuria laskennallisia operaatioita hajauttamalla ne tehokkaasti eri palvelimien kesken, laskemalla yhteen eri palvelimien palauttamat tulokset ja palauttamalla lopputulos käyttäjälle tai palvelun pyytäjälle. Esimerkkejä tästä ovat Googlen ja Yahoon kaltaisten yhtiöiden käyttämät ohjelmistot ja algoritmit kuten MapReduce ja Search. Datakeskukset ovat monin osin erilaisia verrattuna Internetiin, esimerkiksi kun puhutaan verkkojen topologisesta rakenteesta, siirtonopeuksista ja muista verkkoliikenteen ominaisuuksista, minkä vuoksi datakeskuksista on tullut merkittävä tutkimuskohde. Koska erot Internetiin ovat huomattavia, datakeskuksissa joudutaan tekemään toisenlaisia ratkaisuja tietoliikenteen ruuhkautumisen välttämiseksi. Internetin kuljetusprotokolla TCP ei sellaisenaan sovi datakeskuksen kaltaiseen ympäristöön; tämän vuoksi TCP:stä on jouduttu kehittämään datakeskuksia varten erilaisia muunnoksia. Ohjelmistot, joita ajetaan datakeskuksissa, voidaan pääasiassa jakaa kahteen kategoriaan kun vertaillaan millaista niiden tietoliikenne on: 1) Toisille on ominaista korkea läpisyöttö jossa lähetetään suurikokoisia viestejä, toisin sanoen verkon linkit ovat jatkuvasti puskuroitu täyteen siirrettävästä datasta; 2) toisenlaisissa sovelluksissa on tärkeää että tieto siirtyy ilman viivytyksiä (toisin sanoen vastausajat ovat pieniä) ja siirrettävät viestit ovat näin ollen pienempiä. TCP Incast on tilanne jossa suuri joukko palvelimia lähettää tietoa yhdelle käyttäjälle samanaikaisesti ja dataa on niin paljon ettei vastaanottaja pysty puskuroimaan kaikkea dataa; tämä johtaa datapakettien häviämiseen ja uudelleen lähettämiseen. TCP Outcast on edellistä vastakkainen tilanne jossa suuret tietovirrat ja pienemmät tietovirrat ovat matkalla samaan aikaan samasta verkon portista ulos ja pienemmät tietovirrat joutuvat jonottamaan isompien tietovirtojen takana. Kun toteutetaan tiedonsiirtoa datakeskuksessa, joudutaan tekemään kompromissi sen välillä minkä tyyppistä tietoliikennettä datakeskuksessa ajettavat ohjelmistot harjoittavat. Siksi haasteena onkin toteuttaa yleinen protokolla joka pystyy mukautumaan erilaisiin tilanteisiin ilman että verkon laitteistoon tarvitsisi tehdä muutoksia. Tässä tukielmassa luodaan yleiskatsaus siihen miten datakeskusten ruuhkanhallintaa on tutkittu viime vuosina. Ruuhkan syitä esitellään käymällä läpi datakeskusten topologioiden erityisiä ominaisuuksia ja sitä kautta datakeskusten ja Internetin tietoliikenteen välisiä eroavaisuuksia. Eri ruuhkanhallinta- algoritmeja esitellään ja lopuksi suoritetaan vertailu jossa eri algoritmien etuja ja heikkouksia pohditaan. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): • Networks~Data center networks • Networks~Transport protocol

    Multi-Core Parallel Routing

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    The recent increase in the amount of data (i.e., big data) led to higher data volumes to be transferred and processed over the network. Also, over the last years, the deployment of multi-core routers has grown rapidly. However, such big data transfers are not leveraging the powerful multi-core routers to the extent possible, particularly in the key function of routing. Our main goal is to find a way so we can use these cores more effectively and efficiently in routing the big data transfers. In this dissertation, we propose a novel approach to parallelize data transfers by leveraging the multi-core CPUs in the routers. Legacy routing protocols, e.g. OSPF for intra-domain routing, send data from source to destination on a shortest single path. We describe an end-to-end method to distribute data optimally on flows by using multiple paths. We generate new virtual topology substrates from the underlying router topology and perform shortest path routing on each substrate. With this framework, even though calculating shortest paths could be done with well-known techniques such as OSPF's Dijkstra implementation, finding optimal substrates so as to maximize the aggregate throughput over multiple end-to-end paths is still an NP-hard problem. We focus our efforts on solving the problem and design heuristics for substrate generation from a given router topology. Our heuristics' interim goal is to generate substrates in such a way that the shortest path between a source-destination pair on each substrate minimally overlaps with each other. Once these substrates are determined, we assign each substrate to a core in routers and employ a multi-path transport protocol, like MPTCP, to perform end-to-end parallel transfers

    Prise de décision de handover vertical pour la gestion de mobilité dans les réseaux hétérogènes sans fil

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    L évolution des technologies réseaux sans fil, des terminaux mobiles ainsi que des contenus et des services créent des environnements hétérogènes de plus en plus complexes. Dans ce contexte, un compromis entre la mobilité, la transparence et la performance apparaît. Des utilisateurs mobiles, ayant différents profils et préférences, voudraient être toujours connectés au meilleur réseau à tout moment, sans avoir à se soucier des différentes transitions entre réseaux hétérogènes. Face à cette complexité, il parait nécessaire de proposer de nouvelles approches afin de rendre ces systèmes plus autonomes et de rendre les décisions de handover vertical plus efficaces. Cette thèse se concentre sur la gestion de mobilité verticale, plus précisément sur la prise de décision de handover vertical dans un environnement de réseaux hétérogènes sans fil. Après l identification des différents paramètres de prise de décision et l analyse de l état de l art relié à la gestion de la mobilité verticale, nous avons proposé un système de réputation qui permet de réduire les délais de prise de décision. La réputation d un réseau est introduite comme une nouvelle métrique de prise de décision qui peut être recueillie à partir des expériences précédentes des utilisateurs sur ce réseau. Nous montrons que la réputation est une métrique efficace qui permet l anticipation du handover et accélère la prise de décision. Bien que l objectif principal soit de garantir la meilleure qualité de service et l utilisation optimale des ressources radios, les aspects économiques doivent également être considérés, y compris la minimisation des coûts pour les utilisateurs et la maximisation des revenus pour les fournisseurs de services ou les opérateurs. Nous proposons alors, dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, un mécanisme de prise de décision basé sur la théorie des jeux. Ce dernier permet la maximisation des utilités des réseaux et des utilisateurs. Dans cette solution, chaque réseau disponible joue un jeu de Stackelberg avec un ensemble d utilisateurs, tandis que les utilisateurs jouent un jeu de Nash entre eux pour partager les ressources radios limitées. Un point d équilibre de Nash, qui maximise l utilité de l utilisateur et les revenus des fournisseurs de services, est trouvé et utilisé pour le contrôle d admission et la prise de décision de handover vertical. Dans la troisième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons et discutons deux différentes solutions architecturales sur lesquelles nos mécanismes de prise de décision proposés peuvent être intégrés. La première architecture proposée est basée sur la norme IEEE 802.21 à laquelle nous proposons certaines extensions. La seconde architecture proposée est basée sur un niveau de contrôle composé de deux couches de virtualisation. La virtualisation est assurée via des agents capables de faire un raisonnement et de prendre des décisions pour le compte d entités physiques qu ils représentent au sein du système. Cette architecture permet une plus grande flexibilitéMobility management over heterogeneous wireless networks is becoming a major interest area as new technologies and services continue to proliferate within the wireless networking market. In this context, seamless mobility is considered to be crucial for ubiquitous computing. Service providers aim to increase the revenue and to improve users satisfaction. However there are still many technical and architectural challenges to overcome before achieving the required interoperability and coexistence of heterogeneous wireless access networks. Indeed, the context of wireless networks is offering multiple and heterogeneous technologies (e.g. 2G to 4G, WiFi, Wimax, TETRA,...). On the one hand, this rich environment allows users to take profit from different capacities and coverage characteristics. Indeed, this diversity can provide users with high flexibility and allow them to seamlessly connect at any time and any where to the access technology that best fits their requirements. Additionally, cooperation between these different technologies can provide higher efficiency in the usage of the scarce wireless resources offering more economic systems for network providers. On the other hand, the heterogeneity of technologies and architectures and the multiplication of networks and service providers creates a complex environment where cooperation becomes challenging at different levels including and not limited to mobility management, radio resource provisioning, Quality of Service and security guarantees. This thesis is focusing on mobility management and mainly on decision making for Vertical handover within heterogeneous wireless network environments. After the analysis of the related state of the art, we first propose a reputation based approach that allows fast vertical handover decision making. A decision making scheme is then built on that approach. Network s reputation, is a new metric that can be gathered from previous users experiences in the networks. We show that it is an efficient construct to speed up the vertical handover decision making thanks to anticipation functionalities. While the main objective remains guaranteeing the best Quality of Service and optimal radio resource utilization, economical aspects have also to be considered including cost minimization for users and revenue maximization for network providers. For this aim, we propose, in the second part of the thesis, a game theoretic based scheme that allows maximizing benefits for both networks and users. In this solution, each available network plays a Stackelberg game with a finite set of users, while users are playing a Nash game among themselves to share the limited radio resources. A Nash equilibrium point, that maximizes the user s utility and the service provider revenue, is found and used for admission control and vertical handover decision making. The analyses of the optimal bandwidth/prices and the revenue at the equilibrium point show that there are some possible policies to use according to user s requirements in terms of QoS and to network capacities. For instance, we pointed out that networks having same capacities and different reputation values should charge users with different prices which makes reputation management very important to attract users and maximize networks revenue. In the third part of this thesis, we provide and discuss two different architectural and implementation solutions on which our proposed vertical handover decision mechanisms can be integrated. The first proposed architecture is a centralized one. It is based on the IEEE 802.21 standard to which some extensions are proposed. The second proposed architecture is distributed. It is based on an overlay control level composed of two virtualization layers able to make reasoning on behalf of physical entities within the system. This architecture allows higher flexibility especially for loosely coupled interconnected networksEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Concurrent multipath transmission to improve performance for multi-homed devices in heterogeneous networks

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    Recent network technology developments have led to the emergence of a variety of access network technologies - such as IEEE 802.11, wireless local area network (WLAN), IEEE 802.16, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WIMAX) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) - which can be integrated to offer ubiquitous access in a heterogeneous network environment. User devices also come equipped with multiple network interfaces to connect to the different network technologies, making it possible to establish multiple network paths between end hosts. However, the current connectivity settings confine the user devices to using a single network path at a time, leading to low utilization of the resources in a heterogeneous network and poor performance for demanding applications, such as high definition video streaming. The simultaneous use of multiple network interfaces, also called bandwidth aggregation, can increase application throughput and reduce the packets' end-to-end delays. However, multiple independent paths often have heterogeneous characteristics in terms of offered bandwidth, latency and loss rate, making it challenging to achieve efficient bandwidth aggregation. For instance, striping the flow's packets over multiple network paths with different latencies can cause packet reordering, which can significantly degrade performance of the current transport protocols. This thesis proposes three new solutions to mitigate the effects of network path heterogeneity on the performance of various concurrent multipath transmission settings. First, a network layer solution is proposed to stripe packets of delay-sensitive and high-bandwidth applications for concurrent transmission across multiple network paths. The solution leverages the paths' latency heterogeneity to reduce packet reordering, leading to minimal reordering delay, which improves performance of delay-sensitive applications. Second, multipath video streaming is developed for H.264 scalable video, where the reference video packets are adaptively assigned to low loss network paths to reduce drifting errors, thus combatting H.264 video distortion effectively. Finally, a new segment scheduling framework - which carefully considers path heterogeneity - is incorporated into the IETF Multipath TCP to improve throughput performance. The proposed solutions have been validated using a series of simulation experiments. The results reveal that the proposed solutions can enable efficient bandwidth aggregation for concurrent multipath transmission over heterogeneous network paths

    Collaborative streaming of on demand videos for mobile devices

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    The 3G and LTE technologies made video on-demand a popular entertainment for users on the go. However, bandwidth insufficiency is an obstacle in providing high quality and smooth video playout in cellular networks. The objective of the proposed PhD research is to provide a user with high quality video streaming with minimal stalling time by aggregating bandwidth from ubiquitous nearby devices that may be using different radio networks

    Experimenting with multipath TCP

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    It is becoming the norm for small mobile devices to have access to multiple technologies for connecting to the Internet. This gives researchers an increasing interest for solutions allowing to use efficiently several communication mediums. We propose a demonstration of our Multipath TCP implementation for Linux, that allows spreading a single TCP flow across multiple Internet paths, without requiring any change to applications. The demonstration will involve a real Internet communication with MPTCP, with simultaneous use of several paths, as well as a demonstration of MPTCP failover capabilit

    Experimenting with multipath TCP

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