32 research outputs found


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    The work documents the development of EmoTracker, a software that uses an artificial intelligence algorithm for the recognition of the level of attention and for the recognition of students' emotions during video meetings. The software uses the video stream from the webcam as input and is able to detect the user's age and gender, the level of attention, based on eye movements, and the six Basic Emotions identified in the Basic Emotion Theory. The software is based on the MorphCast Software Development Kit, which combines machine learning and face recognition with analysis of sex, age and emotions to estimate the level of attention of users, without using personal data. Currently, the software is in the testing phase, by the students of the Technologies for Inclusion course at the University of Cassino. As soon as it has reached full reliability and stability, the software will be used in the activities of the CA.SP.I. (Special career for inclusion

    Mood meter: counting smiles in the wild

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    In this study, we created and evaluated a computer vision based system that automatically encouraged, recognized and counted smiles on a college campus. During a ten-week installation, passersby were able to interact with the system at four public locations. The aggregated data was displayed in real time in various intuitive and interactive formats on a public website. We found privacy to be one of the main design constraints, and transparency to be the best strategy to gain participants' acceptance. In a survey (with 300 responses), participants reported that the system made them smile more than they expected, and it made them and others around them feel momentarily better. Quantitative analysis of the interactions revealed periodic patterns (e.g., more smiles during the weekends) and strong correlation with campus events (e.g., fewer smiles during exams, most smiles the day after graduation), reflecting the emotional responses of a large community.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Council for the ArtsCaja Madrid (Fellowship)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Festival of Art, Science, and Technology (FAST)

    User Experience: Buzzword or New Paradigm?

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    International audienceThis paper explores User Experience, a rather novel and popular view on human-computer interaction, through an extensive review of the literature. After introducing its polysemous nature, this paper describes the origins of User Experience, its scope, components and various definitions. Then, User Experience methods are surveyed, distinguishing processes, frameworks, and specific methods. The conclusion identifies a set of issues about the needs for increased User Experience maturity

    Tourism experiences in motion. Mobile, visual and psychophysiological methods to capture tourists “on the move”

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    Experience measurement and design have become leading management objectives to ensure destination competitiveness in recent years. This paper applies the user-centred perspective of mobile video ethnography with bio-sensing and facial action coding to study journey experiences – i.e. those tourist experiences happening in motion. The use of mobile, visual and psychophysiological methods represents a novel opportunity to deeper explore physical, sensory, social and emotional shades of tourist experiences. Experience measurement and design in the field of tourist transport has the potential to shape more sustainable and experientially rich forms of mobility. Results show and compare unique features of cycling and motorcycling journeys, highlighting the interface between riding and non-riding tasks, as well as the importance of speed variation and time duration in assessing the relationship with land- and soundscapes

    Usability Evaluation of SatNav Application on Mobile Phone Using mGQM

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    Abstract: SatNav systems are becoming increasingly popular, enabling drivers to locate and drive to their desired destination. With high demand for the features SatNav provides, these applications are now also available in mobile phones. This gives rise to the question of whether the app is usable when installed in a mobile phone. This paper will examine the usability of SatNav apps inside the mobile phone. We employ a mobile Goal Question Metric model (mGQM) to evaluate the usability of such applications by implementing usability test for objective measures, and questionnaire and interviews to assess subjective measures. Results indicate that most usability problems on SatNav apps in mobile are influenced by unique features of the mobile phone

    Usability evaluation of SatNav application on mobile phone using mGQM

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    SatNav systems are becoming increasingly popular, enabling drivers to locate and drive to their desired destination.With high demand for the features SatNav provides, these applications are now also available in mobile phones.This gives rise to the question of whether the app is usable when installed in a mobile phone.This paper will examine the usability of SatNav apps inside the mobile phone.We employ a mobile Goal Question Metric model (mGQM) to evaluate the usability of such applications by implementing usability test for objective measures, and questionnaire and interviews to assess subjective measures.Results indicate that most usability problems on SatNav apps in mobile are influenced by unique features of the mobile phone

    Обґрунтування використання методів штучного інтелекту для обробки результатів психологічних досліджень

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    Об'єкт дослідження: методи штучного інтелекту для аналізу результатів психологічних досліджень. Предмет дослідження: способи підвищення якості застосування методів штучного інтелекту для обробки результатів психологічних досліджень. Мета кваліфікаційної роботи: обґрунтування підбору метода штучного інтелекту для підвищення швидкодії обробки результатів психологічних експериментів без суттєвого погіршення точності обробки. Наукова новизна виконаної роботи полягає у використанні методу класифікації за допомогою випадкового лісу для дослідження та поліпшення результатів виконання тесту на стійкість до стресу. Пояснювальна записка містить аналітичний огляд математичних методів використовуваних під час аналізу результатів експериментальних даних, а також порівняльний аналіз відповідних швидкісних характеристик з обґрунтуванням добору методів випадкового лісу