23 research outputs found

    Experimental studies on kinematics and kinetics of walking with an assistive knee brace

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    Assistive knee brace is a species of wearable lower extremity exoskeletons. Such assistive equipment can enhance people's strength and provide desired locomotion to have advantages over wheelchairs, which are commonly used for patients with mobility disorders. However, the integration between the assistive knee brace and the user is challenging as inaccurate alignments may adversely affect the biomechanics of the knee joint. The goal of this study is to evaluate the changes between normal walking and walking with an assistive knee brace in "off" mode. The assistive knee brace was developed by integrating a multifunctional actuator with a custom-made knee-ankle-foot orthosis in order to minimize excessive shifting and to improve alignment to the knee joint. Spatial and temporal gait parameters, joint kinematics and joint kinetics parameters were compared. In general, the observed results showed that most of the gait parameters were not affected when walking with the knee brace. The only significant differences were found in knee flexion and knee rotational motions. These results indicated that walking with the developed knee brace provided minimal hindrance to the user and assured that assistive torque can be applied to the knee joint

    Gait analysis for designing a new assistive knee brace

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    Assistive knee brace is a species of wearable lower extremity exoskeletons. In this research, an assistive knee brace was developed by integrating a multifunctional actuator with a custom-made knee-ankle-foot orthosis. In the study, the location of the actuator is moved up to the lateral side of the hip, instead of knee joint. Waist belt and shoulder belt are appended on the knee brace. This paper aimed to improve the design of the assistive knee braces through gait analysis. By walking with the knee braces, the spatial and temporal gait parameters, joint kinematics and joint kinetics parameters were evaluated, and the changes from normal walking were compared as well. The experimental results showed that walking with the developed knee brace provided minimal hindrance to the wearer. © 2011 IEEE

    Design and Development of Magneto-Rheological Actuators with Application in Mobile Robotics

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    In recent years, Magneto-Rheological (MR) fluids devices are widely studied and used for various purposes. Among these MR fluids devices, the MR actuator has attracted increasing attention for last two decades. An MR actuator is usually made of an active component (motor) and MR clutches. Compared with the regular actuators, the MR actuator features compliance due to the existence of MR fluids, which is commonly consider as benefits at the aspect of safety. On the other hand, the MR actuator has advantages on controllable bandwidth, torque-mass and torque-inertia ratios compared with the other compliant actuators. In this study, a new closed-loop, Field-Programable-Gate-Array (FPGA) based control scheme to linearize an MR clutch\u27s input-output relationship is presented. The feedback signal used in this control scheme is the magnetic field acquired from hall sensors within the MR clutch. The FPGA board uses this feedback signal to compensate for the nonlinear behavior of the MR clutch using an estimated model of the clutch magnetic field. The local use of an FPGA board will dramatically simplify the use of MR clutches for torque actuation. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is validated using an experimental platform that includes an MR clutch as part of a compliant actuation mechanism. The results clearly demonstrate that the use of the FPGA based closed-loop control scheme can effectively eliminate hysteretic behaviors of the MR clutch, allowing to have linear actuators with predictable behaviors. Moreover, a novel optimization design of MR clutches is proposed. Based on the optimization, the characteristics of MR clutches in three common configurations are discussed and compared. People can select suitable configuration of MR clutch before design. Lastly, a lightweight mobile robot is developed by using MR actuators. This mobile robot also has large driving force and can stop at any positions without running the motor

    Design and Development of a Lightweight Ankle Exoskeleton for Human Walking Augmentation

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    RESUMÉ La plupart des exosquelettes motorisés de la cheville ont une masse distale considérable, ce qui limite leur capacité à réduire l’énergie dépensée par l’utilisateur durant la marche. L’objectif de notre travail est de développer un exosquelette de chevilles avec le minimum de masse distale ajoutée comparé aux exosquelettes motorisés de chevilles existants. Aussi, l’exosquelette doit fournir au moins 50 Nm de support au couple de flexion plantaire. L’exosquelette développé dans le cadre de ce mémoire utilise deux câbles Bowden pour transmettre la force mécanique de l’unité d’actionnement attachée à la taille aux deux tiges en fibre de Carbonne attachées à la botte de l’utilisateur. Quand les deux tiges sont tirées, ils génèrent un couple qui supporte le mouvement de flexion plantaire à la fin de la phase d’appui du cycle de marche. Une pièce conçue sur mesure et imprimé en plastique par prototypage rapide a été attachée au tibia pour ajuster la direction des câbles. Une étude d’optimisation a été effectuée pour minimiser la masse des tiges limitant ainsi la masse distale de l’exosquelette (attaché au tibia et pied) à seulement 348 g. Le résultat principal obtenu à partir des tests de marche est la réduction de l’activité des muscles soléaire et gastrocnémien du sujet par une moyenne de 37% et 44% respectivement lors de la marche avec l’exosquelette comparée à la marche normale. Cette réduction s’est produite quand l’exosquelette a fourni une puissance mécanique de 19 ± 2 W avec un actionnement qui a commencé à 38% du cycle de marche. Ce résultat démontre le potentiel de notre exosquelette à réduire le cout métabolique de marche et souligne l’importance de réduire la masse distale d’un exosquelette de marche.----------ABSTRACT Most of powered ankle exoskeletons add considerable distal mass to the user which limits their capacity to reduce the metabolic energy of walking. The objective of the work presented in this master thesis is to develop an ankle exoskeleton with a minimum added distal mass compared to existing autonomous powered ankle exoskeletons, while providing at least 50 Nm of assistive plantar flexion torque. The exoskeleton developed in this master thesis uses Bowden cables to transmit the mechanical force from the actuation unit attached to the waist to the carbon fiber struts fixed on the boot. As the struts are pulled, they create an assistive ankle plantar flexion torque. A 3D-printed brace was attached to the shin to adjust the direction of the cables. A design optimization study was performed to minimize the mass of the struts, thereby limiting the total added distal mass, attached to the shin and foot, to only 348 g. The main result obtained from walking tests was the reduction of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles activity by an average of 37% and 44% respectively when walking with the exoskeleton compared to normal walking. This reduction occurred when the exoskeleton delivered a mechanical power of 19 ± 2 W with an actuation onset fixed at 38% of the gait cycle. This result shows the potential of the proposed exoskeleton to reduce the metabolic cost of walking and emphasizes the importance of minimizing the distal mass of ankle exoskeletons

    State of the art of control schemes for smart systems featuring magneto-rheological materials

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    This review presents various control strategies for application systems utilizing smart magneto-rheological fluid (MRF) and magneto-rheological elastomers (MRE). It is well known that both MRF and MRE are actively studied and applied to many practical systems such as vehicle dampers. The mandatory requirements for successful applications of MRF and MRE include several factors: advanced material properties, optimal mechanisms, suitable modeling, and appropriate control schemes. Among these requirements, the use of an appropriate control scheme is a crucial factor since it is the final action stage of the application systems to achieve the desired output responses. There are numerous different control strategies which have been applied to many different application systems of MRF and MRE, summarized in this review. In the literature review, advantages and disadvantages of each control scheme are discussed so that potential researchers can develop more effective strategies to achieve higher control performance of many application systems utilizing magneto-rheological materials

    Engineering a robotic exoskeleton for space suit simulation

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 177-181).Novel methods for assessing space suit designs and human performance capabilities are needed as NASA prepares for manned missions beyond low Earth orbit. Current human performance tests and training are conducted in space suits that are heavy and expensive, characteristics that constrain possible testing environments and reduce suit availability to researchers. Space suit mock-ups used in planetary exploration simulations are light and relatively inexpensive but do not accurately simulate the joint stiffness inherent to space suits, a key factor impacting extravehicular activity performance. The MIT Man-Vehicle Laboratory and Aurora Flight Sciences designed and built an actively controlled exoskeleton for space suit simulation called the Extravehicular Activity Space Suit Simulator (EVA S3), which can be programmed to simulate the joint torques recorded from various space suits. The goal of this research is to create a simulator that is lighter and cheaper than a traditional space suit so that it can be used in a variety of testing and training environments. The EVA S3 employs pneumatic actuators to vary joint stiffness and a pre-programmed controller to allow the experimenter to apply torque profiles to mimic various space suit designs in the field. The focus of this thesis is the design, construction, integration, and testing of the hip joint and backpack for the EVA S3. The final designs of the other joints are also described. Results from robotic testing to validate the mechanical design and control system are discussed along with the planned improvements for the next iteration of the EVA S3. The fianl EVA S3 consists of a metal and composite exoskeleton frame with pneumatic actuators that control the resistance of motion in the ankle, knee, and hip joints, and an upper body brace that resists shoulder and elbow motions with passive spring elements. The EVA S3 is lighter (26 kg excluding the tethered components) and less expensive (under $600,000 including research, design, and personnel) than a modem space suit. Design adjustments and control system improvements are still needed to achieve a desired space suit torque simulation fidelity within 10% root-mean-square error.by Forrest Edward Meyen.S.M

    Biomimetic agonist-antagonist active knee prosthesis

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 92-96).The loss of a limb is extremely debilitating. Unfortunately, today's assistive technologies are still far from providing fully functional artificial limb replacements. Although lower extremity prostheses are currently better able to give assistance than their upper-extremity counterparts, important locomotion problems still remain for leg amputees. Instability, gait asymmetry, decreased walking speeds and high metabolic energy costs are some of the main challenges requiring the development of a new kind of prosthetic device. These challenges point to the need for highly versatile, fully integrated lower-extremity powered prostheses that can replicate the biological behavior of the intact human leg. This thesis presents the design and evaluation of a novel biomimetic active knee prosthesis capable of emulating intact knee biomechanics during level-ground walking. The knee design is motivated by a mono-articular prosthetic knee model comprised of a variable damper and two series elastic clutch units spanning the knee joint. The powered knee system is comprised of two series-elastic actuators positioned in parallel in an agonist-antagonist configuration. This investigation hypothesizes that the biomimetic active-knee prosthesis, with a variable impedance control, can improve unilateral transfemoral amputee locomotion in level-ground walking, reducing the metabolic cost of walking at selfselected speeds. To evaluate this hypothesis, a preliminary study investigated the clinical impact of the active knee prosthesis on the metabolic cost of walking of four unilateral above-knee amputees. This preliminary study compared the antagonistic active knee prosthesis with subjects' prescribed knee prostheses. The subjects' prescribed prostheses encompass four of the leading prosthetic knee technologies commercially available, including passive and electronically controlled variable-damping prosthetic systems. Use of the novel biomimetic active knee prosthesis resulted in a metabolic cost reduction for all four subjects by an average of 5.8%. Kinematic and kinetic analyses indicate that the active knee can increase self-selected walking speed in addition to reducing upper body vertical displacement during walking by an average of 16%. The results of this investigation report for the first time a metabolic cost reduction when walking with a prosthetic system comprised of an electrically powered active knee and passive foot-ankle prostheses, as compared to walking with a conventional transfemoral prosthesis. With this work I aim to advance the field of biomechatronics, contributing to the development of integral assistive technologies that adapt to the needs of the physically challenged.by Ernesto Carlos Martinez-Villalpando.Ph.D

    Application of wearable sensors in actuation and control of powered ankle exoskeletons: a Comprehensive Review

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    Powered ankle exoskeletons (PAEs) are robotic devices developed for gait assistance, rehabilitation, and augmentation. To fulfil their purposes, PAEs vastly rely heavily on their sensor systems. Human–machine interface sensors collect the biomechanical signals from the human user to inform the higher level of the control hierarchy about the user’s locomotion intention and requirement, whereas machine–machine interface sensors monitor the output of the actuation unit to ensure precise tracking of the high-level control commands via the low-level control scheme. The current article aims to provide a comprehensive review of how wearable sensor technology has contributed to the actuation and control of the PAEs developed over the past two decades. The control schemes and actuation principles employed in the reviewed PAEs, as well as their interaction with the integrated sensor systems, are investigated in this review. Further, the role of wearable sensors in overcoming the main challenges in developing fully autonomous portable PAEs is discussed. Finally, a brief discussion on how the recent technology advancements in wearable sensors, including environment—machine interface sensors, could promote the future generation of fully autonomous portable PAEs is provided

    Design and Evaluation of a Knee-Extension-Assist

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    Quadriceps muscle weakness is a condition that can result from a wide variety of causes, from diseases like polio and multiple sclerosis to injuries of the head and spine. Individuals with weakened quadriceps often have difficulty supplying the knee-extension moments required during common mobility tasks. Existing powered orthoses that provide an assistive knee-extension moment are large and heavy, with power supplies that generally last less than two hours. A new device that provides a knee-extension-assist moment was designed to aid an individual with quadriceps muscle weakness to stand up from a seated position, sit from a standing position, and walk up and down an inclined surface. The knee-extension-assist (KEA) was designed as a modular component to be incorporated into existing knee-ankle-foot-orthoses (KAFO). The KEA consists of three springs that are compressed, as the knee is flexed under bodyweight, by cables that wrap around a sheave at the knee. The KEA returns the stored energy from knee flexion as an extension moment during knee extension. During swing or other non-weight bearing activities, the device is disengaged from the KAFO by decoupling the sheave from the KAFO knee joint, allowing free knee joint motion. A prototype was built and mechanically tested to determine KEA behaviour during loading and extension and to ensure proper KEA function. For biomechanical evaluation, able-bodied subjects used the prototype KEA while performing sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit, ramp ascent, and ramp descent tasks. The KEA facilitated sitting and standing, providing an average of 53 % of the required extension moment for the two participants, which allowed one participant to reduce quadriceps usage by 38 % and the other to perform sit-to-stand in a slower and more controlled manner that was not possible without the KEA. KEA use during ramp gait caused an overall increase in quadriceps activation by 76 %, on average, with use. Future efforts will be made to modify the design to improve functionality, especially for ramp gait, and to reduce device size and weight

    Design Feasibility of an Active Ankle-Foot Stabilizer

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    Walking is the most common form of mobility in humans. For lower limb mobility impairments, a common treatment is to prescribe an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) or brace, which is a passive device designed to resist undesired ankle-foot motion. Recent advances in actuator technology have led to the development of active AFOs (AAFOs). However, these devices are generally too bulky for everyday use and are limited to applications such as gait training for rehabilitation. The aim of this research was to investigate the feasibility of developing a novel Active Ankle-Foot Stabilizer (AAFS). The design criteria were mainly based on the strengths and limitations of existing AFOs. The sagittal plane functional requirements were determined using simulated gait data for elderly individuals and drop foot patients; however, it is intended that the device would be suitable for a wider range of disabilities including ankle sprains. A model of the foot was introduced to modify the moment of a deficient ankle where young healthy adult kinematics and kinetics were assumed. A moment deficit analysis was performed for different gait periods resulting in an AAFS model with two components: a linear rotational spring to modify the ankle joint rotational stiffness, and a torque source. The frontal plane functional requirements for the AAFS were modeled as a linear rotational spring which responded to particular gait events. A novel Variable Rotational Stiffness Actuator (VSRA) AFO was also investigated. It consisted of an actuated spring medial and lateral to the ankle to control sagittal plane ankle stiffness and a passive leafspring posterior to the ankle to control frontal plane ankle stiffness. Due to high forces and profile limitations, a spring and rotation actuator that satisfied the design criteria could not be developed, resulting in an infeasible design. Considering the high forces and moments required by the AAFS, a pneumatic approach was adopted. A novel Airbeam AFO, which consisted of a shank cuff and a foot plate to which airbeams were attached proximally and distally to the ankle, was examined. The joint rotational stiffness of the ankle would be controlled by the inflation of these individual cylindrical airbeams. To satisfy the functional requirements, the airbeam diameters and pressures were too large to meet the design criteria and were unrealistic for a portable device. Finally, a Pneumatic Sock AFO, which proved to best satisfy the functional requirements within the design criteria, was examined. The design consisted of an inner sock worn on the ankle, surrounded by anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral bladders which inflate against outer fabric shells. Although promising, the Pneumatic Sock AFO requires further investigation in regards to manufacturing and behaviour characterization before a functional prototype can be developed. Mechanical test methods to characterize the behaviour of the Pneumatic Sock AFO in the sagittal and frontal planes were developed including the control components required, the configuration of a test rig, and test procedures.1 yea