1,222 research outputs found

    Hardware/Software Co-design for Multicore Architectures

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Castell: a heterogeneous cmp architecture scalable to hundreds of processors

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    Technology improvements and power constrains have taken multicore architectures to dominate microprocessor designs over uniprocessors. At the same time, accelerator based architectures have shown that heterogeneous multicores are very efficient and can provide high throughput for parallel applications, but with a high-programming effort. We propose Castell a scalable chip multiprocessor architecture that can be programmed as uniprocessors, and provides the high throughput of accelerator-based architectures. Castell relies on task-based programming models that simplify software development. These models use a runtime system that dynamically finds, schedules, and adds hardware-specific features to parallel tasks. One of these features is DMA transfers to overlap computation and data movement, which is known as double buffering. This feature allows applications on Castell to tolerate large memory latencies and lets us design the memory system focusing on memory bandwidth. In addition to provide programmability and the design of the memory system, we have used a hierarchical NoC and added a synchronization module. The NoC design distributes memory traffic efficiently to allow the architecture to scale. The synchronization module is a consequence of the large performance degradation of application for large synchronization latencies. Castell is mainly an architecture framework that enables the definition of domain-specific implementations, fine-tuned to a particular problem or application. So far, Castell has been successfully used to propose heterogeneous multicore architectures for scientific kernels, video decoding (using H.264), and protein sequence alignment (using Smith-Waterman and clustalW). It has also been used to explore a number of architecture optimizations such as enhanced DMA controllers, and architecture support for task-based programming models. ii

    Automatic synthesis and optimization of chip multiprocessors

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    The microprocessor technology has experienced an enormous growth during the last decades. Rapid downscale of the CMOS technology has led to higher operating frequencies and performance densities, facing the fundamental issue of power dissipation. Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the latest paradigm to improve the power-performance efficiency of computing systems by exploiting the parallelism inherent in applications. Industrial and prototype implementations have already demonstrated the benefits achieved by CMPs with hundreds of cores.CMP architects are challenged to take many complex design decisions. Only a few of them are:- What should be the ratio between the core and cache areas on a chip?- Which core architectures to select?- How many cache levels should the memory subsystem have?- Which interconnect topologies provide efficient on-chip communication?These and many other aspects create a complex multidimensional space for architectural exploration. Design Automation tools become essential to make the architectural exploration feasible under the hard time-to-market constraints. The exploration methods have to be efficient and scalable to handle future generation on-chip architectures with hundreds or thousands of cores.Furthermore, once a CMP has been fabricated, the need for efficient deployment of the many-core processor arises. Intelligent techniques for task mapping and scheduling onto CMPs are necessary to guarantee the full usage of the benefits brought by the many-core technology. These techniques have to consider the peculiarities of the modern architectures, such as availability of enhanced power saving techniques and presence of complex memory hierarchies.This thesis has several objectives. The first objective is to elaborate the methods for efficient analytical modeling and architectural design space exploration of CMPs. The efficiency is achieved by using analytical models instead of simulation, and replacing the exhaustive exploration with an intelligent search strategy. Additionally, these methods incorporate high-level models for physical planning. The related contributions are described in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the document.The second objective of this work is to propose a scalable task mapping algorithm onto general-purpose CMPs with power management techniques, for efficient deployment of many-core systems. This contribution is explained in Chapter 6 of this document.Finally, the third objective of this thesis is to address the issues of the on-chip interconnect design and exploration, by developing a model for simultaneous topology customization and deadlock-free routing in Networks-on-Chip. The developed methodology can be applied to various classes of the on-chip systems, ranging from general-purpose chip multiprocessors to application-specific solutions. Chapter 7 describes the proposed model.The presented methods have been thoroughly tested experimentally and the results are described in this dissertation. At the end of the document several possible directions for the future research are proposed

    Scalable and bandwidth-efficient memory subsystem design for real-time systems

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    Reconfigurable computing for large-scale graph traversal algorithms

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    This thesis proposes a reconfigurable computing approach for supporting parallel processing in large-scale graph traversal algorithms. Our approach is based on a reconfigurable hardware architecture which exploits the capabilities of both FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) and a multi-bank parallel memory subsystem. The proposed methodology to accelerate graph traversal algorithms has been applied to three case studies, revealing that application-specific hardware customisations can benefit performance. A summary of our four contributions is as follows. First, a reconfigurable computing approach to accelerate large-scale graph traversal algorithms. We propose a reconfigurable hardware architecture which decouples computation and communication while keeping multiple memory requests in flight at any given time, taking advantage of the high bandwidth of multi-bank memory subsystems. Second, a demonstration of the effectiveness of our approach through two case studies: the breadth-first search algorithm, and a graphlet counting algorithm from bioinformatics. Both case studies involve graph traversal, but each of them adopts a different graph data representation. Third, a method for using on-chip memory resources in FPGAs to reduce off-chip memory accesses for accelerating graph traversal algorithms, through a case-study of the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths algorithm. This case study has been applied to process human brain network data. Fourth, an evaluation of an approach based on instruction-set extension for FPGA design against many-core GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), based on a set of benchmarks with different memory access characteristics. It is shown that while GPUs excel at streaming applications, the proposed approach can outperform GPUs in applications with poor locality characteristics, such as graph traversal problems.Open Acces
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