4 research outputs found

    Real-time characterisation of driver steering behaviour

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    In recent years the application of driver steering models has extended from the off-line simulation environment to autonomous vehicles research and the support of driver assistance systems. For these new environments there is a need for the model to be adaptive in real-time, so the supporting vehicle systems can react to changes in the driver, their driving style, mood and skill. This paper provides a novel means to meet these needs by combining a simple driver model with a single track vehicle handling model in a parameter estimating filter – in this case an Unscented Kalman Filter. Although the steering model is simple, a motion simulator study shows it is capable of characterising a range of driving styles and may also indicate the level of skill of the driver. The resulting filter is also efficient – comfortably operating faster than real-time – and it requires only steer and speed measurements from the vehicle in addition to reference path. Adaptation of the steer model parameters is demonstrated along with robustness of the filter to errors in initial conditions, using data from five test drivers in vehicle tests carried out on the open road

    Kooperative Regelungskonzepte auf Basis der Spieltheorie und deren Anwendung auf Fahrerassistenzsysteme

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    Cooperative control loops in which human and a technical automation system perform a control task in close cooperation are investigated. A control framework is proposed which is based on a formal description of the cooperative control problem. The main idea of the control algorithm is to solve a differential game on a sliding horizon. The concept has been applied to design two cooperative advanced driver-assistance systems. One for the longitudinal driving task, one for the lateral driving task

    Kooperative Regelungskonzepte auf Basis der Spieltheorie und deren Anwendung auf Fahrerassistenzsysteme

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    Diese Arbeit betrachtet Regelkreise, in denen die Regelaufgabe von Menschen und maschinellen Reglern gemeinsam ausgefĂĽhrt wird. FĂĽr diese maschinellen Regler wird systematisch ein formalisiertes Regelkonzept abgeleitet. Ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit besteht in der Entwicklung von Algorithmen fĂĽr die Implementierung. Als Anwendungsbeispiel werden zwei kooperative Fahrerassistenzsysteme vorgestellt. Am Fahrsimulator durchgefĂĽhrte Studien zeigen eine deutliche Verbesserung des Fahrverhaltens aber auch des Kraftstoffverbrauchs