6,428 research outputs found

    Experimental testing of variable speed heat pump control strategies for enhancing energy flexibility in buildings

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    Thermal mass of buildings and domestic hot water tanks represent interesting sources ofthermal energy storage readily available in the existing building stock. To exploit them to their full potential,advanced control strategies and a coupling to the power grid with heat pump systems represent the mostpromising combination. In this paper, model predictive control (MPC) strategies are developed and tested ina semi-virtual environment laboratory setup: a real heat pump is operated from within a controlled climatechamber and coupled with loads of a virtual building, i.e., a detailed dynamic building simulation tool.Different MPC strategies are tested in this laboratory setup, with the goals to minimize either the deliveredthermal energy to the building, the operational costs of the heat pump, or the CO2emissions related to theheat pump use. The results highlight the ability of the MPC controller to perform load-shifting by chargingthe thermal energy storages at favorable times, and the satisfactory performance of the control strategies isanalyzed in terms of different indicators, such as costs, comfort, carbon footprint, and energy flexibility. Thepractical challenges encountered during the implementation with a real heat pump are also discussed andprovide additional valuable insightsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Price and carbon-based energy flexibility of residential heating and cooling loads using model predictive control

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    Model predictive controllers (MPC) have shown great potential for activating the energy flexibility of thermal loads, especially in buildings equipped with heat pump systems. In this work, an MPC controller is developed and tested within a co-simulation framework which couples an optimization software with a dynamic building simulation tool. The development phase is described in detail, in particular the methods to obtain simplified models to be used by the controller. The building envelope and the heat pump performance (based on experimental data) were thus modelled, both in heating and cooling seasons. Three different objective functions of the MPC are tested on a study case consisting of a Spanish residential building: promising results are obtained when the controller aims at minimizing operational costs (savings of 13–29%) or CO2 marginal emissions (savings of 19–29%). The development efforts, the required tuning and sensitivity of the MPC algorithm parameters, the adaptations needed between the cooling and heating operations are also discussed and put into perspective with the obtained benefits in terms of savings, comfort and load-shiftingPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluation and improvement of energy flexibility and performance of building heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems

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    The foreseen reduction of available fossil fuels, the continued increase in global energy demand, and the irrefutable evidence of climate change, along with the implementation of a global commitment to achieve a net-zero emissions target, have greatly sharpened commercial interest in using renewable energy resources (RER). However, the high penetration of RER-based stochastic power generation systems has resulted in a significant requirement for increased flexibility on the demand side that can allow buildings to adapt to increasingly dynamic energy supply conditions to support power grid operation and optimization. Failure to adapt may carry serious electrical blackouts and can compromise the safety of the supply side. The building sector accounts for a substantial amount of global energy usage and offers great opportunities for energy flexibility. Building energy flexibility is an important and emerging concept in the modern energy landscape, which can support the sustainable transition of the power sector. Building heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are one of the leading energy consumers in buildings, which can be used as a key flexible source. The HVAC systems with integrated thermal energy storage (TES) can further enhance building energy flexibility. This thesis contributes to the evolving field of demand flexibility and introduces methodologies to evaluate and improve energy flexibility and performance of building HVAC systems

    Heat pump controls to exploit the energy flexibility of building thermal loads

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    Smart controls for heat pumps are required to harness the full energy flexibility potential of building thermal loads. A literature review revealed that most strategies used for this purpose can be classified in two categories: simpler rule-based control (RBC), and model predictive control (MPC), a more complex strategy based on optimization and requiring a prior model of the systems. Both RBC and MPC can use external penalty signals to prompt their actions. The price of electricity is most often used for this purpose, leading to strategies of cost reduction. As an alternative penalty signal, a novel marginal CO2 emissions signals was also conceived. In this thesis, both an RBC and an MPC controllers were developed as supervisory controls for an air-to-water heat pump supplying the heating and cooling needs of a residential building type from the Mediterranean area of Spain. The RBC strategy modulates the temperature set-points, while the MPC strategy minimizes the overall summed penalties (costs or emissions) due to the heat pump use, while balancing with comfort constraints and a proper operation of the systems. The MPC controller in particular required the development of a simplified model of the building envelope and of the heat pump performance, both adjusted differently for heating or cooling. The MPC included several novelties, such as the mixed-integer formulation, the heat pump simplified model based on experimental data and the consideration of its computational delay. The developed controllers were then tested, firstly in an experimental “hardware-in-the-loop” setup, with a real heat pump installed in the laboratory facilities, and connected to thermal benches that emulated the loads from a building model. Implementing the control strategies on a real heat pump enabled to highlight some practical challenges such as model mismatch in the MPC, communication issues, interfacing and control conflicts with the heat pump local controller. Secondly, a simulation-only framework was developed to test other configurations of the controllers, with TRNSYS as the main dynamic building simulation tool, coupled with MATLAB for the MPC controller. In that case, the real heat pump was replaced by a detailed model which was specially developed for this purpose. It is based on static tests performed in the laboratory, and therefore reproduces the dynamic behavior of the heat pump with high fidelity. The results from experimental and simulation studies revealed the ability of both types of controllers to shift the building loads towards periods of cheaper or less CO2-emitting electricity, these two objectives being in fact contradictory. In the cases where the reference control presented a large margin for improvements, the RBC and MPC controllers performed equally and provided important savings: around 15% emissions savings in heating mode, and 30% cost savings in cooling mode. In the cases where the reference control already performed close to optimally, the RBC controller failed to provide improvements, while the MPC benefitted from its stronger optimization and prediction features, reaching 5% cost savings in heating mode and 10% emissions savings in cooling mode. The research carried out in this thesis covered many aspects of energy flexibility in buildings: creation of input penalty signals, graphical representation of flexibility, development of controllers, performance in realistic experimental setup, fitting of appropriate models and compared performance in heating and cooling. The development efforts and barriers hindering the deployment of MPC controllers at large scale for building climate control have additionally been discussed. The performance of the developed controllers was evidenced in the thesis, proving their potential for load-shifting incentivized by different penalty signals: they could become a strong asset to unlock demand-side flexibility and in fine, help integrating a larger share of RES in the grid.Para aprovechar todo el potencial de flexibilidad energética de las cargas térmicas en los edificios equipados con bombas de calor se requiere de sistemas de control inteligente. Una revisión bibliográfica ha revelado que la mayoría de las estrategias de gestión utilizadas para esta finalidad pueden ser clasificadas en dos categorías: control en base a reglas (RBC en inglés) o predictivo (MPC en inglés), basado en optimización y en el uso de modelos. Tanto RBC como MPC pueden utilizar señales externas de penalización para fundamentar sus decisiones. El precio de la electricidad es utilizado a este fin de forma habitual en estrategias de reducción de coste. Una nueva señal de emisiones marginales de CO2 fue también creada como alternativa. Se han desarrollado un controlador RBC y un MPC para sistemas de bombas de calor aire-agua que cubren las demandas de climatización y agua caliente en el ámbito residencial. El RBC modula las consignas de temperatura, y el MPC minimiza las penalizaciones totales del sistema, al mismo tiempo que se consideran restricciones operativas y de confort. En particular, el MPC ha requerido el desarrollo de nuevos modelos simplificados, para predecir la demanda del edificio y el rendimiento de la bomba de calor, tanto en modo calefacción como en modo refrigeración. Otras novedades añadidas en la configuración del MPC son la formulación entera mixta, y la consideración del retraso debido al tiempo de cómputo. Los controladores fueron testeados, primeramente, en un entorno experimental -hardware-in-the-loop-, con una bomba de calor real instalada en el laboratorio y conectada a unos bancos térmicos que emulan las cargas térmicas del edificio. El entorno experimental ha permitido poner de manifiesto algunos retos prácticos tales como la discrepancia en el modelo del MPC y conflictos de conexión con el controlador local de la bomba de calor. En segundo lugar, un entorno de simulación ha sido creado para testear diversas configuraciones, usando TRNSYS acoplado con MATLAB. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo detallado de la bomba de calor, basado en ensayos realizados en laboratorio, que reproduce el comportamiento dinámico de la bomba de calor con alta fidelidad. Tanto los resultados experimentales como los simulados han revelado la capacidad de los dos tipos de control de desplazar las cargas del edificio hacia periodos donde la electricidad era más barata o había menos emisiones de CO2, estos dos objetivos presentando de hecho impactos contradictorios. En los casos donde el control de referencia presentaba un amplio margen de mejora, los controladores RBC y MPC han demostrado la capacidad de actuar eficientemente y proveer ahorros importantes: alrededor de un 15% de emisiones en modo calefacción, y de un 30% de coste en modo frío. En aquellos casos en el que el control de referencia actuaba de forma cercana a la óptima, los controladores RBC no han sido capaces de aportar mejoras significativas, mientras que el MPC ha demostrado la capacidad de conseguir ahorros de un 5% de coste en modo calefacción y de un 10% de emisiones en modo frío. La investigación realizada en esta tesis ha abarcado amplios aspectos de la flexibilidad energética en los edificios: la generación de señales de penalización, la representación gráfica del potencial de flexibilidad, el ajuste de modelos simplificados, el desarrollo de controladores, el ensayo en entorno experimental y de simulación, con la consecuente evaluación de su rendimiento comparado en periodos de invierno y de verano, así como una discusión de las barreras que dificultan la implementación de controladores MPC y RBC a gran escala. Finalmente, la tesis ha evidenciado el rendimiento de los controladores desarrollados si se formulan de forma adecuada, demostrando su potencial para el desplazamiento del consumo eléctrico en la edificación residencial con sistemas de bomba de calor respondiendo a diferentes señales de penalización. En conclusión, los sistemas propuestos pueden ser elementos muy valiosos para favorecer la necesaria flexibilidad de la demanda térmica en la edificación y posibilitar la integración de sistemas de generación renovables en la re

    Scaling energy management in buildings with artificial intelligence

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    Fault detection and diagnosis of low delta-T syndrome in air handling unit cooling coils

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    In the built environment, most energy is used to promote well-being, health, and comfort. The demand for cooling will increase sharply as a result of global warming, better thermal insulation, and the heat island effect. It is therefore increasingly important that cooling installations function optimally. Currently, there are many chilled water installations that suffer from the so-called low delta-T syndrome. The return water temperature from the installations is lower than predetermined and the difference with the supply temperature is smaller, low delta-T. This has adverse consequences for the efficiency of the chillers and/or heat pump and for the energy consumption of the pumps. The result is an energy consumption that is 20-40% higher for cooling than calculated in advance. It is important to be able to detect and analyze the low-dT syndrome properly. Based on this, a software module has been developed that can use the data from a building management system to determine the low-dT syndrome and identify possible causes. Building management systems can be equipped with fault detection and diagnosis module for continuous monitoring of the performance of installations, and continuous commissioning (Cx). This would ensure that the energy consumption of the cooling installations remains as low as possible. Within the project, the first prototype of such a module was built. This will be further refined and expanded in ongoing future projects of other PDEng trainees

    Fault detection and diagnosis of low delta-T syndrome in air handling unit cooling coils

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    The role of emitters, heat pump size, and building massive envelope elements on the seasonal energy performance of heat pump-based heating systems

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    The influence of emitters, heat pump size and building envelope thermal inertia was investigated on the energy consumption of a heat pump-based heating system with a numerical study performed with the dynamic software TRNSYS. An algorithm based on a Thermal Inertia Control Logic (TICL), which can exploit the capability of the building envelope to store thermal energy, has been applied. When the proposed algorithm is employed, the indoor air temperature set-point is increased when the outdoor temperature is larger than the bivalent temperature of the building-heat pump system. Different configurations of the heating system were simulated considering either convective (fan-coil) or radiant (radiant floor) emitters coupled to a variable-speed air-to-water heat pump. Simulations have been carried out considering a reference building derived from the IEA SHC Task 44 and evaluating the influence of the proposed control logic on both the heat pump seasonal energy performance and the internal comfort conditions perceived by the building users. The obtained results highlight how the introduced TICL can guarantee the use of downsized heat pumps, coupled to radiant emitters, with a significant enhancement of the seasonal performance factor up to 10% and a slight improvement of comfort conditions. On the other hand, when convective terminal units are considered the proposed logic is not effective and the overall energy consumption of the system increases up to 15%

    How building and district algorithms enhance renewable energy integration in energy markets

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis study shows the results of the SABINA H2020 project, which analyzes the effect of two level optimization algorithms to increase the consumption of renewable power sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. First, at building level, a building algorithm maximizes the self-consumption of generated energy by its own renewable power sources. Second, at district level, a market integrated district algorithm takes into account aspects related to the electricity grid, such as the electricity generation mix and the prices of electricity and ancillary services, and aggregates the energy flexibility forecast of buildings to minimize the overall CO 2 emissions while ensuring a cost reduction to prosumersPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version