1,603 research outputs found

    Interference-aware coordinated power allocation in autonomous Wi-Fi environment

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    Self-managed access points (APs) with growing intelligence can optimize their own performances but pose potential negative impacts on others without energy ef ciency. In this paper, we focus on modeling the coordinated interaction among interest-independent and self-con gured APs, and conduct the power allocation case study in the autonomous Wi-Fi scenario. Speci cally, we build a `coordination Wi-Fi platform (CWP), a public platform for APs interacting with each other. OpenWrt-based APs in the physical world are mapped to virtual agents (VAs) in CWP, which communicate with each other through a standard request-reply process de ned as AP talk protocol (ATP).With ATP, an active interference measurement methodology is proposed re ecting both in-range interference and hidden terminal interference, and the Nash bargaining-based power control is further formulated for interference reductions. CWP is deployed in a real of ce environment, where coordination interactions between VAs can bring a maximum 40-Mb/s throughput improvement with the Nash bargaining-based power control in the multi-AP experiments

    Analysis, evaluation and improvement of RT-WMP for real-time and QoS wireless communication: Applications in confined environments

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    En los ultimos años, la innovación tecnológica, la característica de flexibilidad y el rápido despligue de las redes inalámbricas, han favorecido la difusión de la redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs), capaces de ofrecer servicios para tareas específicas entre nodos móviles. Los aspectos relacionados al dinamismo de la topología móvil y el acceso a un medio compartido por naturaleza hacen que sea preciso enfrentarse a clases de problemas distintos de los relacionados con la redes cableadas, atrayendo de este modo el interés de la comunidad científica. Las redes ad-hoc suelen soportar tráfico con garantía de servicio mínimo y la mayor parte de las propuestas presentes en literatura tratan de dar garantías de ancho de banda o minimizar el retardo de los mensajes. Sin embargo hay situaciones en las que estas garantías no son suficientes. Este es el caso de los sistemas que requieren garantías mas fuertes en la entrega de los mensajes, como es el caso de los sistemas de tiempo real donde la pérdida o el retraso de un sólo mensaje puede provocar problemas graves. Otras aplicaciones como la videoconferencia, cada vez más extendidas, implican un tráfico de datos con requisitos diferentes, como la calidad de servicio (QoS). Los requisitos de tiempo real y de QoS añaden nuevos retos al ya exigente servicio de comunicación inalámbrica entre estaciones móviles de una MANET. Además, hay aplicaciones en las que hay que tener en cuenta algo más que el simple encaminamiento de los mensajes. Este es el caso de aplicaciones en entornos subterráneos, donde el conocimiento de la evolución de propagación de la señal entre los diferentes nodos puede ser útil para mejorar la calidad de servicio y mantener la conectividad en cada momento. A pesar de ésto, dentro del amplio abanicos de propuestas presente en la literatura, existen un conjunto de limitaciones que van de el mero uso de protocolos simulados a propuestas que no tienen en cuenta entornos no convencionales o que resultan aisladas desde el punto de vista de la integración en sistemas complejos. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone un estudio completo sobre un plataforma inalámbrica de tiempo real, utilizando el protocolo RT-WMP capaz de gestionar trafíco multimedia al mismo tiempo y adaptado al entorno de trabajo. Se propone una extensión para el soporte a los datos con calidad de servicio sin limitar las caractaristícas temporales del protocolo básico. Y con el fin de tener en cuenta el efecto de la propagación de la señal, se caracteriza el entorno por medio de un conjunto de restricciones de conectividad. La solución ha sido desarrollada y su validez ha sido demostrada extensamente en aplicaciones reales en entornos subterráneos, en redes malladas y aplicaciones robóticas

    A Secure and User Privacy-Preserving Searching Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    File sharing peer-to-peer networks have become quite popular of late as a new paradigm for information exchange among large number of users in the Internet. However, these networks suffer from several problems such as fake content distribution, free riding, whitewashing, poor search scalability, lack of a robust trust model and absence of user privacy protection mechanism. In this paper, a secure and efficient searching scheme for peer-to-peer networks has been proposed that utilizes topology adaptation by constructing an overlay of trusted peers where the neighbors are selected based on their trust ratings and content similarities. While increasing the search efficiency by intelligently exploiting the formation of semantic community structures among the trustworthy peers, the scheme provides a highly reliable module for protecting the privacy of the users and data in the network. Simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme provides efficient searching to good peers while penalizing the malicious peers by increasing their search times

    An Efficient Framework of Congestion Control for Next-Generation Networks

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    The success of the Internet can partly be attributed to the congestion control algorithm in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). However, with the tremendous increase in the diversity of networked systems and applications, TCP performance limitations are becoming increasingly problematic and the need for new transport protocol designs has become increasingly important.Prior research has focused on the design of either end-to-end protocols (e.g., CUBIC) that rely on implicit congestion signals such as loss and/or delay or network-based protocols (e.g., XCP) that use precise per-flow feedback from the network. While the former category of schemes haveperformance limitations, the latter are hard to deploy, can introduce high per-packet overhead, and open up new security challenges. This dissertation explores the middle ground between these designs and makes four contributions. First, we study the interplay between performance and feedback in congestion control protocols. We argue that congestion feedback in the form of aggregate load can provide the richness needed to meet the challenges of next-generation networks and applications. Second, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of an efficient framework for congestion control called Binary Marking Congestion Control (BMCC). BMCC uses aggregate load feedback to achieve efficient and fair bandwidth allocations on high bandwidth-delaynetworks while minimizing packet loss rates and average queue length. BMCC reduces flow completiontimes by up to 4x over TCP and uses only the existing Explicit Congestion Notification bits.Next, we consider the incremental deployment of BMCC. We study the bandwidth sharing properties of BMCC and TCP over different partial deployment scenarios. We then present algorithms for ensuring safe co-existence of BMCC and TCP on the Internet. Finally, we consider the performance of BMCC over Wireless LANs. We show that the time-varying nature of the capacity of a WLAN can lead to significant performance issues for protocols that require capacity estimates for feedback computation. Using a simple model we characterize the capacity of a WLAN and propose the usage of the average service rate experienced by network layer packets as an estimate for capacity. Through extensive evaluation, we show that the resulting estimates provide good performance

    Practical Rate-based Congestion Control for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    We introduce an adaptive pacing scheme to overcome the drawbacks of TCP in wireless mesh networks with Internet connectivity. The pacing scheme is implemented at the wireless TCP sender as well as at the mesh gateway, and reacts according to the direction of TCP flows running across the wireless network and the Internet. TCP packets are transmitted rate-based within the TCP congestion window according to the current out-of-interference delay and the coefficient of variation of recently measured round-trip times. Opposed to the majority of previous work which builds on simulations, we implement a Linux prototype of our approach and evaluate its feasibility in a real 20-node mesh testbed. In an experimental performance study, we compare the goodput and fairness of our approach against the widely deployed TCP NewReno. Experiments show that our approach, which we denote as Mesh Adaptive Pacing (MAP), can achieve up to 150% more goodput than TCP NewReno and significantly improves fairness between competing flows. MAP is incrementally deployable since it is TCP-compatible, does not require cross-layer information from intermediate nodes along the path, and requires no modifications in the wired domain
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