6 research outputs found

    LCT: An Open Source Concolic Testing Tool for

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    Abstract LCT (LIME Concolic Tester) is an open source concolic testing tool for sequential Java programs. In concolic testing the behavior of the tested program is explored by executing it both concretely and symbolically at the same time. LCT instruments the bytecode of the program under test to enable symbolic execution and collects constraints on input values that can be used to guide the testing to previously unexplored execution paths. The tool also supports distributing the test generation and execution to multiple processes that can be run on a single workstation or even on a network of workstations. This paper describes the architecture behind LCT and demonstrates through benchmarks how the distributed nature of the tool makes testing more scalable

    MC/DC-pohjainen testivalinta dynaamiselle symboliselle suoritukselle

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    Ensuring the correct operation of a software system is a relevant part of any software development process, but especially important for safety critical software systems used in aircrafts where failures can have fatal consequences and extreme reliability is required. As there is no official record of a software error being the main cause of an aircraft crash up to date, these systems also seem to be very reliable in practice. This success can at least partially be attributed to the aviation software certification process, which places a set of strict requirements on the system that must be taken into account during its development. One such requirement, applicable only to the most critical systems, is showing complete modified condition/decision coverage on the implementation of the system using tests generated from the system specification. Modified condition/decision coverage is a very demanding form of code coverage, whose purpose is to show both that sufficient testing has been performed to ensure correct operation, and that the implementation is correct in terms of the specification. As generating the tests by hand is very demanding, in terms of this work we study how automation can be used to facilitate this process. This thesis presents goal constraints, a novel extension to dynamic symbolic execution, which makes automatic generation of a set of tests satisfying modified condition/decision coverage possible. The goal constraints are essentially additional constraints on the values of variables instrumented into the program source code. They can be used during dynamic symbolic execution both to direct the testing process, and to select test cases based on the code coverage they provide. We present how goal constraints can be automatically generated and instrumented into the source code of a program written in the C programming language, and how support for goal constraints is implemented in an automated software testing tool called LIME Concolic Tester. The implementation is also evaluated, and the advantages and disadvantages of automated test generation in the context of aviation software development are discussed.Ohjelmistojärjestelmän oikean toiminnallisuuden varmistaminen on olennainen osa mitä tahansa ohjelmistokehitysprosessia, mutta erityisen tärkeää lentokoneissa käytettäville turvallisuuskriittisille järjestelmille, joissa ongelmilla voi olla vakavat seuraukset. Koska yksikään lentokone ei ole vielä toistaiseksi pudonnut virallisten lähteiden mukaan suoraan ohjelmistovirheen seurauksena, nämä järjestelmät vaikuttavat myös täyttävän niille asetetut luotettavuusvaatimukset erittäin hyvin. Hyvästä menestyksestä voidaan ainakin osittain kiittää lentokoneohjelmistojen kelpoistamisprosessia, joka määrittelee järjestelmille joukon tiukkoja vaatimuksia, jotka on otettava huomioon niiden kehityksen aikana. Yksi näistä vaatimuksista on täydellinen MC/DC-peittävyys järjestelmän toteutukselle käyttäen testejä, jotka on tuotettu järjestelmän määritelmästä. Tämä vaatimus koskee ainoastaan kaikista kriittisimpiä järjestelmiä, ja sen tarkoitus on osoittaa paitsi että toteutus on määritelmän mukainen, myös että toteutus ei sisällä ei-toivottua toiminnallisuutta. Koska MC/DC-testien tuottaminen käsin on hyvin työlästä, tutkimme tämän työn puitteissa miten automaatiota voidaan soveltaa helpottamaan tätä prosessia. Tämä työ esittelee tavoiterajoitteet, uuden laajennksen dynaamiselle symboliselle suoritukselle, joka mahdollistaa automaattisen MC/DC-testien tuottamisen. Tavoiterajoitteet ovat olennaisesti ohjelman lähdekoodiin lisättyjä lisävaatimuksia siinä esiintyvien muuttujien arvoille, ja niitä voidaan käyttää dynaamisen symbolisen suorituksen aikana sekä ohjaamaan testausta, että valitsemaan kiinnostavia testejä. Esitämme miten tavoiterajoitteet voidaan automaattisesti tuottaa ja instrumentoida C-kielisen ohjelman lähdekoodiin, ja miten tuki tavoiterajoitteille on toteutettu automaattiseen ohjelmistotestaustyökaluun nimeltä LIME Concolic Tester. Esitämme myös miten arvion toteutuksesta, ja keskustelemme mitä hyviä ja huonoja puolia liittyy automaattiseen ohjelmistotestaukseen lentokoneohjelmistojen kelpoistamisprosessin näkökulmasta

    Evaluating Software Testing Techniques: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Software testing techniques are crucial for detecting faults in software and reducing the risk of using it. As such, it is important that we have a good understanding of how to evaluate these techniques for their efficiency, scalability, applicability, and effectiveness at finding faults. This thesis enhances our understanding of testing technique evaluations by providing an overview of the state of the art in research. To accomplish this we utilize a systematic mapping study; structuring the field and identifying research gaps and publication trends. We then present a small case study demonstrating how our mapping study can be used to assist researchers in evaluating their own software testing techniques. We find that a majority of evaluations are empirical evaluations in the form of case studies and experiments, most of these evaluations are of low quality based on proper methodology guidelines, and that relatively few papers in the field discuss how testing techniques should be evaluated

    The Use of Automated Search in Deriving Software Testing Strategies

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    Testing a software artefact using every one of its possible inputs would normally cost too much, and take too long, compared to the benefits of detecting faults in the software. Instead, a testing strategy is used to select a small subset of the inputs with which to test the software. The criterion used to select this subset affects the likelihood that faults in the software will be detected. For some testing strategies, the criterion may result in subsets that are very efficient at detecting faults, but implementing the strategy -- deriving a 'concrete strategy' specific to the software artefact -- is so difficult that it is not cost-effective to use that strategy in practice. In this thesis, we propose the use of metaheuristic search to derive concrete testing strategies in a cost-effective manner. We demonstrate a search-based algorithm that derives concrete strategies for 'statistical testing', a testing strategy that has a good fault-detecting ability in theory, but which is costly to implement in practice. The cost-effectiveness of the search-based approach is enhanced by the rigorous empirical determination of an efficient algorithm configuration and associated parameter settings, and by the exploitation of low-cost commodity GPU cards to reduce the time taken by the algorithm. The use of a flexible grammar-based representation for the test inputs ensures the applicability of the algorithm to a wide range of software

    Automatic Test Data Generation Using Constraint Programming and Search Based Software Engineering Techniques

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    RÉSUMÉ Prouver qu'un logiciel correspond à sa spécification ou exposer des erreurs cachées dans son implémentation est une tâche de test très difficile, fastidieuse et peut coûter plus de 50% de coût total du logiciel. Durant la phase de test du logiciel, la génération des données de test est l'une des tâches les plus coûteuses. Par conséquent, l'automatisation de cette tâche permet de réduire considérablement le coût du logiciel, le temps de développement et les délais de commercialisation. Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont proposé des approches automatisées pour générer des données de test. Certains de ces travaux ont montré que les techniques de génération des données de test qui sont basées sur des métaheuristiques (SB-STDG) peuvent générer automatiquement des données de test. Cependant, ces techniques sont très sensibles à leur orientation qui peut avoir un impact sur l'ensemble du processus de génération des données de test. Une insuffisance d'informations pertinentes sur le problème de génération des données de test peut affaiblir l'orientation et affecter négativement l'efficacité et l'effectivité de SB-STDG. Dans cette thèse, notre proposition de recherche est d'analyser statiquement le code source pour identifier et extraire des informations pertinentes afin de les exploiter dans le processus de SB-STDG pourrait offrir davantage d'orientation et ainsi d'améliorer l'efficacité et l'effectivité de SB-STDG. Pour extraire des informations pertinentes pour l'orientation de SB-STDG, nous analysons de manière statique la structure interne du code source en se concentrant sur six caractéristiques, i.e., les constantes, les instructions conditionnelles, les arguments, les membres de données, les méthodes et les relations. En mettant l'accent sur ces caractéristiques et en utilisant différentes techniques existantes d'analyse statique, i.e, la programmation par contraintes (CP), la théorie du schéma et certains analyses statiques légères, nous proposons quatre approches: (1) en mettant l'accent sur les arguments et les instructions conditionnelles, nous définissons une approche hybride qui utilise les techniques de CP pour guider SB-STDG à réduire son espace de recherche; (2) en mettant l'accent sur les instructions conditionnelles et en utilisant des techniques de CP, nous définissons deux nouvelles métriques qui mesurent la difficulté à satisfaire une branche (i.e., condition), d'o˘ nous tirons deux nouvelles fonctions objectif pour guider SB-STDG; (3) en mettant l'accent sur les instructions conditionnelles et en utilisant la théorie du schéma, nous adaptons l'algorithme génétique pour mieux répondre au problème de la génération de données de test; (4) en mettant l'accent sur les arguments, les instructions conditionnelles, les constantes, les membres de données, les méthodes et les relations, et en utilisant des analyses statiques légères, nous définissons un générateur d'instance qui génère des données de test candidates pertinentes et une nouvelle représentation du problème de génération des données de test orienté-objet qui réduit implicitement l'espace de recherche de SB-STDG. Nous montrons que les analyses statiques aident à améliorer l'efficacité et l'effectivité de SB-STDG. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse montrent des améliorations importantes en termes d'efficacité et d'effectivité. Ils sont prometteurs et nous espérons que d'autres recherches dans le domaine de la génération des données de test pourraient améliorer davantage l'efficacité ou l'effectivité.----------ABSTRACT Proving that some software system corresponds to its specification or revealing hidden errors in its implementation is a time consuming and tedious testing process, accounting for 50% of the total software. Test-data generation is one of the most expensive parts of the software testing phase. Therefore, automating this task can significantly reduce software cost, development time, and time to market. Many researchers have proposed automated approaches to generate test data. Among the proposed approaches, the literature showed that Search-Based Software Test-data Generation (SB-STDG) techniques can automatically generate test data. However, these techniques are very sensitive to their guidance which impact the whole test-data generation process. The insufficiency of information relevant about the test-data generation problem can weaken the SB-STDG guidance and negatively affect its efficiency and effectiveness. In this dissertation, our thesis is statically analyzing source code to identify and extract relevant information to exploit them in the SB-STDG process could offer more guidance and thus improve the efficiency and effectiveness of SB-STDG. To extract information relevant for SB-STDG guidance, we statically analyze the internal structure of the source code focusing on six features, i.e., constants, conditional statements, arguments, data members, methods, and relationships. Focusing on these features and using different existing techniques of static analysis, i.e., constraints programming (CP), schema theory, and some lightweight static analyses, we propose four approaches: (1) focusing on arguments and conditional statements, we define a hybrid approach that uses CP techniques to guide SB-STDG in reducing its search space; (2) focusing on conditional statements and using CP techniques, we define two new metrics that measure the difficulty to satisfy a branch, hence we derive two new fitness functions to guide SB-STDG; (3) focusing on conditional statements and using schema theory, we tailor genetic algorithm to better fit the problem of test-data generation; (4) focusing on arguments, conditional statements, constants, data members, methods, and relationships, and using lightweight static analyses, we define an instance generator that generates relevant test-data candidates and a new representation of the problem of object-oriented test-data generation that implicitly reduces the SB-STDG search space. We show that using static analyses improve the SB-STDG efficiency and effectiveness. The achieved results in this dissertation show an important improvements in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. They are promising and we hope that further research in the field of test-data generation might improve efficiency or effectiveness

    Experimental comparison of concolic and random testing for Java Card applets,

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    Abstract. Concolic testing is a method for test input generation where a given program is executed both concretely and symbolically at the same time. This paper introduces the LIME Concolic Tester (LCT), an open source concolic testing tool for sequential Java programs. It discusses the design choices behind LCT as well as its use in automated unit test generation for the JUnit testing framework. As the main experimental contribution we report on an empirical evaluation of LCT for testing smart card Java applets. In particular, we focus on the problem of differential testing, where a Java class implementation is tested against a reference implementation. Two different concolic unit test generation approaches are presented and their effectiveness is compared with random testing. The experiments show that concolic testing is able to find significantly more bugs than random testing in the testing domain at hand