371 research outputs found

    Incidencia de estudiantes monitores, en el rendimiento académico de educandos de Matemática IV, de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil, en la UNI Sede Regional del Norte, II semestre 2009

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    La presente investigación permitió la descripción y análisis de la incidencia de los estudiantes monitores, como facilitadores de aprendizaje, en el rendimiento académico de 51 estudiantes, integrantes del grupo (2M1) del turno matutino, de segundo año de la carrera de Ingeniera Civil, que cursaron la asignatura de matemática IV en el segundo semestre académico 2009. El enfoque  metodológico de la investigación fue un estudio de caso descriptivo, que integró en su desarrollo el paradigma tradicional cuantitativo de investigación, y la investigación cualitativa. Es un estudio longitudinal, porque se analizó todo el proceso de incidencia, desde el inicio del semestre hasta el final del mismo. En la investigación, se seleccionaron 5 estudiantes monitores, tomando en cuenta, principalmente, los criterios del docente tutor. En el grupo de estudio se obtuvo una nota promedio de 85, como resultado de la investigación, al comparar este promedio con los tres últimos años, se pudo comprobar que este aumentó, dado que el año 2006 fue de 59, en el 2007 de 65 y en el 2008 de 66. También, la cantidad de estudiantes aprobados en el 2009, fue superior a los años anteriores. El logro más relevante fue que, la implementación de los estudiantes monitores incidió en la mejora del rendimiento académico en la asignatura de matemática IV. Esto permitió crear las condiciones para la aplicación de evaluaciones  sistemáticas, mejor disposición al aprendizaje, así como mayor comunicación entre los estudiantes y la docente

    Evaluación al sistema alternativo de evaporación forzada para lixiviados provenientes del botadero a cielo abierto de la ciudad de Estelí.

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     This research allowed to evaluate an alternative treatment system of leachate in the air of the city of Estelí by forced evaporation through a pilot dome greenhouse, where a system was established that simulates weather conditions, allowing an average evaporation of 0.78 cm / day and subsequently identifying gases and offensive odors emitted by leachate that were concentrated in the dome greenhouse after stabilizing these smells, which are almost negligible. This monitoring was performed for twenty consecutive days. During monitoring was determined the temperature for this leaching in a range of 26 ° up to 34 ° C with an average value of 31 ºC and this temperature range is typical for a process called anaerobic mesophile. The obtained values from measurement of evaporation showed an exponential tendency, meaning the higher the measuring point of the blade, the lower the evaporation. It deduces due to the work with two sheets of leachate within the dome. As it was analyzed during this investigation, the optimum was found at 20 cm. The implementation of this project, the evaluation of an alternative system of forced evaporation for leachate from the waste in the air of the city of Esteli, is a nationaly hardly studied field, and thus this is an opportunity and research technique that may eventually allow the use of economical and environmentally friendly technologies.La realización de ésta investigación, permitió evaluar un sistema alternativo de tratamiento de los lixiviados generados en el botadero a cielo abierto de la ciudad de Estelí a partir de la evaporación forzada a través de un invernadero piloto tipo domo, en donde se demostró la viabilidad del sistema por la facilidad de las condiciones meteorológicas, permitiendo así una evaporación promedio de 0.78 cm/día y posteriormente la identificación de los gases y olores ofensivos emitidos por los lixiviados que estaban concentrados en el domo que luego de la estabilización estos olores son casi inapreciables, este monitoreo se realizó por veinte y dos días consecutivos. Del monitoreo de se logró determinar que el la temperatura para este lixiviado se encuentra en un rango de 26 º a 34 ºC con un valor promedio de 31º, siendo este rango de temperatura propio de un proceso anaerobio denominado Mesófilico. Se determinó la tendencia de los datos de evaporación de tipo exponencial. Es decir que a mayor altura de la lámina, menor es la evaporación esto se deduce debido a que se trabajó con dos láminas de lixiviados en el interior del domo, siendo la óptima de 20cm y la que se analiza en esta investigación. La implementación de éste proyecto, Evaluación al sistema alternativo de evaporación forzada para lixiviados provenientes del botadero a cielo abierto de la ciudad de Estelí; es un campo poco estudiado a nivel nacional, siendo ésta una oportunidad y técnica de investigación que puede llegar a permitir el uso de tecnologías económicas y amigables con el ambiente

    MetaSearching and Beyond: Implementation Experiences and Advice from an Academic Library

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    In March 2003 the University of Mississippi Libraries made our MetaSearch tool publicly available. After a year of working with this product and integrating it into the library Web site, a wide variety of libraries interested in our implementation process and experiences began to call. Libraries interested in this product have included consortia, public, and academic libraries in the United States, Mexico, and Europe. This article was written in an effort to share the recommendations and concerns given. Much of the advice is general and could be applied to many of the MetaSearch tools available. Google Scholar and other open Web initiatives that could impact the future of MetaSearching are also discussed

    Has the digitalisation of the leisure air travel search industry been enabled by the characteristics of multi-sided platforms (MSPs)?

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    The air travel industry has been a front-runner in the development and adoption of new technologies in the past half century. The entry of metasearch companies into the leisure air travel search industry has changed the dynamic of consumer search completely. These metasearch companies operate a multi-sided platform in which they provide end users a free service where they can search, compare and analyse all of the flight options available them. This research studies whether the distinctive characteristics of multi-sided platforms (MSPs) have been the key enablers for the leisure air travel search industry to go through digitalisation. The main theoretical basis for this research was built from literature on platform technologies, with a focus on multi-sided platforms, and digitalisation. Based on past literature, a theoretical lens was developed, in order to identify the specific MSP characteristics that would used to analyse the upcoming data. A plan was created to conduct a qualitative study aimed at obtaining personal views and opinions on various themes regarding digitalisation in the leisure air travel search industry. The qualitative data was obtained utilizing both semi-structured interviews, as well as, written questionnaires, and the data received from the research was analysed in order to find similarities and themes regarding the research topics. The key themes that were formed from the qualitative study were all analysed regarding why they were viewed as important factors within the industry and how they had an effect on the way that the industry has gone through its digitalisation. The themes that emerged were technological milestones, seamless communication, customer loyalty programs, knowing your customers, and ownership of data. Each theme was also analysed in connection to the research question, in order to get overall conclusions for the study. Generally, the results from the study reflected well the existing literature on areas such as the benefits of using multi-sided platforms, the utilisation of customer loyalty programs, and the ability to successfully utilise customer data. In addition, the study provided great insight on the importance for a company to know ones customer and having the ability to recognize and adapt to changing customer demands. This study provides a good basis for further research on the topic, which could include a more extensive study from the consumer side, on what they value the most during the search phase of their leisure flights, and how they see the developments within the industry have changed their entire user experience

    STOMP: STudents Organized to Motivate for Phitness

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    This is a semester-long experience for undergraduate Physical Education – Teacher Education (PETE) majors that begins by setting a learning context through the creation of lesson plans for preschool fitness instruction, applying the lessons in a real-life context, and the development of informational newsletters for the preschoolers’ parents and teachers. The experience includes information literacy instruction, research into a variety of resources to generate appropriate movement activities for preschoolers, and synthesizing information to share with others. This experience includes visits to the IUPUI Center for Young Children during which the PETE majors demonstrate proficiency with the real world application of their knowledge products.Library Fund of the Indianapolis Foundatio

    Exploring Internationalisation for Online Service Providers

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    Background: There are many theories regarding internationalisation and growth but not much is written about the subject in a combination with the online business field. As Internet actors are increasing in number, the area is interesting in several aspects. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to define important factors regarding internationalisation of online service providers. Method: A literature study is conducted together with a case study of five market entries for an online service provider. The case study has a qualitative approach and is mainly based on semi-structured interviews with market managers at the target company. Theoretical framework: The study’s frame of reference includes theory regarding internationalisation, service management, and online business. The analysis model used in the study is built up from three theoretical frameworks: the PEST analysis, the CAGE distance analysis, and the Three Cs analysis. Results: Several different factors were found to be of importance for online service providers looking to enter a new market. Summarized the factors found to be of importance were cultural distance (including the aspect of trust), the development rate of Internet usage, the maturity of the market for the service technology, and the company’s presence on the market. The most important factor for the enabling of a successful market entry was found to be the knowledge acquired of the market and the target market before the entry, which could greatly contribute to faster reaching the target market and possible suppliers. Some factors were also found to be specific for the target company, which indicates that there are additional factors of importance to be found for every specific company and their field of business

    Assessing the Effectiveness and Usability of Personalized Internet Search through a Longitudinal Evaluation

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    This paper discusses a longitudinal user evaluation of Prospector, a personalized Internet meta-search engine capable of personalized re-ranking of search results. Twenty-one participants used Prospector as their primary search engine for 12 days, agreed to have their interaction with the system logged, and completed three questionnaires. The data logs show that the personalization provided by Prospector is successful: participants preferred re-ranked results that appeared higher up. However, the questionnaire results indicated that people would prefer to use Google instead (their search engine of choice). Users would, nevertheless, consider employing a personalized search engine to perform searches with terms that require disambiguation and/or contextualization. We conclude the paper with a discussion on the merit of combining system- and user-centered evaluation for the case of personalized systems

    Multimedia Retrieval: Survey Of Methods And Approaches

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    As we know there are numbers of applications present where multimedia retrieval is used and also numbers of sources are present. So accuracy is the major issue in retrieval process. There are number of techniques and datasets available to retrieve information. Some techniques uses only text-based image retrieval (TBIR), some uses content-based image retrieval (CBIR) while some are using combination of both. In this paper we are focusing on both TBIR and CBIR results and then fusing these two results. For fusing we are using late fusion. TBIR captures conceptual meaning while CBIR used to avoid false results. So final results are more accurate. In this paper our main goal is to take review of different methods and approaches used for Multimedia Retrieval

    A usability study of online library systems: A case of Sultanah Bahiyah Library, Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate usability of online library systems in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). This study evaluated the usability of Sultanah Bahiyah Library’s web based systems by investigating the aspects of simplicity, comfort, user friendliness, control, readability, information adequacy/task match, navigability, recognition, access time, relevancy, consistency and visual presentation. This study examined user’s views about the usability of digital libraries whereas current and perceived importance. A sample of 45 students of Master of Business Administration (MBA) has been chosen. The Sultanah Bahiyah Library’s web based systems is very important especially for students and academic staffs of Universiti Utara Malaysia. The usability of the Library’s web based systems makes students easy to connect and for that the website should be helpful and attractive within good contents. The result found that the parallel nature of the users’ current views about the usability of digital libraries and users’ perceived importance of digital library usability allows direct comparison of all usability properties. The overall results yielded significant difference for the variables of user’s current views and perceived importance

    Late Semantic Fusion Approach for the Retrieval of Multimedia Data

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    In Multimedia information retrieval late semantic fusion is used to combine textual pre-filtering with an image re-ranking. Three steps are used for retrieval processes. Visual and textual techniques are combined to help the developed Multimedia Information Retrieval System to minimize the semantic gap for given query. In the paper, different late semantic fusion approaches i.e. Product, Enrich, MaxMerge and FilterN are used and for experiments publicly available ImageCLEF Wikipedia Collection is used. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150610