202 research outputs found

    The digitally 'Hand Made' object

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    This article will outline the author’s investigations of types of computer interfaces in practical three-dimensional design practice. The paper contains a description of two main projects in glass and ceramic tableware design, using a Microscribe G2L digitising arm as an interface to record three-dimensional spatial\ud design input.\ud \ud The article will provide critical reflections on the results of the investigations and will argue that new approaches in digital design interfaces could have relevance in developing design methods which incorporate more physical ‘human’ expressions in a three-dimensional design practice. The research builds on concepts indentified in traditional craft practice as foundations for constructing new types of creative practices based on the use of digital technologies, as outlined by McCullough (1996)

    Physical contraptions as social interaction catalysts

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    Integrating Usability Models into Pervasive Application Development

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    This thesis describes novel processes in two important areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and demonstrates ways to combine these in appropriate ways. First, prototyping plays an essential role in the development of complex applications. This is especially true if a user-centred design process is followed. We describe and compare a set of existing toolkits and frameworks that support the development of prototypes in the area of pervasive computing. Based on these observations, we introduce the EIToolkit that allows the quick generation of mobile and pervasive applications, and approaches many issues found in previous works. Its application and use is demonstrated in several projects that base on the architecture and an implementation of the toolkit. Second, we present novel results and extensions in user modelling, specifically for predicting time to completion of tasks. We extended established concepts such as the Keystroke-Level Model to novel types of interaction with mobile devices, e.g. using optical markers and gestures. The design, creation, as well as a validation of this model are presented in some detail in order to show its use and usefulness for making usability predictions. The third part is concerned with the combination of both concepts, i.e. how to integrate user models into the design process of pervasive applications. We first examine current ways of developing and show generic approaches to this problem. This leads to a concrete implementation of such a solution. An innovative integrated development environment is provided that allows for quickly developing mobile applications, supports the automatic generation of user models, and helps in applying these models early in the design process. This can considerably ease the process of model creation and can replace some types of costly user studies.Diese Dissertation beschreibt neuartige Verfahren in zwei wichtigen Bereichen der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation und erlĂ€utert Wege, diese geeignet zu verknĂŒpfen. Zum einen spielt die Entwicklung von Prototypen insbesondere bei der Verwendung von benutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsverfahren eine besondere Rolle. Es werden daher auf der einen Seite eine ganze Reihe vorhandener Arbeiten vorgestellt und verglichen, die die Entwicklung prototypischer Anwendungen speziell im Bereich des Pervasive Computing unterstĂŒtzen. Ein eigener Satz an Werkzeugen und Komponenten wird prĂ€sentiert, der viele der herausgearbeiteten Nachteile und Probleme solcher existierender Projekte aufgreift und entsprechende Lösungen anbietet. Mehrere Beispiele und eigene Arbeiten werden beschrieben, die auf dieser Architektur basieren und entwickelt wurden. Auf der anderen Seite werden neue Forschungsergebnisse prĂ€sentiert, die Erweiterungen von Methoden in der Benutzermodellierung speziell im Bereich der AbschĂ€tzung von Interaktionszeiten beinhalten. Mit diesen in der Dissertation entwickelten Erweiterungen können etablierte Konzepte wie das Keystroke-Level Model auf aktuelle und neuartige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit mobilen GerĂ€ten angewandt werden. Der Entwurf, das Erstellen sowie eine Validierung der Ergebnisse dieser Erweiterungen werden detailliert dargestellt. Ein dritter Teil beschĂ€ftigt sich mit Möglichkeiten die beiden beschriebenen Konzepte, zum einen Prototypenentwicklung im Pervasive Computing und zum anderen Benutzermodellierung, geeignet zu kombinieren. Vorhandene AnsĂ€tze werden untersucht und generische Integrationsmöglichkeiten beschrieben. Dies fĂŒhrt zu konkreten Implementierungen solcher Lösungen zur Integration in vorhandene Umgebungen, als auch in Form einer eigenen Applikation spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Programmen fĂŒr mobile GerĂ€te. Sie erlaubt das schnelle Erstellen von Prototypen, unterstĂŒtzt das automatische Erstellen spezialisierter Benutzermodelle und ermöglicht den Einsatz dieser Modelle frĂŒh im Entwicklungsprozess. Dies erleichtert die Anwendung solcher Modelle und kann Aufwand und Kosten fĂŒr entsprechende Benutzerstudien einsparen

    January 23, 1986

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    A framework for the design of business intelligence dashboard tools

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    Vast amounts of data are collected on a daily basis, making it difficult for humans to derive at valuable information to make effective decisions. In recent years, the field of Business Intelligence (BI) and Information Visualisation (IV) have become a key driver of an organisation’s success. BI tools supporting decision making need to be accessible to a larger audience on different levels of the organisation. The problem is that non-expert users, or novice users, of BI tools do not have the technical knowledge to conduct data analysis and often rely on expert users to assist. For this reason, BI vendors are shifting their focus to self-service BI, a relatively new term where novice users can analyse data without the traditional human mediator. Despite the proliferation of self-service BI tools, limited research is available on their usability and design considerations to assist novice users with decision making and BI analysis. The contribution of this study is a conceptual framework for designing, evaluating or selecting BI tools that support non-expert users to create dashboards (the BI Framework). A dashboard is a particular IV technique that enables users to view critical information at a glance. The main research problem addressed by this study is that non-expert users often have to utilise a number of software tools to conduct data analysis and to develop visualisations, such as BI dashboards. The research problem was further investigated by following a two-step approach. The first approach was to investigate existing problems by using an in-depth literature review in the fields of BI and IV. The second approach was to conduct a field study (Field Study 1) using a development environment consisting of a number of software components of which SAP Xcelsius was the main BI tool used to create a dashboard. The aim of the field study was to compare the identified problems and requirements with those found in literature. The results of the problem analysis revealed a number of problems in terms of BI software. One of the major problems is that BI tools do not adequately guide users through a logical process to conduct data analysis. In addition, the process becomes increasingly difficult when several BI tools are involved that need to be integrated. The results showed positive aspects when the data was mapped to a visualisation, which increased the users’ understanding of data they were analysing. The results were verified in a focus group discussion and were used to establish an initial set of problems and requirements, which were then synthesised with the problems and requirements identified from literature. Once the major problems were verified, a framework was established to guide the design of BI dashboard tools for novice users. The framework includes a set of design guidelines and usability evaluation criteria for BI tools. An extant systems analysis was conducted using BI tools to compare the advantages and disadvantages. The results revealed that a number of tools could be used by non-experts, however, their usability hinders users. All the participants used in all field studies and evaluations were Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) students. Participants were specially sourced from a higher education institution such as the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). A second field study (Field Study 2) was conducted with participants using another traditional BI tool identified from the extant systems analysis, PowerPivot. The objective of this field study was to verify the design guidelines and related features that served as a BI Scorecard that can be used to select BI tools. Another BI tool, Tableau, was used for the final evaluation. The final evaluation was conducted with a large participant sample consisting of IS students in their second and third year of study. The results for the two groups revealed a significant difference between participants’ education levels and the usability ratings of Tableau. Additionally, the results indicated a significant relationship between the participants’ experience level and the usability ratings of Tableau. The usability ratings of Tableau were mostly positive and the results revealed that participants found the tool easy to use, flexible and efficient. The proposed BI Framework can be used to assist organisations when evaluating BI tools for adoption. Furthermore, designers of BI tools can use the framework to improve the usability of these tools, reduce the workload for users when creating dashboards, and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of decision support

    Columbia Chronicle (01/31/2011)

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    Student newspaper from January 31, 2011 entitled The Columbia Chronicle. This issue is 44 pages and is listed as Volume 46, Number 17. Cover story: Drawing the line on campus crime Editor-in-Chief: Spencer Roushhttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/1806/thumbnail.jp

    East Lancashire Research 2008

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    East Lancashire Research 200
