11 research outputs found

    Webs i aplicacions mòbils: una aproximació des del punt de vista de l'experiència d'usuari

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    In this paper are presented and described the main characteristics of the different approaches of mobile website and mobile applications design, placing emphasis on the factors that determine a good user experience. Regarding the development of optimized websites for mobile devices, stand out among from other options the mobile-dedicated sites and, particularly, responsive websites as a preferred option. In terms of mobile applications development, there are three alternatives each with their possible advantages and disadvantages: the developed of native apps in the specific programming language of the device, the development of web applications with web standards and accessible from a traditional web browser, and the hybrid applications, that have some characteristics of native applications, but are developed with web standards

    Webs i aplicacions mòbils: una aproximació des del punt de vista de l'experiència d'usuari

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    In this paper are presented and described the main characteristics of the different approaches of mobile website and mobile applications design, placing emphasis on the factors that determine a good user experience. Regarding the development of optimized websites for mobile devices, stand out among from other options the mobile-dedicated sites and, particularly, responsive websites as a preferred option. In terms of mobile applications development, there are three alternatives each with their possible advantages and disadvantages: the developed of native apps in the specific programming language of the device, the development of web applications with web standards and accessible from a traditional web browser, and the hybrid applications, that have some characteristics of native applications, but are developed with web standards

    User evaluation of task execution at industrial interfaces using the USE questionnaire

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are widely used in organizations and their use has many favourable consequences, fostering interaction and collaboration, workplace learning, job performance and productivity. In the industrial environment, due to the recent incorporation of new technologies and digital solutions development, the optimization and acquisition of knowledge has been enhanced. As a result, the challenges and problems associated with the implementation of ICT systems has led the scientific community to better understand the factors related to the appropriation of technology that implies proper task execution. This communication presents a case study focused on task analysis through two industrial interfaces based on the USE questionnaire (Utility, Satisfaction and Ease of Use). Obtained results show that digital solutions oriented to fulfil the task in a more usable way, achieve better scores in terms of usefulness, satisfaction and ease of use, as well as being considered easier to learn.Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) se utilizan ampliamente en las organizaciones y su uso tiene muchas consecuencias favorables, ya que fomentan la interacción, la colaboración, el aprendizaje, el desempeño laboral y la productividad. En el entorno industrial, debido a la reciente incorporación de nuevas tecnologías y el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones digitales, se ha puesto de relieve la optimización de la interacción y la adquisición del conocimiento por parte de los empleados. Dada esta situación, los desafíos y problemas asociados con la implementación de sistemas TIC ha llevado a la comunidad científica a tratar de comprender los factores relacionados con la apropiación de la tecnología que implican una correcta ejecución de tareas. Esta comunicación presenta un caso de estudio enfocado en el análisis de tareas mediante dos interfaces industriales, tomando como base el cuestionario USE (Utilidad, Satisfacción y Facilidad de uso). Los resultados obtenidos recogen que las soluciones digitales orientadas a cumplimentar las tareas de una forma más usable, consiguen mejores puntuaciones en términos de utilidad, satisfacción y facilidad de uso, siendo considerados como más fáciles de aprender

    Augmented reality and user experience (UX) in the dissemination of digital content from Portuguese museums

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    No presente artigo salienta-se a importância que os museus atribuem às novas tecnologias e em melhorar a Experiência dos Utilizadores (UX) recorrendo à tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada na divulgação de conteúdos digitais, entre o espaço físico e digital do museu. Numa primeira fase procurou-se entender a perceção e interação dos utilizadores através de indicadores de análise de conteúdo, pela plataforma digital Instagram, associando três empresas de Realidade Aumentada. Numa segunda fase, procurando estabelecer ligação à vertente de negócio, à adoção e aceitação tecnológica, realizaram-se entrevistas aos departamentos de comunicação de três Museus Portugueses De uma forma geral, foi possível reconhecer a importância e o potencial de crescimento em associar a tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada na divulgação de conteúdos digitais, seja de acordo com o panorama cultural, histórico ou turístico em Portugal. Os resultados obtidos são pressupostos de aplicabilidade nos museus, associados ao estudo de caso: a Startup Nimest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online Shopping and Web-Accessibility: Strategies to Ensure Equal Access to Blind Users in E-commerce Platforms

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    Online shopping has become vastly popular and is easily accessible to people worldwide. Considering the accessibility criteria, many brands are yet to incorporate it into their online interfaces. Most brands have been following the trend of creating beautiful and appealing web layouts that are usable but not accessible to everyone. Most visually impaired Internet users rely on assistive devices such as screen readers or magnifiers to make websites readable and usable (Herndon, 2019). Despite having accessibility guidelines for over a decade, disabled users still have problems using websites because of how the content is put out (Information Architecture). We as designers have a limited understanding of the challenges that blind users face while accessing the internet. Following my REB (Research Ethics Board) approval (#2022-05), participants were recruited and interviewed to help identify a list of issues they encounter while shopping online, which would then help in developing visual interface design solutions. The WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) rules would be assessed to address the accessibility issues raised, and new adjustments would be proposed to improve the existing guidelines regarding user experience and interface design

    A realidade aumentada (AR) e a experiência do utilizador (UX) na divulgação de conteúdos digitais

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    O paradigma da tecnologia na era da globalização promove a expressão e a Experiência dos Utilizadores (UX) ao nível da produção e difusão cultural, adaptando as tendências de conteúdos digitais. O contributo dos novos media, permite que inúmeros utilizadores estejam presentes nas plataformas digitais, influenciados pelo crescimento do mercado tecnológico. Salienta-se assim a importância que os museus atribuem às novas tecnologias e em melhorar a Experiência dos Utilizadores (UX) recorrendo à tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada (AR) na divulgação de conteúdos, entre o espaço físico e digital do museu. Este conceito, surge como estudo de caso aplicado à Startup Nimest, cujo produto contempla conteúdos de media interativos em Realidade Aumentada (AR), onde personagens históricas, poéticas e monumentais, aparecem no mundo real em contacto com os utilizadores e proporcionando uma melhor experiência digital. Numa primeira fase desta investigação, procurou-se entender a perceção e interação dos utilizadores através de indicadores de análise de conteúdo, pela plataforma digital Instagram, associando três empresas de Realidade Aumentada (AR); numa segunda fase, procurando estabelecer ligação à vertente de negócio, à adoção e aceitação tecnológica, realizaram-se entrevistas aos departamentos de comunicação de três Museus Portugueses. Verificou-se que, de forma geral, reconhece-se atribuição da importância e o potencial de crescimento em associar a tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada (AR) na divulgação de conteúdos digitais, seja de acordo com o panorama cultural, histórico ou turístico em Portugal. Os resultados obtidos são pressupostos de aplicabilidade associados ao estudo de caso, a Startup Nimest nos museus, integrando conteúdos de media em Realidade Aumentada (AR).The paradigm of technology in the age of globalization promotes expression and the User Experience (UX) in terms of cultural production and diffusion, adapting as digital content. The contribution of new media allows many users to be present on digital platforms, influenced by the growth of the technology market. The importance that museums attribute to new technologies and to improve the User Experience (UX) using Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the dissemination of content, between the physical and digital space of the museum. This concept emerges as a case study applied to Startup Nimest, since it is a Portuguese company that includes interactive media content in Augmented Reality (AR), where historical, poetic and monumental characters appear in the real world in contact with users and providing a better digital experience. The first part of this research, was to understand the perception and interaction of users through categories of content analysis, by the digital platform Instagram, associating three Augmented Reality (AR) companies; The second part, trying to connect the business context, the adoption and technological acceptance, interviews were conducted with the communication departments of three Portuguese Museums. In general, it was found the attribution importance and growth potential of associating Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the dissemination of digital content is recognized, either according to the cultural, historical or tourist context view in Portugal. The results are assumption of applicability associated with the case study, a Startup Nimest in museums, integrating media content in Augmented Reality (AR)

    Technical Communication in China:Studies on the User Experience of Technical Documentation

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    Technical communication is the process of conveying complex information to a varied audience, including both technical and non-technical individuals. It aims to make information usable and accessible. The dissertation provides an in-depth examination of technical communication's evolution in China, with a focus on enhancing user experience with technical documentation.The dissertation is organized into seven chapters, beginning with the current state of technical communication in China, followed by three parts covering five research studies on various aspects of technical documentation, including the roles of technical communicators who create technical documentation, the design and evaluation of developer documentation, and the application of emotional design in user manuals. It concludes by summarizing key findings, discussing theoretical and practical implications, and suggesting future research directions.This dissertation aims to answer five research questions. The first focuses on the state of the art of TC in China. The other four questions explore specific angles on TC in a Chinese context. The five research questions are:• RQ1. What is the development of technical communication as a professional discipline in China?• RQ2. What are the learning habits, information journey, and expectations of Chinese developers regarding developer documentation?• RQ3. What are key factors influencing the effectiveness of searching and finding technical documentation?• RQ4. What are effective strategies for evaluating performance and user experience of developer documentation?• RQ5. What is the impact of emotional design on user experience and effectiveness in technical documentation?<br/

    Staring down the lion: Uncertainty avoidance and operational risk culture in a tourism organisation

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    The academic literature is not clear about how uncertainty influences operational risk decision-making. This study, therefore, investigated operational risk-based decision-making in the face of uncertainty in a large African safari tourism organisation by exploring individual and perceived team member approaches to uncertainty. Convenience sampling was used to identify 15 managers across three African countries in three domains of work: safari camp; regional office; and head office. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in which vignettes were incorporated, to which participants responded with their own reactions and decisions to the situations described, as well as with ways they thought other managers would react to these specific operational contexts. The data were transcribed and qualitatively analysed through thematic coding processes. The findings indicated that approaches to uncertainty were influenced by factors including situational context, the availability and communication of information, the level of operational experience, and participants’ roles. Contextual factors alongside diverse individual emotional and cognitive influences were shown to require prudent consideration by safari tourism operators in understanding employee behavioural reactions to uncertain situations. A preliminary model drawn from the findings suggests that, in practice, decision-making in the face of uncertainty is more complex than existing theoretical studies propose. Specifically, the diverse responses anticipated by staff in response to the vignettes could guide safari tourism management towards better handling of risk under uncertainty in remote locations