6 research outputs found

    Compressed sensing using sparse binary measurements: a rateless coding perspective

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    Compressed Sensing (CS) methods using sparse binary measurement matrices and iterative message-passing re- covery procedures have been recently investigated due to their low computational complexity and excellent performance. Drawing much of inspiration from sparse-graph codes such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, these studies use analytical tools from modern coding theory to analyze CS solutions. In this paper, we consider and systematically analyze the CS setup inspired by a class of efficient, popular and flexible sparse-graph codes called rateless codes. The proposed rateless CS setup is asymptotically analyzed using tools such as Density Evolution and EXIT charts and fine-tuned using degree distribution optimization techniques

    Expanding Window Compressed Sensing for Non-Uniform Compressible Signals

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    Many practical compressible signals like image signals or the networked data in wireless sensor networks have non-uniform support distribution in their sparse representation domain. Utilizing this prior information, a novel compressed sensing (CS) scheme with unequal protection capability is proposed in this paper by introducing a windowing strategy called expanding window compressed sensing (EW-CS). According to the importance of different parts of the signal, the signal is divided into several nested subsets, i.e., the expanding windows. Each window generates its own measurements using a random sensing matrix. The more significant elements are contained by more windows, so they are captured by more measurements. This design makes the EW-CS scheme have more convenient implementation and better overall recovery quality for non-uniform compressible signals than ordinary CS schemes. These advantages are theoretically analyzed and experimentally confirmed. Moreover, the EW-CS scheme is applied to the compressed acquisition of image signals and networked data where it also has superior performance than ordinary CS and the existing unequal protection CS schemes

    Expanding Window Compressed Sensing for Non-Uniform Compressible Signals

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    Many practical compressible signals like image signals or the networked data in wireless sensor networks have non-uniform support distribution in their sparse representation domain. Utilizing this prior information, a novel compressed sensing (CS) scheme with unequal protection capability is proposed in this paper by introducing a windowing strategy called expanding window compressed sensing (EW-CS). According to the importance of different parts of the signal, the signal is divided into several nested subsets, i.e., the expanding windows. Each window generates its own measurements using a random sensing matrix. The more significant elements are contained by more windows, so they are captured by more measurements. This design makes the EW-CS scheme have more convenient implementation and better overall recovery quality for non-uniform compressible signals than ordinary CS schemes. These advantages are theoretically analyzed and experimentally confirmed. Moreover, the EW-CS scheme is applied to the compressed acquisition of image signals and networked data where it also has superior performance than ordinary CS and the existing unequal protection CS schemes

    Compressive Sensing and Recovery of Structured Sparse Signals

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    In the recent years, numerous disciplines including telecommunications, medical imaging, computational biology, and neuroscience benefited from increasing applications of high dimensional datasets. This calls for efficient ways of data capturing and data processing. Compressive sensing (CS), which is introduced as an efficient sampling (data capturing) method, is addressing this need. It is well-known that the signals, which belong to an ambient high-dimensional space, have much smaller dimensionality in an appropriate domain. CS taps into this principle and dramatically reduces the number of samples that is required to be captured to avoid any distortion in the information content of the data. This reduction in the required number of samples enables many new applications that were previously infeasible using classical sampling techniques. Most CS-based approaches take advantage of the inherent low-dimensionality in many datasets. They try to determine a sparse representation of the data, in an appropriately chosen basis using only a few significant elements. These approaches make no extra assumptions regarding possible relationships among the significant elements of that basis. In this dissertation, different ways of incorporating the knowledge about such relationships are integrated into the data sampling and the processing schemes. We first consider the recovery of temporally correlated sparse signals and show that using the time correlation model. The recovery performance can be significantly improved. Next, we modify the sampling process of sparse signals to incorporate the signal structure in a more efficient way. In the image processing application, we show that exploiting the structure information in both signal sampling and signal recovery improves the efficiency of the algorithm. In addition, we show that region-of-interest information can be included in the CS sampling and recovery steps to provide a much better quality for the region-of-interest area compared the rest of the image or video. In spectrum sensing applications, CS can dramatically improve the sensing efficiency by facilitating the coordination among spectrum sensors. A cluster-based spectrum sensing with coordination among spectrum sensors is proposed for geographically disperse cognitive radio networks. Further, CS has been exploited in this problem for simultaneous sensing and localization. Having access to this information dramatically facilitates the implementation of advanced communication technologies as required by 5G communication networks