12 research outputs found

    On the Optimality of Treating Inter-Cell Interference as Noise in Uplink Cellular Networks

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    In this paper, we explore the information-theoretic optimality of treating interference as noise (TIN) in cellular networks. We focus on uplink scenarios modeled by the Gaussian interfering multiple access channel (IMAC), comprising KK mutually interfering multiple access channels (MACs), each formed by an arbitrary number of transmitters communicating independent messages to one receiver. We define TIN for this setting as a scheme in which each MAC (or cell) performs a power-controlled version of its capacity-achieving strategy, with Gaussian codebooks and successive decoding, while treating interference from all other MACs (i.e. inter-cell interference) as noise. We characterize the generalized degrees-of-freedom (GDoF) region achieved through the proposed TIN scheme, and then identify conditions under which this achievable region is convex without the need for time-sharing. We then tighten these convexity conditions and identify a regime in which the proposed TIN scheme achieves the entire GDoF region of the IMAC and is within a constant gap of the entire capacity region.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On the Optimality of Treating Interference as Noise: General Message Sets

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    In a K-user Gaussian interference channel, it has been shown that if for each user the desired signal strength is no less than the sum of the strengths of the strongest interference from this user and the strongest interference to this user (all values in dB scale), then treating interference as noise (TIN) is optimal from the perspective of generalized degrees-of-freedom (GDoF) and achieves the entire channel capacity region to within a constant gap. In this work, we show that for such TIN-optimal interference channels, even if the message set is expanded to include an independent message from each transmitter to each receiver, operating the new channel as the original interference channel and treating interference as noise is still optimal for the sum capacity up to a constant gap. Furthermore, we extend the result to the sum-GDoF optimality of TIN in the general setting of X channels with arbitrary numbers of transmitters and receivers

    Cellular Networks With Finite Precision CSIT: GDoF Optimality of Multi-Cell TIN and Extremal Gains of Multi-Cell Cooperation

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    We study the generalized degrees-of-freedom (GDoF) of cellular networks under finite precision channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT). We consider downlink settings modeled by the interfering broadcast channel (IBC) under no multi-cell cooperation, and the overloaded multiple-input-single-output broadcast channel (MISO-BC) under full multi-cell cooperation. We focus on three regimes of interest: the mc-TIN regime, where a scheme based on treating inter-cell interference as noise (mc-TIN) was shown to be GDoF optimal for the IBC; the mc-CTIN regime, where the GDoF region achievable by mc-TIN is convex without the need for time-sharing; and the mc-SLS regime which extends a previously identified regime, where a simple layered superposition (SLS) scheme is optimal for the 3-transmitter-3-user MISO-BC, to overloaded cellular-type networks with more users than transmitters. We first show that the optimality of mc-TIN for the IBC extends to the entire mc-CTIN regime when CSIT is limited to finite precision. The converse proof of this result relies on a new application of aligned images bounds. We then extend the IBC converse proof to the counterpart overloaded MISO-BC, obtained by enabling full transmitter cooperation. This, in turn, is utilized to show that a multi-cell variant of the SLS scheme is optimal in the mc-SLS regime under full multi-cell cooperation, albeit only for 2-cell networks. The overwhelming combinatorial complexity of the GDoF region stands in the way of extending this result to larger networks. Alternatively, we appeal to extremal network analysis, recently introduced by Chan et al., and study the GDoF gain of multi-cell cooperation over mc-TIN in the three regimes of interest. We show that this extremal GDoF gain is bounded by small constants in the mc-TIN and mc-CTIN regimes, yet scales logarithmically with the number of cells in the mc-SLS regime.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On Multi-Cell Uplink-Downlink Duality with Treating Inter-Cell Interference as Noise

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    We consider the information-theoretic optimality of treating inter-cell interference as noise in downlink cellular networks modeled as Gaussian interfering broadcast channels. Establishing a new uplink-downlink duality, we cast the problem in Gaussian interfering broadcast channels to that in Gaussian interfering multiple access channels, and characterize an achievable GDoF region under power control and treating inter-cell interference as (Gaussian) noise. We then identify conditions under which this achievable GDoF region is optimal

    Incremental Relaying for the Gaussian Interference Channel with a Degraded Broadcasting Relay

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    This paper studies incremental relay strategies for a two-user Gaussian relay-interference channel with an in-band-reception and out-of-band-transmission relay, where the link between the relay and the two receivers is modelled as a degraded broadcast channel. It is shown that generalized hash-and-forward (GHF) can achieve the capacity region of this channel to within a constant number of bits in a certain weak relay regime, where the transmitter-to-relay link gains are not unboundedly stronger than the interference links between the transmitters and the receivers. The GHF relaying strategy is ideally suited for the broadcasting relay because it can be implemented in an incremental fashion, i.e., the relay message to one receiver is a degraded version of the message to the other receiver. A generalized-degree-of-freedom (GDoF) analysis in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime reveals that in the symmetric channel setting, each common relay bit can improve the sum rate roughly by either one bit or two bits asymptotically depending on the operating regime, and the rate gain can be interpreted as coming solely from the improvement of the common message rates, or alternatively in the very weak interference regime as solely coming from the rate improvement of the private messages. Further, this paper studies an asymmetric case in which the relay has only a single single link to one of the destinations. It is shown that with only one relay-destination link, the approximate capacity region can be established for a larger regime of channel parameters. Further, from a GDoF point of view, the sum-capacity gain due to the relay can now be thought as coming from either signal relaying only, or interference forwarding only.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theor

    On the Optimality of Treating Inter-Cell Interference as Noise: Downlink Cellular Networks and Uplink-Downlink Duality

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    We consider the information-theoretic optimality of treating inter-cell interference as noise (multi-cell TIN) in downlink cellular networks. We focus on scenarios modeled by the Gaussian interfering broadcast channel (IBC), comprising KK mutually interfering Gaussian broadcast channels (BCs), each formed by a base station communicating independent messages to an arbitrary number of users. We establish a new power allocation duality between the IBC and its dual interfering multiple access channel (IMAC), which entails that the corresponding generalized degrees-of-freedom regions achieved through multi-cell TIN and power control (TINA regions) for both networks are identical. As by-products of this duality, we obtain an explicit characterization of the IBC TINA region from a previously established characterization of the IMAC TINA region; and identify a multi-cell convex-TIN regime in which the IBC TINA region is a polyhedron (hence convex) without the need for time-sharing. We then identify a smaller multi-cell TIN regime in which the IBC TINA region is optimal and multi-cell TIN achieves the entire capacity region of the IBC, up to a constant gap. This is accomplished by deriving a new genie-aided outer bound for the IBC, that reveals a novel BC-type order that holds amongst users in each constituent BC (or cell) under inter-cell interference, which in turn is not implied by previously known BC-type orders (i.e. degraded, less noisy and more capable orders). The multi-cell TIN regime that we identify for the IBC coincides with a corresponding multi-cell TIN regime previously identified for the IMAC, hence establishing a comprehensive uplink-downlink duality of multi-cell TIN in the GDoF (and approximate capacity) sense

    Multi-layer Interference Alignment and GDoF of the K-User Asymmetric Interference Channel

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    In wireless networks, link strengths are often affected by some topological factors such as propagation path loss, shadowing and inter-cell interference. Thus, different users in the network might experience different link strengths. In this work we consider a K-user asymmetric interference channel, where the channel gains of the links connected to Receiver k are scaled with P^{\alpha_k /2}}, k=1,2,...,K, for 0< \alpha_1 \leq \alpha_2 \leq \cdots \leq \alpha_K \leq 1. For this setting, we show that the optimal sum generalized degrees-of-freedom (GDoF) is characterized as dsum = (\sum_{k=1}^K \alpha_k + \alpha_K -\alpha_{K-1})/2, which matches the existing result dsum= K/2 when \alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = ... = \alpha_K =1. The achievability is based on multi-layer interference alignment, where different interference alignment sub-schemes are designed in different layers associated with specific power levels, and successive decoding is applied at the receivers. While the converse for the symmetric case only requires bounding the sum degrees-of-freedom (DoF) for selected two users, the converse for this asymmetric case involves bounding the weighted sum GDoF for selected J+2 users, with corresponding weights (2^{J}, 2^{J-1}, ... , 2^{2}, 2^{1}), a geometric sequence with common ratio 2, for the first J users and with corresponding weights (1, 1) for the last two users, for J \in {1,2, ... , \lceil\log (K/2)\rceil }

    Secure GDoF of the Z-channel with Finite Precision CSIT: How Robust are Structured Codes?

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    Under the assumption of perfect channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT), it is known that structured codes offer significant advantages for secure communication in an interference network, e.g., structured jamming signals based on lattice codes may allow a receiver to decode the sum of the jamming signal and the signal being jammed, even though they cannot be separately resolved due to secrecy constraints, subtract the aggregate jammed signal, and then proceed to decode desired codewords at lower power levels. To what extent are such benefits of structured codes fundamentally limited by uncertainty in CSIT? To answer this question, we explore what is perhaps the simplest setting where the question presents itself -- a Z interference channel with secure communication. Using sum-set inequalities based on Aligned Images bounds we prove that the GDoF benefits of structured codes are lost completely under finite precision CSIT. The secure GDoF region of the Z interference channel is obtained as a byproduct of the analysis.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    On the Gaussian Many-to-One X Channel

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    In this paper, the Gaussian many-to-one X channel, which is a special case of general multiuser X channel, is studied. In the Gaussian many-to-one X channel, communication links exist between all transmitters and one of the receivers, along with a communication link between each transmitter and its corresponding receiver. As per the X channel assumption, transmission of messages is allowed on all the links of the channel. This communication model is different from the corresponding many-to-one interference channel (IC). Transmission strategies which involve using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference from a subset of transmitters as noise are formulated for the above channel. Sum-rate is used as the criterion of optimality for evaluating the strategies. Initially, a 3×33 \times 3 many-to-one X channel is considered and three transmission strategies are analyzed. The first two strategies are shown to achieve sum-rate capacity under certain channel conditions. For the third strategy, a sum-rate outer bound is derived and the gap between the outer bound and the achieved rate is characterized. These results are later extended to the K×KK \times K case. Next, a region in which the many-to-one X channel can be operated as a many-to-one IC without loss of sum-rate is identified. Further, in the above region, it is shown that using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference as noise achieves a rate point that is within K/21K/2 -1 bits from the sum-rate capacity. Subsequently, some implications of the above results to the Gaussian many-to-one IC are discussed. Transmission strategies for the many-to-one IC are formulated and channel conditions under which the strategies achieve sum-rate capacity are obtained. A region where the sum-rate capacity can be characterized to within K/21K/2-1 bits is also identified.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Revised and updated version of the original draf