1,062 research outputs found

    Exogenous Connectors for Hierarchical Service Composition

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    Service composition is currently done by (hierarchical) orchestration and choreography. However, these approaches do not support explicit control flow and total compositionality, which are crucial for the scalability of service-oriented systems. In this paper, we propose exogenous connectors for service composition. These connectors support both explicit control flow and total compositionality in hierarchical service composition. To validate and evaluate our proposal, we present a case study based on the popular MusicCorp

    D-XMAN:A Platform For Total Compositionality in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    Current software platforms for service composition are based on orchestration, choreography or hierarchical orchestration. However, such approaches for service composition only support partial compositionality; thereby, increasing the complexity of SOA development. In this paper, we propose DX-MAN, a platform that supports total compositionality. We describe the main concepts of DX-MAN with the help of a case study based on the popular MusicCorp

    Incremental composition process for the construction of component-based management

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are composed of software and hardware components. Many such systems (e.g., IoT based systems) are created by composing existing systems together. Some of these systems are of critical nature, e.g., emergency or disaster management systems. In general, component-based development (CBD) is a useful approach for constructing systems by composing pre-built and tested components. However, for critical systems, a development method must provide ways to verify the partial system at different stages of the construction process. In this paper, for system architectures, we propose two styles: rigid architecture and flexible architecture. A system architecture composed of independent components by coordinating exogenous connectors is in flexible architecture style category. For CBD of critical systems, we select EX-MAN from flexible architecture style category. Moreover, we define incremental composition mechanism for this model to construct critical systems from a set of system requirements. Incremental composition is defined to offer preservation of system behaviour and correctness of partial architecture at each incremental step. To evaluate our proposed approach, a case study of weather monitoring system (part of a disaster management) system was built using our EX-MAN tool

    Analysis of component-based approaches toward componentized 5G

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    5G is expected to be modular by design toward autonomic and agile networks. In this regards, the 5G functional architecture is designed as service-based seeking to support the concept of Network Slicing. This leads us to the question: what componentization approach to implement this modular architecture? Is there a componentization approach that is suitable for all the network functions? Which design approach will help to have autonomic and cognitive networks? In this paper we shed the light on the different component-based approaches. In addition, we reviewed the state of the art addressing the applicability of component-based approaches to build autonomic networks. Therefore, we present discussion, comparison and synthesis as input to 5G related activities

    Analysis and Classification of Service Interactions for the Scalability of the Internet of Things

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    Scalability is an important concern for Internet of Things (IoT) applications since the amount of service interactions may become overwhelming, due to the huge number of interconnected nodes. In this paper, we present an IoT scenario for real-time Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, in order to analyze how well different kinds of service interactions can fulfill the scalability requirements of IoT applications

    Workflow Variability for Autonomic IoT Systems

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    Autonomic IoT systems require variable behaviour at runtime to adapt to different system contexts. Building suitable models that span both design-time and runtime is thus essential for such systems. However, existing approaches separate the variability model from the behavioural model, leading to synchronization issues such as the need for dynamic reconfiguration and dependency management. Some approaches define a fixed number of behaviour variants and are therefore unsuitable for highly variable contexts. This paper extends the semantics of the DX-MAN service model so as to combine variability with behaviour. The model allows the design of composite services that define an infinite number of workflow variants which can be chosen at runtime without any reconfiguration mechanism. We describe the autonomic capabilities of our model by using a case study in the domain of smart homes

    Algebraic service composition for user-centric IoT applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) requires a shift in our way of building applications, as it is aimed at providing many services to society in general. Non-developer people require increasingly complex IoT applications and support for their ever changing run-time requirements. Although service composition allows the combination of functionality into more complex behaviours, current approaches provide support for dealing with one IoT scenario at a time, as they allow the definition of only one workflow. In this paper, we present DX-MAN, an algebraic model for static service composition that allows the definition of composite services that encompass multiple workflows for run-time scenarios. We evaluate our proposal on an example in the domain of smart homes
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