129 research outputs found

    Executable Knowledge Base for Virtual Chat System

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    A virtual chat system enables the end user to interact with knowledge base by chatting with a virtual assistant. Besides knowledge article, a virtual assistant can also perform automation flows such as restart a virtual machine, reset the password for a PC. In many virtual chat systems, AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) is used to train the virtual agent to interact with human beings. It is also possible to integrate knowledge system and automation flow system with AIML interpreter to quickly empower virtual assistances with various domain knowledge. The disclosure provides a method to convert or link an automation flow to virtual agent understandable and executable format and enable them to perform and interact seamlessly with the users, the knowledge base system and the automation system

    Ansible - IT automation engine for configuration management and cloud provisiong

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    Automatic provisioning of infrastructure as well as deployment is a cornerstone of DevOps. It brings the benefits of version control, reproducibility, and a central place to consolidate (executable) knowledge about infrastructure setups. Best known provisioning systems are Chef and Puppet. A newcomer to this game is Ansible with goal are foremost those of simplicity and maximum ease of use and with strong focus on security and reliability, featuring a minimum of moving parts

    Rapid translation of clinical guidelines into executable knowledge : a case study of COVID-19 and online demonstration

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    Introduction: We report a pathfinder study of AI/knowledge engineering methods to rapidly formalise COVID‐19 guidelines into an executable model of decision making and care pathways. The knowledge source for the study was material published by BMJ Best Practice in March 2020. Methods: The PROforma guideline modelling language and OpenClinical.net authoring and publishing platform were used to create a data model for care of COVID‐19 patients together with executable models of rules, decisions and plans that interpret patient data and give personalised care advice. Results: PROforma and OpenClinical.net proved to be an effective combination for rapidly creating the COVID‐19 model; the Pathfinder 1 demonstrator is available for assessment at https://www.openclinical.net/index.php?id=746. Conclusions: This is believed to be the first use of AI/knowledge engineering methods for disseminating best‐practice in COVID‐19 care. It demonstrates a novel and promising approach to the rapid translation of clinical guidelines into point of care services, and a foundation for rapid learning systems in many areas of healthcare

    Handling Complexity in Modern Software Engineering: Editorial Introduction to Issue 32 of CSIMQ

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    The potential of the Internet and related digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cognition and artificial intelligence, data analytics, services computing, cloud computing, mobile systems, collaboration networks, and cyber-physical systems, are both strategic drivers and enablers of modern digital platforms with fast-evolving ecosystems of intelligent services for digital products. This issue of CSIMQ presents three recent articles on modern software engineering. First, we focus on continuous software development and place it in the context of software architectures and digital transformation. The first contribution is followed by the description of the basis of specific security requirements and adequate digital monitoring mechanisms. Finally, we present a practical example of the digital management of livestock farming

    Computable knowledge: An imperative for Learning Health Systems

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151989/1/lrh210203.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151989/2/lrh210203_am.pd

    Characterizing environmental and phenotypic associations using information theory and electronic health records

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    The availability of up-to-date, executable, evidence-based medical knowledge is essential for many clinical applications, such as pharmacovigilance, but executable knowledge is costly to obtain and update. Automated acquisition of environmental and phenotypic associations in biomedical and clinical documents using text mining has showed some success. The usefulness of the association knowledge is limited, however, due to the fact that the specific relationships between clinical entities remain unknown. In particular, some associations are indirect relations due to interdependencies among the data. In this work, we develop methods using mutual information (MI) and its property, the data processing inequality (DPI), to help characterize associations that were generated based on use of natural language processing to encode clinical information in narrative patient records followed by statistical methods. Evaluation based on a random sample consisting of two drugs and two diseases indicates an overall precision of 81%. This preliminary study demonstrates that the proposed method is effective for helping to characterize phenotypic and environmental associations obtained from clinical reports

    Standards for Scalable Clinical Decision Support: Need, Current and Emerging Standards, Gaps, and Proposal for Progress

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    Despite their potential to significantly improve health care, advanced clinical decision support (CDS) capabilities are not widely available in the clinical setting. An important reason for this limited availability of CDS capabilities is the application-specific and institution-specific nature of most current CDS implementations. Thus, a critical need for enabling CDS capabilities on a much larger scale is the development and adoption of standards that enable current and emerging CDS resources to be more effectively leveraged across multiple applications and care settings. Standards required for such effective scaling of CDS include (i) standard terminologies and information models to represent and communicate about health care data; (ii) standard approaches to representing clinical knowledge in both human-readable and machine-executable formats; and (iii) standard approaches for leveraging these knowledge resources to provide CDS capabilities across various applications and care settings. A number of standards do exist or are under development to meet these needs. However, many gaps and challenges remain, including the excessive complexity of many standards; the limited availability of easily accessible knowledge resources implemented using standard approaches; and the lack of tooling and other practical resources to enable the efficient adoption of existing standards. Thus, the future development and widespread adoption of current CDS standards will depend critically on the availability of tooling, knowledge bases, and other resources that make the adoption of CDS standards not only the right approach to take, but the cost-effective path to follow given the alternative of using a traditional, ad hoc approach to implementing CDS

    Тестування на проникнення за допомогою open-source OS Linux і SHELL скриптів

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    This article discuss the security threats to computer networks and systems, and one of the ways to protect it - penetration testing. Most powerful thing for this purpose are OS LINUX and its shell scripts. We describe the methods and ways of implementation of these scripts to assist us in success pentest. We have been analyzing the current free software for pentest and demonstrating examples for using special bash script of OS Kali Linux