15 research outputs found

    Critical Success Factors for ERP Consultancies. A case study

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    ERP implementation is a complex and expensive project for organisations because it touches upon social, behavioural and technical issues. This article presents an in-depth case study of an ERP consultancy in order to comprehensively understand ERP implementation from the consultancy’s perspective. Interviews were conducted with consultants, project managers, senior managers and other employees. The interview responses indicate that both the client and the consultancy measure success in terms of quantifiable units of time, cost and scope. In addition, qualitative measures of client maturity and client satisfaction are central to achieving project success for the consultancy when implementing ERP systems. Through incorporating critical success factors (CSFs) in the project methodology, the consultancy can ensure repeatable implementation processes, which contribute to a higher probability of success for both the consultancy and its clients. This study contributes by identifying consultancy CSFs: project management, IT environment, training and education, change management, and maintenance and support. Furthermore, the client’s maturity, and the management of client expectations are identified as unique CSFs for the ERP consultancy. This study will be beneficial for ERP consultancies, practitioners and researchers

    Enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management value

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    Ruivo, P., Oliveira, T., & Mestre, A. (2017). Enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management value. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 117(8), 1612-1631. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMDS-08-2016-0340Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a theoretical model to measure the impact of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems and moderating relationships of system and process integration on business value. Design/methodology/approach - ERP and CRM systems are analysed with the resource-based view theory and measured by their impact on business value, having in consideration the moderation of system and process integration. The model was tested and analysed with data collected by Microsoft, from firms that have adopted both ERP and CRM systems in their organisation. Findings - ERP system is found to be an important asset to business value, but CRM systems' impact on business value is found to be not significant. System integration as moderator of ERP or CRM system is found to be not significant but has a positive and significant impact on business value. For process integration, the study finds that it is significant only when moderating the CRM system variable. Research limitations/implications - The model shows that the moderating effects of system and process integration are important variables for understanding the joint business value of ERP and CRM. Practical implications - Adopting an ERP system and ensuring system integration provides a direct impact on business value. In order for a CRM system to have a positive impact on business value, process integration with ERP system must be ensured. Originality/value - This study provides new knowledge on how ERP and CRM systems used together may positively influence value from IT investments, and how systems integration and process integration provide business value.authorsversionpublishe

    The ERP and CRM business value

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe value of Information Technology (IT) adoption has been and still is a crucial question for the decision on IT adoption. In this paper we suggest and test a research model that aims at defining the integrative value of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. ERP and CRM systems is analysed based on the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm and will be measured by its impact on business value, having in consideration the moderation of system and process integration. The research model was tested and analysed with data, collected with the assistance of Microsoft, from firms that have adopted both ERP and CRM systems in their organization. Our aim with this research is that it will provide new knowledge on how ERP and CRM systems may positively influence value from IT investments, and how systems integration as well as process integration provides business value

    The relationship between ERP capabilities, use, and value

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    Ruivo, P., Johansson, B., Sarker, S., & Oliveira, T. (2020). The relationship between ERP capabilities, use, and value. Computers in Industry, 117, 1-15. [103209]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2020.103209This study assesses the effect of some extended Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) capabilities (Collaboration, Analytics, Web-portals, Add-ons) and ERP use on ERP value. The research conducted, followed a mixed-methods approach using an exploratory study (Delphi) and the resource-based view of the firm to understand the ERP capabilities and develop three competing models surrounding these capabilities, ERP use, and ERP value, and then a confirmatory study using a large-scale survey of firms in Germany, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, to test these models. Results suggest that the moderation model best explains the relationships, while the additive model highlights the direct effects of both ERP capabilities and ERP use on ERP value in an interesting way. Results highlight that the role of ERP use is more critical when moderating ERP capabilities and ERP value, as well as when additive to ERP capabilities, than when mediating between ERP capabilities and ERP value. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that this investigation provides new knowledge on how some extended ERP capabilities may positively influence value from investment, and together with ERP use, provide business value.authorsversionpublishe

    A Grounded Theory Approach to Information Technology Adoption

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    This study explores the nature of information technology adoption based on phenomena found in the real world. We selected the grounded theory method (GTM) for this study, which involved two sites located in the USA. and eight sites located in Taiwan. The results exemplify a multi-year, multi-site grounded theory approach to generating theory that helps explain information technology (IT) adoption in an organizational context. The core categories of the model are developed from, grounded on, and extracted from the data, and are casually linked into four adoption processes: motivation, solutions fit, values, and decision stage. The nature of the information technology adoption model could help researchers and practitioners understand that managers have one or more motivations, seek IT solutions to fulfill their motivations, evaluate IT solutions, and make decision after judging IT value. We also present an assessment of the theory, and discuss its relevance and directions for future research

    Strategies to Obtain Maximum Usage of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

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    Business organizations invest significant resources implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, yet some organizations utilize less than 75% of the ERP system capabilities. The purpose of this single-site case study was to explore ERP utilization strategies implemented by 4 managers in the information technology (IT) department from 1 organization that uses an ERP system in the Midwest region of the United States. The conceptual framework that grounded this study was the user participation theory. Data were collected through participant interviews and analyzed using traditional text analysis. Member checking was used to strengthen the credibility and trustworthiness of the interpretation of the participants\u27 responses. The emergent themes from the study were user participation, user involvement, user attitude, user system satisfaction, and user preparation. The most prominent utilization strategies identified by the participants related to the user participation theme. The implications for positive social change include the potential optimization of benefits from the ERP system that could allow the organization\u27s leaders to direct their resources to causes that can improve the health and welfare of the geographic population in the operational region

    A framework to apply cloud-based enterprise resource planning in the United Arab Emirates manufacturing companies-a case approach

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems provide great benefits to companies. Companies in the Middle East realises that there is an urgent need for understanding ERP adoption and implementation issues since use of ERP systems are still in the early stages in these countries. Also, use of cloud ERP is very limited and there is no much empirical study has been carried out in this field. The purpose of studying this topic is to examine factors that influence the selection and adoption of cloud based ERP in UAE manufacturing companies. A comparative study was carried out in UK and UAE SMEs to evaluate the differences in the perception and application of cloud based ERP. Through empirical study and extensive statistical analysis, the technological and cultural barriers that impede the adaptation and implementation of cloud based ERP successfully in UAE manufacturing companies were recognised. Based on the critical success factors identified in the analysis, a cloud based manufacturing ERP model (CBMERP) with a specific focus on flexibility, scalability, faster deployment, access to advanced technologies and more ease of use was developed. Validation study of CBMERP revealed that UAE SMEs which experimented the proposed model achieved improvement in their manufacturing operations through shorter cycle times, reduced manufacturing costs, improved supply chain management practices and shorter delivery times. This research contributed to the existing body of knowledge by identifying that a significant gap exists in the factors that influence the success of an ERP system in manufacturing SMEs particularly in UAE. This study addressed this gap by providing a conceptual framework of the influential factors involved in the success of a cloud based manufacturing ERP model suited for UAE SMEs

    A importância dos ERPs na gestão das PME´s portuguesas

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    Em todas as organizações os gestores estão constantemente expostos a grandes volumes de informação resultante dos vários processos organizacionais, o que por si só requer que estes tenham de fazer uma adequada gestão da informação existente. Nesse sentido, os Sistemas de Informação (SI) tornaram-se importantes ferramentas de apoio à gestão estratégica das organizações. Numa organização a estratégia para os SI deve estar alinhada com a estratégia global, de maneira a permitir o cumprimento dos objetivos estratégicos definidos e a facilitar os processos de gestão. Nos últimos anos, os sistemas integrados de gestão passaram a ser amplamente utilizados, sendo encarados como uma boa solução para ultrapassar uma grande parte dos problemas empresariais. Surgem então os sistemas ERP, do inglês (Enterprise Resource Planning), sistemas capazes de integrar e facilitar o fluxo da maioria da informação existente, através de uma única base de dados que se conjuga para um fim comum. A literatura sobre o assunto apresenta uma série de vantagens e benefícios a serem obtidos através da adoção dos sistemas ERPs. No entanto, as dificuldades a serem enfrentadas e a profundidade das mudanças a serem efetuadas para a obtenção desses benefícios é ainda um tema que não está completamente claro no universo das empresas, principalmente nas de pequena dimensão que possuem recursos limitados para investir em tecnologia. O modelo de investigação proposto pretende saber qual foi o impacto e quais foram os efeitos que os sistemas ERP trouxeram para as PMEs Portuguesas, através de um conjunto de variáveis que irão influenciar, por um lado a utilização do ERP e por outro, o valor que se obtém da utilização do mesmo. Essa abordagem parte do pressuposto de que o uso eficiente dos sistemas ERPs precisa de ser verificado de forma a existirem melhorias significativas nos processos de gestão, possibilitando que as empresas definam melhores estratégias de negócio. Através de um inquérito respondido por 87 gestores de PMEs Portuguesas, verificou-se que existe uma predominância na utilização dos sistemas ERP Primavera e PHC, e que o investimento nestes sistemas é reduzido. A funcionalidade assume-se como o atributo mais valorizado pelas PMEs, que procuram melhorar o seu desempenho através destes sistemas. Conclui-se igualmente que fatores como a eficiência e as melhores práticas de implementação exercem uma influência positiva na utilização do ERP. Essa utilização em conjunto com as capacidades de análise influenciam o valor do mesmo. São ainda discutidas um conjunto de implicações do estudo para a gestão e para a academia. Finalmente, algumas das limitações da investigação são resumidas e avançadas algumas possibilidades de trabalhos futuros

    Strategies for U.S. City Government Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Success

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    Strategies for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation success have been a focus of scholars since the 1990s. Researchers have demonstrated that ERP system implementation could cause both system failures and organization failures, affecting both operations and stakeholders. The theory of constraints was the conceptual framework for this single qualitative case study that explored ERP system critical success factors (CSFs) and strategies U.S. city governments use to successfully implement ERP systems. One city government in New Mexico with a successful ERP system served as the case study\u27s population. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and relevant documents and then open coded and thematically analyzed. Triangulation was employed to increase the trustworthiness of interpretations. The primary themes that emerged from the analysis of this single case study revealed the importance of the city government adequately resourcing and staffing the organization, providing top management support, continuously communicating to clarify motivations for implementations, gaining concurrence, and maintaining a change management asset. Other city government end-users, managers, leaders, and vendors could benefit from results of this study by identifying and addressing the relevant principal CSFs, and then developing and deploying strategies for the implementation, control, and remediation phases to increase ERP systems\u27 utility. City governments seeking to implement ERPs could effect social change by demonstrating fiscal stewardship of resources, adding fiscally efficient and efficacious operations directly supporting constituents, and increasing public confidence