134 research outputs found

    Социальные медиа как канал кризисной коммуникации

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    Kupchinova T.V. Social media as a channel of crisis communicationСЕКЦИЯ 4. СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ КОММУНИКАЦИИ: ИСТОРИЯ, ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИК

    Social Media as Amedium of Crisis Communication Amongst University Campuses in Kisii County

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    Social media gives the ability to communicate quickly and effectively, revolutionizing the manner in which people communicate and gather information about stories and topics that are of interest to them. With the right tools in place, social media can play an important role in crisis communication. The use of social media in crisis communication has become common in the current digital age. The manifestation of social media usage is in the rapid growth and popularity of such social media platforms such as facebook, bandoo, flicker, twitter and whatsApp. As such this paper examined the applications of social media platforms in crisis communication in university management. The analysis targeted employees from different university campuses in Kisii County. The study sampled 108 employees of university campuses in Kisii County. Quantitative data that was collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data was examined and reported basing on various themes. Data indicated that various social media platforms are in use by the university campuses in their crisis communication. Whatsapp was noted to be the most used social media by the university campuses in Kisii County. As a tool for mobile devices, WhatsApp has several capabilities such as portability, ability to share several message formats such as graphics and geographical location, ability to send voice notes and ability to broadcast one message to many recipients. This makes it attractive to the majority of the users. Keywords:Crisis Communication, social media, digital age, telecommunication firms, crisis; crisis communication; whatsApp. DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/96-05 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Is there Still a PR Problem Online? Exploring the Effects of Different Sources and Crisis Response Strategies in Online Crisis Communication Via Social Media

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    This study examined the effects of source and crisis response strategy on crisis communication outcomes in the context of social media. A 3 (source: organization, CEO, or customer) × 2 (strategy: accommodative or defensive) × 2 (crisis type: airline crash or bank hacking) mixed experimental study was conducted with 391 participants. The organizational sources were more likely to be perceived as more credible than the non-organizational sources. In particular, the CEO appeared to be the most trustworthy and credible source in delivering crisis messages. The path analysis indicated that perceived source credibility mediated the effect of source on reputation and behavioral intentions. This mediation appeared to be contingent on the type of crisis response strategy

    Social media for supply chain risk management

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    Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR

    Policing the community together: the impact of technology on citizen engagement

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    Despite broad and often varied underlying definitions, a common theme throughout community and neighbourhood policing strategies establishes the need to target improvements in the relationship and level of engagement between the police and the communities they serve. Community policing approaches have long underpinned a desire to move away from reactive policing models towards those which establish a more proactive philosophy, responsive to the wants and needs of the community. The near ubiquitous proliferation of smartphones and other ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) means they are often seen as a vector through which initiatives of all kinds can instil a culture of proactive engagement with their respective stakeholder communities. This paper builds upon existing research which suggests that technologies for crime prevention should be designed to support communications and problem-solving rather than used simply as a means to disseminate information, unpacking a number of the core concepts that are considered central to participation and effective engagement; social capital, public participation and social and digital inclusion. Moreover, examples of wider initiatives are comparatively discussed, not just those associated with community policing, which target the engagement of communities through the use of technology, and more specifically mobile applications, before reflecting on the empirical evidence and experiences gleaned through the EU H2020 funded ‘UNITY’ project, a project that sought to establish effective strategies for engagement between police and citizen communities

    Exploring the Public Perception in Social Big Data: An Investigation in Mars Recall Scandal

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    Social media has become a popular platform of interpersonal communication in which users can search for news and convey real-time information. Researching into social big data, such as Twitter, can be an effective way to identify public opinions and feelings in risk emergence, as it provides rich sources of data for opinion mining and sentiment analysis. This study aims to investigate and analyse the public perception towards the Mars and Snickers product recall scandal. The study proposes a comprehensive data analysis framework, and utilises the dataset formed of 10,930 Twitter messages over the span of 10-day following the product recall announcement made by Mars Inc., to gauge public attitudes and opinions. The study finds that the overall attitude of Twitter users towards the scandal was negative, and Snickers were the most mentioned product in the 10-day periods after the announcement of the recall. The data analysis highlights that the Tweet diffusion (retweeting) has positive associations with the number of followers and the use of hashtags, hence companies should pay more attention to users who have a large number of followers, as their tweets will be read by a great number of other Twitter users. The findings suggest effective methods for practitioners in crisis management (e.g., how to use social media to disseminate information). The study also presents a progressive tweet-mining framework that can serve as a tool in crisis management to classify the tweet topics, identify and analyse the sentiment and comprehend the changes of the public attitudes

    Understanding the Role of Social Media in Incident/Crisis Communication

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    How organisations communicate with their audience during an incident or crisis is important because it can adversely affect corporate reputation if mishandled. With the advent of social media, organisations have only a few “golden minutes” rather than “golden hours” to communicate with their audience as an incident/crisis unfolds. However, while social media usage by the general population is increasing rapidly, most organisations are not ready to manage incidents or crises via the use of social media. Theoretical knowledge is still lacking in this regard. This study provides a conceptual framework for investigating how organisations communicate with their audience via social media during an incident or crisis and aims to identify the important factors relating to the use of social media in a negative situation

    Malaysian Youth, Social Media Following, and Natural Disasters: What Matters Most to Them?

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    This study attempted to understand youth’s social media following during natural disasters. It investigated Malaysian youth’s perception about the importance of immediacy, trust, and accuracy of social media news and information during natural disasters. This study found that youth prefer to consume social media news and information during natural disasters such as flooding, landslides, and haze. This is mainly contributed by the immediacy of news and information on social media. Besides immediacy, youth also value trust and accuracy of social media news and information during natural disasters. As the findings of this study revealed, youth are more inclined to become followers to social media creators who have a high level of trust and whom they believe can provide accurate natural disasters news and information. Hence, it is crucial that the authority and news organizations to provide natural disasters news on social media that is timely and accurate