42 research outputs found

    An algebraic multigrid method for Q2−Q1Q_2-Q_1 mixed discretizations of the Navier-Stokes equations

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    Algebraic multigrid (AMG) preconditioners are considered for discretized systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) where unknowns associated with different physical quantities are not necessarily co-located at mesh points. Specifically, we investigate a Q2−Q1Q_2-Q_1 mixed finite element discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations where the number of velocity nodes is much greater than the number of pressure nodes. Consequently, some velocity degrees-of-freedom (dofs) are defined at spatial locations where there are no corresponding pressure dofs. Thus, AMG approaches leveraging this co-located structure are not applicable. This paper instead proposes an automatic AMG coarsening that mimics certain pressure/velocity dof relationships of the Q2−Q1Q_2-Q_1 discretization. The main idea is to first automatically define coarse pressures in a somewhat standard AMG fashion and then to carefully (but automatically) choose coarse velocity unknowns so that the spatial location relationship between pressure and velocity dofs resembles that on the finest grid. To define coefficients within the inter-grid transfers, an energy minimization AMG (EMIN-AMG) is utilized. EMIN-AMG is not tied to specific coarsening schemes and grid transfer sparsity patterns, and so it is applicable to the proposed coarsening. Numerical results highlighting solver performance are given on Stokes and incompressible Navier-Stokes problems.Comment: Submitted to a journa

    AIR multigrid with GMRES polynomials (AIRG) and additive preconditioners for Boltzmann transport

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    We develop a reduction multigrid based on approximate ideal restriction (AIR) for use with asymmetric linear systems. We use fixed-order GMRES polynomials to approximate Aff−1A_\textrm{ff}^{-1} and we use these polynomials to build grid transfer operators and perform F-point smoothing. We can also apply a fixed sparsity to these polynomials to prevent fill-in. When applied in the streaming limit of the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE), with a P0^0 angular discretisation and a low-memory spatial discretisation on unstructured grids, this "AIRG" multigrid used as a preconditioner to an outer GMRES iteration outperforms the lAIR implementation in hypre, with two to three times less work. AIRG is very close to scalable; we find either fixed work in the solve with slight growth in the setup, or slight growth in the solve with fixed work in the setup when using fixed sparsity. Using fixed sparsity we see less than 20% growth in the work of the solve with either 6 levels of spatial refinement or 3 levels of angular refinement. In problems with scattering AIRG performs as well as lAIR, but using the full matrix with scattering is not scalable. We then present an iterative method designed for use with scattering which uses the additive combination of two fixed-sparsity preconditioners applied to the angular flux; a single AIRG V-cycle on the streaming/removal operator and a DSA method with a CG FEM. We find with space or angle refinement our iterative method is very close to scalable with fixed memory use

    Adaptive AMG with Coarsening Based on Compatible Weighted Matching

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    BootCMatch: A software package for bootstrap AMG based on graph weighted matching

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    This article has two main objectives: one is to describe some extensions of an adaptive Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) method of the form previously proposed by the first and third authors, and a second one is to present a new software framework, named BootCMatch, which implements all the components needed to build and apply the described adaptive AMG both as a stand-alone solver and as a preconditioner in a Krylov method. The adaptive AMG presented is meant to handle general symmetric and positive definite (SPD) sparse linear systems, without assuming any a priori information of the problem and its origin; the goal of adaptivity is to achieve a method with a prescribed convergence rate. The presented method exploits a general coarsening process based on aggregation of unknowns, obtained by a maximum weight matching in the adjacency graph of the system matrix. More specifically, a maximum product matching is employed to define an effective smoother subspace (complementary to the coarse space), a process referred to as compatible relaxation, at every level of the recursive two-level hierarchical AMG process. Results on a large variety of test cases and comparisons with related work demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the method and of the software

    Multi-GPU aggregation-based AMG preconditioner for iterative linear solvers

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    We present and release in open source format a sparse linear solver which efficiently exploits heterogeneous parallel computers. The solver can be easily integrated into scientific applications that need to solve large and sparse linear systems on modern parallel computers made of hybrid nodes hosting NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) accelerators. The work extends our previous efforts in the exploitation of a single GPU accelerator and proposes an implementation, based on the hybrid MPI-CUDA software environment, of a Krylov-type linear solver relying on an efficient Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) preconditioner already available in the BootCMatchG library. Our design for the hybrid implementation has been driven by the best practices for minimizing data communication overhead when multiple GPUs are employed, yet preserving the efficiency of the single GPU kernels. Strong and weak scalability results on well-known benchmark test cases of the new version of the library are discussed. Comparisons with the Nvidia AmgX solution show an improvement of up to 2.0x in the solve phase