2,111 research outputs found

    Adaptive absorbing boundary conditions for Schrodinger-type equations: application to nonlinear and multi-dimensional problems

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    We propose an adaptive approach in picking the wave-number parameter of absorbing boundary conditions for Schr\"{o}dinger-type equations. Based on the Gabor transform which captures local frequency information in the vicinity of artificial boundaries, the parameter is determined by an energy-weighted method and yields a quasi-optimal absorbing boundary conditions. It is shown that this approach can minimize reflected waves even when the wave function is composed of waves with different group velocities. We also extend the split local absorbing boundary (SLAB) method [Z. Xu and H. Han, {\it Phys. Rev. E}, 74(2006), pp. 037704] to problems in multidimensional nonlinear cases by coupling the adaptive approach. Numerical examples of nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations in one- and two dimensions are presented to demonstrate the properties of the discussed absorbing boundary conditions.Comment: 18 pages; 12 figures. A short movie for the 2D NLS equation with absorbing boundary conditions can be downloaded at http://home.ustc.edu.cn/~xuzl/movie.avi. To appear in Journal of Computational Physic

    On-surface radiation condition for multiple scattering of waves

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    The formulation of the on-surface radiation condition (OSRC) is extended to handle wave scattering problems in the presence of multiple obstacles. The new multiple-OSRC simultaneously accounts for the outgoing behavior of the wave fields, as well as, the multiple wave reflections between the obstacles. Like boundary integral equations (BIE), this method leads to a reduction in dimensionality (from volume to surface) of the discretization region. However, as opposed to BIE, the proposed technique leads to boundary integral equations with smooth kernels. Hence, these Fredholm integral equations can be handled accurately and robustly with standard numerical approaches without the need to remove singularities. Moreover, under weak scattering conditions, this approach renders a convergent iterative method which bypasses the need to solve single scattering problems at each iteration. Inherited from the original OSRC, the proposed multiple-OSRC is generally a crude approximate method. If accuracy is not satisfactory, this approach may serve as a good initial guess or as an inexpensive pre-conditioner for Krylov iterative solutions of BIE

    Consistency and convergence for numerical radiation conditions

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    The problem of imposing radiation conditions at artificial boundaries for the numerical simulation of wave propagation is considered. Emphasis is on the behavior and analysis of the error which results from the restriction of the domain. The theory of error estimation is briefly outlined for boundary conditions. Use is made of the asymptotic analysis of propagating wave groups to derive and analyze boundary operators. For dissipative problems this leads to local, accurate conditions, but falls short in the hyperbolic case. A numerical experiment on the solution of the wave equation with cylindrical symmetry is described. A unified presentation of a number of conditions which have been proposed in the literature is given and the time dependence of the error which results from their use is displayed. The results are in qualitative agreement with theoretical considerations. It was found, however, that for this model problem it is particularly difficult to force the error to decay rapidly in time

    Near-optimal perfectly matched layers for indefinite Helmholtz problems

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    A new construction of an absorbing boundary condition for indefinite Helmholtz problems on unbounded domains is presented. This construction is based on a near-best uniform rational interpolant of the inverse square root function on the union of a negative and positive real interval, designed with the help of a classical result by Zolotarev. Using Krein's interpretation of a Stieltjes continued fraction, this interpolant can be converted into a three-term finite difference discretization of a perfectly matched layer (PML) which converges exponentially fast in the number of grid points. The convergence rate is asymptotically optimal for both propagative and evanescent wave modes. Several numerical experiments and illustrations are included.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Review. To appear 201

    Asymptotic analysis of dissipative waves with applications to their numerical simulation

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    Various problems involving the interplay of asymptotics and numerics in the analysis of wave propagation in dissipative systems are studied. A general approach to the asymptotic analysis of linear, dissipative waves is developed. It was applied to the derivation of asymptotic boundary conditions for numerical solutions on unbounded domains. Applications include the Navier-Stokes equations. Multidimensional traveling wave solutions to reaction-diffusion equations are also considered. A preliminary numerical investigation of a thermo-diffusive model of flame propagation in a channel with heat loss at the walls is presented

    Far field expansion for anisotropic wave equations

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    A necessary ingredient for the numerical simulation of many time dependent phenomena in acoustics and aerodynamics is the imposition of accurate radiation conditions at artificial boundaries. The asymptotic analysis of propagating waves provides a rational approach to the development of such conditions. A far field asymptotic expansion of solutions of anisotropic wave equations is derived. This generalizes the well known Friedlander expansion for the standard wave operator. The expansion is used to derive a hierarchy of radiation conditions of increasing accuracy. Two numerical experiments are given to illustrate the utility of this approach. The first application is the study of unsteady vortical disturbances impinging on a flat plate; the second is the simulation of inviscid flow past an impulsively started cylinder

    A seamless, extended DG approach for advection-diffusion problems on unbounded domains

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    We propose and analyze a seamless extended Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization of advection-diffusion equations on semi-infinite domains. The semi-infinite half line is split into a finite subdomain where the model uses a standard polynomial basis, and a semi-unbounded subdomain where scaled Laguerre functions are employed as basis and test functions. Numerical fluxes enable the coupling at the interface between the two subdomains in the same way as standard single domain DG interelement fluxes. A novel linear analysis on the extended DG model yields unconditional stability with respect to the P\'eclet number. Errors due to the use of different sets of basis functions on different portions of the domain are negligible, as highlighted in numerical experiments with the linear advection-diffusion and viscous Burgers' equations. With an added damping term on the semi-infinite subdomain, the extended framework is able to efficiently simulate absorbing boundary conditions without additional conditions at the interface. A few modes in the semi-infinite subdomain are found to suffice to deal with outgoing single wave and wave train signals more accurately than standard approaches at a given computational cost, thus providing an appealing model for fluid flow simulations in unbounded regions.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Towards absorbing outer boundaries in General Relativity

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    We construct exact solutions to the Bianchi equations on a flat spacetime background. When the constraints are satisfied, these solutions represent in- and outgoing linearized gravitational radiation. We then consider the Bianchi equations on a subset of flat spacetime of the form [0,T] x B_R, where B_R is a ball of radius R, and analyze different kinds of boundary conditions on \partial B_R. Our main results are: i) We give an explicit analytic example showing that boundary conditions obtained from freezing the incoming characteristic fields to their initial values are not compatible with the constraints. ii) With the help of the exact solutions constructed, we determine the amount of artificial reflection of gravitational radiation from constraint-preserving boundary conditions which freeze the Weyl scalar Psi_0 to its initial value. For monochromatic radiation with wave number k and arbitrary angular momentum number l >= 2, the amount of reflection decays as 1/(kR)^4 for large kR. iii) For each L >= 2, we construct new local constraint-preserving boundary conditions which perfectly absorb linearized radiation with l <= L. (iv) We generalize our analysis to a weakly curved background of mass M, and compute first order corrections in M/R to the reflection coefficients for quadrupolar odd-parity radiation. For our new boundary condition with L=2, the reflection coefficient is smaller than the one for the freezing Psi_0 boundary condition by a factor of M/R for kR > 1.04. Implications of these results for numerical simulations of binary black holes on finite domains are discussed.Comment: minor revisions, 30 pages, 6 figure

    On the accurate long-time solution of the wave equation in exterior domains: Asymptotic expansions and corrected boundary conditions

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    We consider the solution of scattering problems for the wave equation using approximate boundary conditions at artificial boundaries. These conditions are explicitly viewed as approximations to an exact boundary condition satisfied by the solution on the unbounded domain. We study the short and long term behavior of the error. It is provided that, in two space dimensions, no local in time, constant coefficient boundary operator can lead to accurate results uniformly in time for the class of problems we consider. A variable coefficient operator is developed which attains better accuracy (uniformly in time) than is possible with constant coefficient approximations. The theory is illustrated by numerical examples. We also analyze the proposed boundary conditions using energy methods, leading to asymptotically correct error bounds

    Nonreflecting boundary conditions for time-dependent wave propagation

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    Many problems in computational science arise in unbounded domains and thus require an artificial boundary B, which truncates the unbounded exterior domain and restricts the region of interest to a finite computational domain, . It then becomes necessary to impose a boundary condition at B, which ensures that the solution in coincides with the restriction to of the solution in the unbounded region. If we exhibit a boundary condition, such that the fictitious boundary appears perfectly transparent, we shall call it exact. Otherwise it will correspond to an approximate boundary condition and generate some spurious reflection, which travels back and spoils the solution everywhere in the computational domain. In addition to the transparency property, we require the computational effort involved with such a boundary condition to be comparable to that of the numerical method used in the interior. Otherwise the boundary condition will quickly be dismissed as prohibitively expensive and impractical. The constant demand for increasingly accurate, efficient, and robust numerical methods, which can handle a wide variety of physical phenomena, spurs the search for improvements in artificial boundary conditions. In the last decade, the perfectly matched layer (PML) approach [16] has proved a flexible and accurate method for the simulation of waves in unbounded media. Standard PML formulations, however, usually require wave equations stated in their standard second-order form to be reformulated as first-order systems, thereby introducing many additional unknowns. To circumvent this cumbersome and somewhat expensive step we propose instead a simple PML formulation directly for the wave equation in its second-order form. Our formulation requires fewer auxiliary unknowns than previous formulations [23, 94]. Starting from a high-order local nonreflecting boundary condition (NRBC) for single scattering [55], we derive a local NRBC for time-dependent multiple scattering problems, which is completely local both in space and time. To do so, we first develop a high order exterior evaluation formula for a purely outgoing wave field, given its values and those of certain auxiliary functions needed for the local NRBC on the artificial boundary. By combining that evaluation formula with the decomposition of the total scattered field into purely outgoing contributions, we obtain the first exact, completely local, NRBC for time-dependent multiple scattering. Remarkably, the information transfer (of time retarded values) between sub-domains will only occur across those parts of the artificial boundary, where outgoing rays intersect neighboring sub-domains, i.e. typically only across a fraction of the artificial boundary. The accuracy, stability and efficiency of this new local NRBC is evaluated by coupling it to standard finite element or finite difference methods
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