12 research outputs found

    Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for 2-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization

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    We present algorithms for the 2-layer straightline crossing minimization problem that are able to compute exact optima. Our computational results lead us to the conclusion that there is no need for heuristics if one layer is fixed, even though the problem is NP-hard, and that for the general problem with two variable layers, true optima can be computed for sparse instances in which the smaller layer contains up to 15 nodes. For bigger instances, the iterated barycenter method turns out to be the method of choice among several popular heuristics whose performance we could assess by comparing the results to optimum solutions

    Crossing Minimal Edge-Constrained Layout Planning using Benders Decomposition

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    We present a new crossing number problem, which we refer to as the edge-constrained weighted two-layer crossing number problem (ECW2CN). The ECW2CN arises in layout planning of hose coupling stations at BASF, where the challenge is to find a crossing minimal assignment of tube-connected units to given positions on two opposing layers. This allows the use of robots in an effort to reduce the probability of operational disruptions and to increase human safety. Physical limitations imply maximal length and maximal curvature conditions on the tubes as well as spatial constraints imposed by the surrounding walls. This is the major difference of ECW2CN to all known variants of the crossing number problem. Such as many variants of the crossing number problem, ECW2CN is NP-hard. Because the optimization model grows fast with respect to the input data, we face out-of-memory errors for the monolithic model. Therefore, we develop two solution methods. In the first method, we tailor Benders decomposition toward the problem. The Benders subproblems are solved analytically and the Benders master problem is strengthened by additional cuts. Furthermore, we combine this Benders decomposition with ideas borrowed from fix-and-relax heuristics to design the Dynamic Fix-and-Relax Pump (DFRP). Based on an initial solution, DFRP improves successively feasible points by solving dynamically sampled smaller problems with Benders decomposition. Because the optimization model is a surrogate model for its time-dependent formulation, we evaluate the obtained solutions for different choices of the objective function via a simulation model. All algorithms are implemented efficiently using advanced features of the GuRoBi-Python API, such as callback functions and lazy constraints. We present a case study for BASF using real data and make the real-world data openly available

    Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for 2-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization

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    We present algorithms for the 2-layer straightline crossing minimization problem that are able to compute exact optima. Our computational results lead us to the conclusion that there is no need for heuristics if one layer is fixed, even though the problem is NP-hard, and that for the general problem with two variable layers, true optima can be computed for sparse instances in which the smaller layer contains up to 15 nodes. For bigger instances, the iterated barycenter method turns out to be the method of choice among several popular heuristics whose performance we could assess by comparing the results to optimum solutions

    Exact and heuristic algorithms for 2-layer straightline crossing minimization

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    We present algorithms for the two layer straightline crossing minimization problem that are able to compute exact optima. Our computational results lead us to the conclusion that there is no need for heuristics if one layer is fixed, even though the problem is NP-hard, and that for the general problem with two variable layers, true optima can be computed for sparse instances in which the smaller layer contains up to 15 nodes. For bigger instances, the iterated barycenter method turns out to be the method of choice among several popular heuristics whose performance we could assess by comparing the results to optimum solutions. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 1912(95-1-028) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for 2-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization

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    . We present algorithms for the two layer straightline crossing minimization problem that are able to compute exact optima. Our computational results lead us to the conclusion that there is no need for heuristics if one layer is fixed, even though the problem is NP-hard, and that for the general problem with two variable layers, true optima can be computed for sparse instances in which the smaller layer contains up to 15 nodes. For bigger instances, the iterated barycenter method turns out to be the method of choice among several popular heuristics whose performance we could assess by comparing the results to optimum solutions. 1 Introduction Two layer straightline crossing minimization is receiving a lot of attention in automatic graph drawing. The problem consists of aligning the two shores V 1 and V 2 of a bipartite graph G = (V 1 ; V 2 ; E) on two parallel straight lines (layers) such that the number of crossings between the edges in E is minimized when the edges are drawn as str..

    Kreuzungen in Cluster-Level-Graphen

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    Clustered graphs are an enhanced graph model with a recursive clustering of the vertices according to a given nesting relation. This prime technique for expressing coherence of certain parts of the graph is used in many applications, such as biochemical pathways and UML class diagrams. For directed clustered graphs usually level drawings are used, leading to clustered level graphs. In this thesis we analyze the interrelation of clusters and levels and their influence on edge crossings and cluster/edge crossings.Cluster-Graphen sind ein erweitertes Graph-Modell mit einem rekursiven Clustering der Knoten entsprechend einer gegebenen Inklusionsrelation. Diese bedeutende Technik um Zusammengehörigkeit bestimmter Teile des Graphen auszudrücken wird in vielen Anwendungen benutzt, etwa biochemischen Reaktionsnetzen oder UML Klassendiagrammen. Für gerichtete Cluster-Graphen werden üblicherweise Level-Zeichnungen verwendet, was zu Cluster-Level-Graphen führt. Diese Arbeit analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen Clustern und Level und deren Auswirkungen auf Kantenkreuzungen und Cluster/Kanten-Kreuzungen