465 research outputs found

    Mathematical formulation of quantum circuit design problems in networks of quantum computers

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    In quantum circuit design, the question arises how to distribute qubits, used in algorithms, over the various quantum computers, and how to order them within a quantum computer. In order to evaluate these problems, we define the global and local reordering problems for distributed quantum computing. We formalise the mathematical problems and model them as integer linear programming problems, to minimise the number of SWAP gates or the number of interactions between different quantum computers. For global reordering, we analyse the problem for various geometries of networks: completely connected networks, general networks, linear arrays and grid-structured networks. For local reordering, in networks of quantum computers, we also define the mathematical optimisation problem

    A Structured Method for Compilation of QAOA Circuits in Quantum Computing

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    Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a highly advocated variational algorithm for solving the combinatorial optimization problem. One critical feature in the quantum circuit of QAOA algorithm is that it consists of two-qubit operators that commute. The flexibility in reordering the two-qubit gates allows compiler optimizations to generate circuits with better depths, gate count, and fidelity. However, it also imposes significant challenges due to additional freedom exposed in the compilation. Prior studies lack the following: (1) Performance guarantee, (2) Scalability, and (3) Awareness of regularity in scalable hardware. We propose a structured method that ensures linear depth for any compiled QAOA circuit on multi-dimensional quantum architectures. We also demonstrate how our method runs on Google Sycamore and IBM Non-linear architectures in a scalable manner and in linear time. Overall, we can compile a circuit with up to 1024 qubits in 10 seconds with a 3.8X speedup in depth, 17% reduction in gate count, and 18X improvement for circuit ESP.Comment: 11 pages, 22 figure

    Deep neural networks for quantum circuit mapping

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    AbstractQuantum computers have become reality thanks to the effort of some majors in developing innovative technologies that enable the usage of quantum effects in computation, so as to pave the way towards the design of efficient quantum algorithms to use in different applications domains, from finance and chemistry to artificial and computational intelligence. However, there are still some technological limitations that do not allow a correct design of quantum algorithms, compromising the achievement of the so-called quantum advantage. Specifically, a major limitation in the design of a quantum algorithm is related to its proper mapping to a specific quantum processor so that the underlying physical constraints are satisfied. This hard problem, known as circuit mapping, is a critical task to face in quantum world, and it needs to be efficiently addressed to allow quantum computers to work correctly and productively. In order to bridge above gap, this paper introduces a very first circuit mapping approach based on deep neural networks, which opens a completely new scenario in which the correct execution of quantum algorithms is supported by classical machine learning techniques. As shown in experimental section, the proposed approach speeds up current state-of-the-art mapping algorithms when used on 5-qubits IBM Q processors, maintaining suitable mapping accuracy

    Quantum Transpiler Optimization: On the Development, Implementation, and Use of a Quantum Research Testbed

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    Quantum computing research is at the cusp of a paradigm shift. As the complexity of quantum systems increases, so does the complexity of research procedures for creating and testing layers of the quantum software stack. However, the tools used to perform these tasks have not experienced the increase in capability required to effectively handle the development burdens involved. This case is made particularly clear in the context of IBM QX Transpiler optimization algorithms and functions. IBM QX systems use the Qiskit library to create, transform, and execute quantum circuits. As coherence times and hardware qubit counts increase and qubit topologies become more complex, so does orchestration of qubit mapping and qubit state movement across these topologies. The transpiler framework used to create and test improved algorithms has not kept pace. A testbed is proposed to provide abstractions to create and test transpiler routines. The development process is analyzed and implemented, from design principles through requirements analysis and verification testing. Additionally, limitations of existing transpiler algorithms are identified and initial results are provided that suggest more effective algorithms for qubit mapping and state movement
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