2,100 research outputs found

    Partition MCMC for inference on acyclic digraphs

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    Acyclic digraphs are the underlying representation of Bayesian networks, a widely used class of probabilistic graphical models. Learning the underlying graph from data is a way of gaining insights about the structural properties of a domain. Structure learning forms one of the inference challenges of statistical graphical models. MCMC methods, notably structure MCMC, to sample graphs from the posterior distribution given the data are probably the only viable option for Bayesian model averaging. Score modularity and restrictions on the number of parents of each node allow the graphs to be grouped into larger collections, which can be scored as a whole to improve the chain's convergence. Current examples of algorithms taking advantage of grouping are the biased order MCMC, which acts on the alternative space of permuted triangular matrices, and non ergodic edge reversal moves. Here we propose a novel algorithm, which employs the underlying combinatorial structure of DAGs to define a new grouping. As a result convergence is improved compared to structure MCMC, while still retaining the property of producing an unbiased sample. Finally the method can be combined with edge reversal moves to improve the sampler further.Comment: Revised version. 34 pages, 16 figures. R code available at https://github.com/annlia/partitionMCM

    Probabilistic Graphical Model Representation in Phylogenetics

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    Recent years have seen a rapid expansion of the model space explored in statistical phylogenetics, emphasizing the need for new approaches to statistical model representation and software development. Clear communication and representation of the chosen model is crucial for: (1) reproducibility of an analysis, (2) model development and (3) software design. Moreover, a unified, clear and understandable framework for model representation lowers the barrier for beginners and non-specialists to grasp complex phylogenetic models, including their assumptions and parameter/variable dependencies. Graphical modeling is a unifying framework that has gained in popularity in the statistical literature in recent years. The core idea is to break complex models into conditionally independent distributions. The strength lies in the comprehensibility, flexibility, and adaptability of this formalism, and the large body of computational work based on it. Graphical models are well-suited to teach statistical models, to facilitate communication among phylogeneticists and in the development of generic software for simulation and statistical inference. Here, we provide an introduction to graphical models for phylogeneticists and extend the standard graphical model representation to the realm of phylogenetics. We introduce a new graphical model component, tree plates, to capture the changing structure of the subgraph corresponding to a phylogenetic tree. We describe a range of phylogenetic models using the graphical model framework and introduce modules to simplify the representation of standard components in large and complex models. Phylogenetic model graphs can be readily used in simulation, maximum likelihood inference, and Bayesian inference using, for example, Metropolis-Hastings or Gibbs sampling of the posterior distribution

    Counting and Sampling from Markov Equivalent DAGs Using Clique Trees

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    A directed acyclic graph (DAG) is the most common graphical model for representing causal relationships among a set of variables. When restricted to using only observational data, the structure of the ground truth DAG is identifiable only up to Markov equivalence, based on conditional independence relations among the variables. Therefore, the number of DAGs equivalent to the ground truth DAG is an indicator of the causal complexity of the underlying structure--roughly speaking, it shows how many interventions or how much additional information is further needed to recover the underlying DAG. In this paper, we propose a new technique for counting the number of DAGs in a Markov equivalence class. Our approach is based on the clique tree representation of chordal graphs. We show that in the case of bounded degree graphs, the proposed algorithm is polynomial time. We further demonstrate that this technique can be utilized for uniform sampling from a Markov equivalence class, which provides a stochastic way to enumerate DAGs in the equivalence class and may be needed for finding the best DAG or for causal inference given the equivalence class as input. We also extend our counting and sampling method to the case where prior knowledge about the underlying DAG is available, and present applications of this extension in causal experiment design and estimating the causal effect of joint interventions

    Quantum Circuit For Discovering from Data the Structure of Classical Bayesian Networks

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    We give some quantum circuits for calculating the probability P(G∣D)P(G|D) of a graph GG given data DD. GG together with a transition probability matrix for each node of the graph, constitutes a Classical Bayesian Network, or CB net for short. Bayesian methods for calculating P(G∣D)P(G|D) have been given before (the so called structural modular and ordered modular models), but these earlier methods were designed to work on a classical computer. The goal of this paper is to "quantum computerize" those earlier methods.Comment: 20 pages (9 files: 1 .tex, 2 .sty, 6 .eps
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