11 research outputs found

    Robusno adaptivno upravljanje istosmjernim servomotorom s nelinearnom širokom zračnosti

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    In this paper, the problem of driving angular position of a direct current servomotor system with unmodeled wide backlash nonlinearity is addressed. In order to tackle this problem, a control scheme based on an adaptive super twisting algorithm is proposed. In order to implement the proposed controller, information about angular velocity is estimated by means of a robust differentiator. Based on a simplified model of the system, the proposed scheme increases robustness against unmodeled dynamics as backlash, as not all the parameters of the system nor the bounds of the perturbations are required to be known. Experimental results considering a wide backlash angle near to 2*PI, illustrate the feasibility and performance of the proposed control methodology.U ovom radu bavi se problemom kutnog pozicioniranja istosmjernog sevomotora s nemodeliranom nelinearnošću široke zračnosti. Za rješenje tog problema predlaže se korištenje upravljačke sheme bazirane na algoritmu adaptivnog uvijanja. Kako bi se implementiralo predloženo upravljanje, kutna brzina estimira se korištenjem robusnog diferencijatora. Bazirana na pojednostavljenom modelu sustava, predložena shema povećava robustnost u odnosu na nemodeliranu dinamiku kao što je zračnost. Pritom nije potrebno poznavanje svih parametara sustava niti očekivane granice smetnji. Eksperimetalni rezultati, koji uzimaju u obzir široki kut zračnosti od skoro pi$, ilustriraju izvodljivost i učinkovitost predloženog algoritma upravljanja

    A third-order sliding-mode observer for a continuous delay chaotic system

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    International audienceThis paper aims rstly to highlight the possibility of recovering a message included in a chaotic continuous time delay system, secondly to show that it is possible to use the third order sliding mode in order to recover directly all the states and the unknown input (message), thirdly to illustrate the robustness of the proposed observer with respect to a noisy signal. This work is based on the concept of left invertibility and recent advances in sliding mode observers. Some theoretical recalls and assumptions are done previously to the presentation of the observer design and the simulation results

    On dynamical feedback control design for generalized homogeneous differential inclusions

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    International audienceIn the present paper, the stability criterion for generalized homogeneous differential inclusions is obtained that may simplify the control design procedure in some particular cases. Robust dynamical feedback control law is designed for homogeneous differential inclusions. Performance of the resulting dynamical feedback is illustrated by numerical simulation

    Risk Adjusted Set Membership Identification of Wiener Systems

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    Contribution au développement des techniques ensemblistes pour l'estimation de l'état et des entrées des systèmes à temps continu (application à la détection de défauts)

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    Cette thèse traite du problème d'observation et d'estimation des variables caractéristiques des systèmes dynamiques. Il s agit d une problématique fondamentale qui est au cœur de nombreux domaines relavant des sciences de l'ingénieur. Les travaux sont conduits dans un contexte ensembliste. Les techniques développées pour l estimation de l état et des variables d entrées ont pour objectif final le contrôle de cohérence des systèmes non linéaires à temps continu. Une première approche conjugue les relations de parité et les différentiateurs à modes glissants pour l estimation des entrées d un système non linéaire. Les domaines des entrées compatibles avec les mesures sont alors reconstruits grâce à l analyse par intervalles et aux techniques de satisfaction de contraintes. Il est montré que la relaxation des contraintes de stabilité/coopérativité pour la construction d un observateur intervalle peut se faire grâce à des changements de base déterminés de différentes manières et pouvant être variants ou invariants dans le temps. Des simulations numériques illustrent les techniques proposées. Une application à un système aéronautique est également présentée à l aide d un jeu de données réelles.This thesis deals with the problem of a dynamical system observation and the estimation of its characteristic variables; the latter point constitutes the core element in many engineering science fields. The final aim is to build a general framework for integrity control and fault detection of such systems within a bounded error context. The developments offered herein make use of parity relations, sliding mode differentiators, interval observers and constraint satisfaction problems. Input reconstruction techniques are developed for a general class of nonlinear continuous-time systems. Domains are reconstructed for the input values which are consistent with the measurements using interval analysis and constraint satisfaction techniques. It is shown that time-varying or invariant coordinate changes may relax the applicability conditions (stability/cooperativity) of the interval observer design methods. Sliding mode differentiators were also used to enhance interval observer accuracy. The proposed approaches are illustrated through computer simulations and they have been applied to aircraft servo loop control surface for robust and early detection of abnormal positions.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Discrete-time differentiators: design and comparative analysis

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    This work deals with the problem of online differentiation of noisy signals. In this context, several types of differentiators including linear, sliding-mode based, adaptive, Kalman, and ALIEN differentiators are studied through mathematical analysis and numerical experiments. To resolve the drawbacks of the exact differentiators, new implicit and semi-implicit discretization schemes are proposed in this work to suppress the digital chattering caused by the wrong time-discretization of set-valued functions as well as providing some useful properties, e.g., finite-time convergence, invariant sliding-surface, exactness. A complete comparative analysis is presented in the manuscript to investigate the behavior of the discrete-time differentiators in the presence of several types of noises, including white noise, sinusoidal noise, and bell-shaped noise. Many details such as quantization effect and realistic sampling times are taken into account to provide useful information based on practical conditions. Many comments are provided to help the engineers to tune the parameters of the differentiators

    Diagnostic à base de modèles non linéaires. : Application au circuit carburant d'une turbomachine

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    The current gas turbine regulation systems are based on complex architectures that manufacturers tend to make more modular with more cost effective technologies while ensuring a greater or equal level of reliability. In this context, the fuel system health monitoring, which aims to identify critical hydraulic components dysfunction, allows to reduce maintenance costs, to improve maintainability level and to ensure gas turbine availability. The present study focuses on the development of performant and robust diagnosis methods for the detection and isolation of faults affecting primary fuel system hydraulic functions. Existing nonlinear model based residual generation methods are presented and applied to the fuel system. The analytical approach for decoupling, combined with extended Kalman filters, helps fault isolation by generating residual structures. A new approach based on differential flatness theory is proposed for nonlinear systems fault diagnosis with an application to the fuel system. Sliding mode differentiators are used to estimate derived signals that are necessary for the application of some residual generation methods. Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of obtained results. An experimental application is presented using a real data set from a partial test bench provided by Turbomeca company of the SAFRAN group.Les systèmes de régulation des turbomoteurs actuels sont basés sur des architectures complexes que les constructeurs tendent à rendre plus modulaires avec des technologies plus économiques tout en garantissant un niveau de fiabilité supérieur ou égal. Dans ce contexte, la surveillance du circuit carburant, qui a pour but de déceler les dysfonctionnements des composants hydrauliques critiques, permet de réduire le coût de maintenance, d'améliorer le niveau de maintenabilité et d'assurer la disponibilité des turbomoteurs. La présente étude porte sur l'élaboration de méthodes de diagnostic performantes et robustes permettant la détection et la localisation des défauts impactant les fonctions hydrauliques primaires du circuit carburant. Des méthodes existantes de génération de résidus à base de modèles non linéaires sont présentées et appliquées au cas du circuit carburant. L'approche analytique pour le découplage, combinée avec des filtres de Kalman étendus, permet la structuration des résidus pour assurer la localisation des défauts. Une nouvelle approche basée sur la théorie de platitude différentielle est proposée pour le diagnostic de défauts des systèmes non linéaires avec une application au cas du circuit carburant. Les différentiateurs à modes glissants sont utilisés pour l'estimation des dérivées de signaux nécessaires à l'application de certaines méthodes de génération de résidus. Des simulations numériques illustrent la pertinence des résultats obtenus. Une application expérimentale est présentée en utilisant un jeu de données réelles issues d'un banc d'essais partiel et fournies par la société Turbomeca du groupe SAFRAN

    Exact Differentiation of Signals with Unbounded Higher Derivatives

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